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4:21 AM
Do you like beer? Vote for @WorldEngineer! Look over here, vote for @WorldEngineer! I'm quite sincere; vote for @WorldEngineer! Just like Shakespeare, vote for @WorldEngineer! Don't shed a tear, vote for @WorldEngineer!
Rhyming with engineer is hard. Jingle's are fun.
1 hour later…
5:44 AM
@JimmyHoffa I do like beer but I tend to drink more wine on account of it being easier on my stomach.
6:11 AM
already having stomach issues? You sure you want in this industry?
12 hours later…
5:54 PM
Did ya miss the part where @maple_shaft used to get sick everyday before work? In this industry programmers are expected to be everything to everyone and get treated like crap for it at more than half of companies. And then come home and spend an hour cleaning up after us. Good luck @WorldEngineer
1 hour later…
6:59 PM
@WorldEngineer @JimmyHoffa Fortunately that was only for 3 months, and if I hadn't gotten that offer I would have resigned that coming monday without another job lined up. It was the most miserable hellish job I have ever had in my life
The boss was a complete psychopath
not even a smart one
4 hours later…
11:10 PM
@JimmyHoffa I grew up in Silicon Valley, I know the lifestyle
I also know that not everyone drinks
given how fast I get a buzz, a bottle or two and I'm good. I don't care what people think on that point.

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