Good work everyone, we've clearly demonstrated the viability of this site!
And keep at it! There are lots more great questions to be asked and answered, and lots of people to invite now that it's that little bit easier, just sending them a link.
A person's idiolect is always influenced by numerous factors including regional variation, the people they interact with and, to an extent, the other languages they speak.
The question about whether or not Esperanto has dialectical variation has been discussed here, and the general consensus se...
Let's say that you want to create the conlang Conlang B. You want this conlang to be derived from Conlang A. Let's also say that you have some arbitrary period of time in between A and B. Are there any rules of thumb for how many "steps" (e.g., how many major grammar/vocabulary alterations, etc.)...
I'm trying to create a phrase in Tolkien's Elvish: "A Dream come true". Can anyone give me an exact answer?
Using I came up with "Enwe Lorien": literally, True Dream. Is that "correct"?