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2:13 AM
@JoeObbish Fixed thank you.
11 hours later…
1:27 PM
layers of fact checkers and editors
3 hours later…
4:40 PM
ORMs strike again
2 hours later…
6:15 PM
@JoeObbish This.
I know that @PaulWhite , @JoeObbish , and @sp_BlitzErik make fun of me for eating ~1.5 pounds (0.7 kilos) of red meat a day... but after over a year of eating like this I have my blood results.
Total cholesterol = 149 , HDL = 45, LDL = 88, Triglycerides = 69.
I have a better lipids profile than most vegans
1 hour later…
7:26 PM
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft i don't make fun of you. i envy you.
@sp_BlitzErik You don't envy my grocery bill, that's for damn sure.
well, maybe you do because I'm just feeding me
not almost 3 other humans
we probably spend $1200 a month on groceries
Good lord
I budget 800 for myself but I tend to be around 400
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft not surprised. you aren't allowed to eat most things that are good
400 is a lot for a grocery bill? Isn't that double food stamp levels?
I can't buy twinkies, so it could be
7:42 PM
when i lived in bushwick people bought the worst stuff on ebt
Most do, some don't. I blame it on a system that encourages it by making the worst possible food for you the cheapest. My family was on ebt before, I had free school lunches and such but my mother did a very good job at not buying crap and getting a variety. It obviously took her time to prepare it and such, but that's the give and take of it.
mostly the fault of the weed-industrial complex
1 hour later…
9:14 PM
Erik's comments are always from the heart
i do my best to speak to people how i wish to be spoken to
or whatever
can you speak to the numa nodes on my server?
where's my cookie?
I didn't see you at chicago
did I miss you?
i was dressed as bob pusateri
9:32 PM
"I think one of the reasons I like computers is that they’re so much easier to deal with than people. They’re predictable, emotions never get in the way, and there’s always a logical explanation for everything if you dig deep enough."
oh, the guy who took pictures?
the worst thing about these things is all of the pictures
9:49 PM
the rockstar says no pictures, please
with pass I sign away the rights to my life for a bunch of mugs
bad deal
10:14 PM
@JoeObbish You mean the pictures in the powerpoint slides that mean absolutely nothing.. like a random picture of a tree for a whole slide?
did they forget to fix the scalar udf thing?
or is that dev still on vacation?
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft no, I mean people taking pictures of me and uploading them to the internet
the dev who developed that new operator is on vacation too
everyone's on vacation
except us
@JoeObbish Well, you're famous - I'd welcome you to the club but I fly under the radar
@sp_BlitzErik That's funny because I was just reading the fixes, I figured there'd be more in there
that looks interesting
everything else is boring
10:17 PM
> Assume that you use Query Store in SQL Server 2017 on a server that has more than 256 logical cores.
@JoeObbish pshh you only have 96
there are people who don't do that?
as far as you know
what is a VSTS bug number?
there was an interesting sounding fix in CU8, so it naturally had no documentation
> The DMVs sys.dm_exec_query_stats, sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats and sys.dm_exec_trigger_stats now include the data that is spilled by parallelism operators, in the columns total_spills, last_spills, max_spills, and min_spills.
I like how they include that but not batch mode spills
thanks MSFT
10:19 PM
@JoeObbish you don't like this one? support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4089948/…
@JoeObbish It's the internal number the bug is in TFS
what kind of noob splits partitions?
@JoeObbish You're welcome - anything we can do to make you feel terrible :)
I create my partitions correctly the first time
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft so it's useless to anyone outside MSFT?
etl doesn't count
10:20 PM
Apparently you never slid a window
oh? you going to split a partition with data in it on a CCI?
@JoeObbish Yes, unless you want to use it to see if it's the same bug that's been fixed across version
good luck with that, chum!
there's more to life that etl
maybe in a blog post
at my leisure
10:21 PM
workaround: remove the clustered columnstore index
if i feel like it
why not just
workaround: buy an actual etl tool
workaround: drop the table and start over
10:22 PM
if everyone wasn't so bad at columnstore then maybe we would
I'm surprised you aren't using some super specialized column based software
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft tell me everything that you know about VSTS 11704339
i hear memsql can do a trillion rows a second
I thought about doing a pass session where I'd insert a trillion rows into a table while the session was going on
@JoeObbish Can you send me the link?
@JoeObbish He said, using a vm and hdd san storage
I could do it with 5400 RPM drives
because I'm pro
> Improves the query performance when an optimized bitmap filter is applied to the query plan.
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft why isn't there a KB?
I dunno, I'd have to look
10:26 PM
Something to do with joining a Columnstore to a rowstore... then I got bored of reading
ok good
that sounds like the bug I reported
but why is there no KB?
I need a KB with a few vaguely worded, confusing sentences!
It basically says "Suppose" about 7 times before it gets to the issue - I suppose it's a fairly tiny edge case
so not worth a KB? outrageous
hey I got a good idea
you should let people leave comments on KB articles
10:30 PM
This guy
that way you can have the same quality BOL commenters sharing their wisdom there as well
We let people leave comments on Docs pages - you see what that does
i wish the internet would go comment free
or maybe like once a year
people could leave comments
Then in 3 months you'll say how the quality of kb articles has plummeted
like the purge
> implying it can get worse
10:31 PM
I like the internet for the troll place it is
@sp_BlitzErik Not implying, calling it out directly lol
usually helps if you download and install a new CU before trying to test features in it huh
Depends on who you are
not joe
Then probably
i'm supposed to skype with a famous joe on friday
what should i wear>
10:32 PM
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft you jokers aren't even making them anymore
interrogation mark
how can you go lower than that?
@sp_BlitzErik clothes
@sp_BlitzErik wife beater and a tutu
Birthday suit - it's a suit so it has to be professional, right?
10:33 PM
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft you should allow moderated comments
so the community can explain what the hell is actually being fixed
@JoeObbish Sounds a lot like big government - I can't allow that
How do you petition to get on that list? Who goes over the list? Is there a point of contact? Is this a headcount add? Who moderates the moderator?
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft on which list?
you're making this too complicated
when I try to add a uservoice item, it doesn't show up right away
it needs to be "approved"
just use the same process
There is no process like that for KBs so it'd have to be created
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft Ok, you've talked me into it. Thanks!
I fully support you
I can't believe the fixes that we wanted were delegated to the D-list
@sp_BlitzErik Should I be offended?
@JoeObbish Gotta give it your A game next time
Don't be afraid to put a little blood and tears into it
10:41 PM
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft I did, and support said that it wasn't a bug
Still have the case#?
yeah, case 58173204549FU
You know our case#'s are numeric, not alpha numeric
I always get the same case number
I don't understand why
"Routed>Joe Obbish>Another Columnstore complaint"
11:04 PM
anyone know of a good write up on implementing rls pre-2016?
Who asked that? Thank them for giving me some lulz
hang on
> cat pictures
take a picture of brunch while you're at it
You think that's for the "hang on" reference, but really it was for the explain plan
11:08 PM
check out this chickadee
It's not hanging in there, it's strangling itself
@sp_BlitzErik we actually did this
well, we accomplished the same thing
it was a good time
did you use nested views?
used views, but not nested views
11:15 PM
well, check your email if you need a laugh
I've seen worse
didn't even faze me
jaded rockstar unfazed by atrocity
cool guys don't look at explosions
does it use USER_NAME()?
i don't remember
we had a long adventure with cached plans
11:20 PM
USER_NAME() - perfect, I can just go ahead and impersonate someone
it might not have been that one
but on my database you would be a lowly peon
SUSER_SNAME() 4 lyfe
unable to impersonate anyone
Why do you tantalize me with these juicy tidbits and then backtrack?
@sp_BlitzErik that sounds right
11:21 PM
You're such a SQL tease
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft reality can be harsh
Erik, do you know anything about writing pass bios?
only if you want to get rejected
@sp_BlitzErik You've just written the story of my life
have you "only" done the precon?
11:24 PM
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft i should just get a job at ms so i don't have to bother trying
@JoeObbish what do you mean?
@sp_BlitzErik Have you done any other things at summit in the past? I've only gone one year
@sp_BlitzErik Because no matter what, you won't be selected
Unless you're the PM for the new cloud based whizbang
@JoeObbish i've submitted but only done the precon with brent
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft i would be the vp of sassy blog posts
LOL - blogs are on your own time, the other 12 hours a day you need to be working
I'm also fairly certain you'd fail the sexual harassment training
unless you blog for a living
like paul
11:27 PM
well I'd ask Brent but he seems busy this week
so I'll settle for you
shit just got real....
florida man shouts on internet
he knows that I don't mean it
@JoeObbish There's way more interesting news about Floridians
yeah? well do something interesting then, florida boy
I'm not interesting :(
11:29 PM
move to the midwest
better beef
no alligators
no hurricanes
no interesting people to make you feel boring
miles of cow shit
freezing year round
miles is the wrong unit
@JoeObbish Negative
@JoeObbish Ice storms, tornados, lack of teeth
maybe you'll get lucky and tinder match with a project manager from tulsa
there's snow about 10 feet away from me
right now
and at all times
@JoeObbish It was 74 degrees and 100% humidity today
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft you're going to claim that florida has high teeth per capita? pfft
@JoeObbish Not counting LA and LG, yeah
ok great, so let's not count the parts that get tornados
see? no tornados
11:31 PM
@JoeObbish Also no Midwest then
@sp_BlitzErik If I present at sql saturday in NYC next year can we hang out?
TBF - MSP airport has arguably the most beautiful people I've ever witnessed in my life... like they pay models to just fly places or something.
@JoeObbish we can always hang out
airports have beautiful people in general
because they contain rich people from all over
mmmmmm, disagree
11:32 PM
clearly never been to newark airport
well I suppose it's all relative
buncha nerfs
proles, one may say
i am tickled!
I've seen people who looked like models on the public bus before
11:34 PM
@JoeObbish clearly they shouldn't be there
wearing bikinis
two of them
it only happened once
in 7 years
Oh you've met my friends in the NSA
yeah, they realized you weren't a threat and moved onto the next person
@sp_BlitzErik why'd you ask for a signature? doesn't no one live by Paul for hundreds of miles?
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft if by "met" you mean "tried to stare without getting caught", then yes
@sp_BlitzErik 2 weeks of shipping and customs later...
@JoeObbish So do the same with columnstore
11:37 PM
i think signature is required when it's insured for over a certain amount
maybe someday you'll get one of my old laptops
if you blog good
i'd send one to sean but they're not good enough for him
That's not true
Well, maybe
but still
Seriously, though, who do I have to promise sexual favors from Joe to in order to get the laptop I want
I want a 96 core server in my apartment
you wouldn't be able to afford the electricity
@JoeObbish How old is the wiring and how dirty is the power?
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft this is actually a good point
11:39 PM
Question 2) How afraid are you of fires?
Yeah, ask me how I know....
it shouldn't be that bad?
question 3) do you have really good noise canceling headphones
Live in Philly in an apartment building that had to be 80 years old
GPUs draw a ton of power after all
I guess there are three main obstacles
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft 80 would be relatively young for philly
11:40 PM
1) crazy RAM prices
Before you decide, look at your breaker box and see if you have any 20 amp circuits not really being used
2) no one sells 4 socket motherboards. jerks
3) burning everything down
@sp_BlitzErik Exactly.
@JoeObbish Then where do the servers get them from? Magic? Aether?
although I hate my upstairs neighbors, so maybe that wouldn't be so bad
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft find me one that's not ass
I'll be your upstairs neighbor so I can stomp on the floor everytime you mention columnstore
11:41 PM
florida man talks to computers while chatting on them
@JoeObbish Beggars can't be choosy
you know that's not how this works, right?
@JoeObbish Isn't that normal?
you can do it to role play if you want
I like role play
11:43 PM
so what did you send Paul?
Be forewarned though, I'm true neutral/chaotic neutral
no wonder you can't deadlift beautiful, florida women
@JoeObbish my old laptop, which was somehow better than his laptop
@JoeObbish There's no wondering... I can't deadlift 600 pounds yet
@sp_BlitzErik you set the login screen to something good, right?
11:44 PM
@sp_BlitzErik I'd hate to see the shipping on that
kangaroo man?
Remember when you couldn't send software out of country if it had "strong cryptography"
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft $200 with insurance, dhl
@JoeObbish i installed ubuntu
@sp_BlitzErik Somehow that isn't bad but I feel like I should cringe
but why
@SeanGallardy-Microsoft it's a very good return on investment
11:47 PM
because i don't have a windows key i can give him and i felt the drive wipe would be more secure if it changed the underlying file system on top of normal formatting
My laptop wishlist:
1) Mechanical keyboard (cherry mx, brown, blue, red)
2) 8+ cores
3) TPM 2.0+
4) 64GB+
5) GeForce 1080
6) **single** power supply
lol tpm
@sp_BlitzErik Just use a disk shredder for DoD compliancy
The hardest thing to find is mechanical keyboard
it feels like that would prevent the computer from functioning
11:48 PM
yeah but you could have put a keylogger on it
then you'd get blog posts ahead of time
keyloggers won't make it through a wipe
that's why you install the OS
I want to change to infosec
I have much more fun breaking into things these days
i couldn't even get sql server to install
fuck outta here
it'll be a good fit for your feeling of superiority over others
I mean, why do you want to switch, Sean?
11:49 PM
I wrote a keylogger once
which girlfriend dumped you over it
@JoeObbish Who do I look like, Evan?
@sp_BlitzErik None, someone paid me to make one to spy on their wife
no Evan discussions in here
this sounds like a confession
and what is that about?
guy couldn't use an off-the-shelf one?
I already had most of the code, one of my friends wanted their keys to work differently so I wrote a low level keyboard hook to change the keys per their mapping request
@JoeObbish those are found by anti-malware
just disable it
you got physical access
11:52 PM
Kids these days
Anyway - keep your eyes open for the laptop of my dreams
back in those days there was no "microsoft impossible to turn off anti-malware"
Here is the closest thing I've found so far: us.msi.com/Laptop/…
NoScript XSS Warning
nice try, keylogger man
It's legit
keylogger man claims that his links are "legit"
11:55 PM
:trust no one:
/plays x-files theme music
you have digital music? what kind of a security guy are you?
true security guys only play vinyl
I only listen to music through a non-descript laser
sadly, I never get to choose the music
you can hire me to dj your life
is it legit to call myself an "expert" in columnstore?
I mean that's all relative, right?
11:59 PM
you're probably as close as it gets
how's that stored proc coming?
mr expert
those are great quotes for my bio
@sp_BlitzErik plan to work on it after sql saturday madison

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