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9:36 AM
@Toyu_Frey By the way, here's another relative clause from your linked page:
> 僕が話しかけた瞬間(しゅんかん)、 少女の持つナイフが稲妻のように閃いた。
I spoke for an instant, the girl and the knife she carried came/sped towards me like a flash of lightning across the open space/room.
(僕が話しかけた)瞬間、~~ = The moment (when I talked to her), ~~
僕が話しかけた modifies the noun 瞬間.
And one more...
(少女の持つ)ナイフ = the knife (which the girl has)
The relative clause 少女の持つ modifies the noun ナイフ.
I see a lot of relative clauses used in the text on that page..
This whole line is a noun phrase: 妙になれなれしい, ふざけたような口調. But it's more natural to translate it as a normal sentence (Subject+Verb+...) when translating into English, so you translated it as "His voice was...", am I right?
(rather than translating it literally as a noun phrase, as in "A strangely over-familiar way of speaking, as if joking.")

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