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I'm working on a spreadsheet of Arqade tags with need renaming. Should I submit these as separate requests on Meta?…
I think separate would be a good idea. There's a few there that aren't just abbreviated to fit the old 25 limit but are community-agreed upon abbreviations.
I think if you keep doing what you're doing - raise similar tags together
would probably be best
But honestly it's up to you
This current list isn't too big
nice work putting this together though :)
No problem!
@Robotnik I've noticed a few "Status complete" retags that don't have answers. Should these be left alone?
At a glance, I'm sometimes thrown off when there's no accepted answer.
If they're old, leave them alone yeah
plus some are more 'discussion'-y then actual 'requests'
I prefer to keep 'status-completed' to things that request something explicitly :)
I meant the reverse actually
Questions that were marked [status-complete] but don't have a posted answer
yeah "eh" is my response there :P
Fair enough :P
the community bot won't bump them if there's a status tag

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