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@Riker no, alexce is not, alecxe is :p
@alecxe >_>
2 hours later…
Any updates on the mother of dragons hat?
Is it post on a new site and get 3 upvotes or more?
It may take three days to have passed.
That's one thought.
1 hour later…
Oh, thanks
2 hours later…
@David Looks like a checkmark. Maybe something to do with an accepted answer?
Looks like a chicken to me (it's facing the right)
4 hours later…
@Panda I can see that too. We need the CSI team to zoom and enhance it.
@Mego Lol, hopefully that’ll get us more details to solve the mystery of the chicken
I've looked at at least 20 or 30 profiles and they all had at least +3 score, were a first post, some had DVs, VTCs, etc
2 hours later…
@Stephie well done. you guessed the correct hat. :)
@David what happened to the attempt at puzzling?
@Stephie DVed so only +1 score :/
was my first puzzle, it was "too broad"
I decided to just be mostly happy with whatever hat tumbles in my direction. I'm not active on the sites with high attendance, so some hats are just out of my reach.
(I might have used the opportunity to delete a few obsolete comments, though.)
@Panda Could be. I got one at sustainability.se after writing my first answer there (currently it is +4; might have been +3 when I got the hat)
But I also did my first down-vote, got a critic batch, and flagged a question as "not in the scope as defined in the help center". All these actions (and the answer +4) happened in the time frame when I got the hat.
What's a critic batch?
@Panda I'm nearly 100% sure it is first post with 3+ score, 72 hours after you posted.
@tchrist have you never baked a batch of critics before?
@tchrist I'd guess "critic badge"
They're quite tasty.
@Mithrandir rather harsh aren't they?
Add more vanilla.
what about chocolate?
I'm just still trying to figure out how to pronounce the name Papahānaumoku.
That's the long version o_o
but the mp3 at the top was better
:-P Badge ... sry. With chocolate is my favorite one
I was just wondering how to pronounce the title of my question, actually :P
Q: Did Papahānaumoku die?

MithrandirPapahānaumoku is the Polynesian mother island goddess. While looking her up on Wikipedia, I see this line: Papanuihanaumoku, also known as Papa and Papatuanuku died in Waieri, Tahiti. I Googled this, and came up with at least two other sources for this (1) (2), but they all seem to say exac...

@David well, we'll see when it becomes 72 hours after I posted mythology.stackexchange.com/questions/3208/…
:( why are gold badges so slowwww
specifically copy editor but eh
@Riker You think that's bad. Try going for a gold tag badge ...
Illuminator. Try going for Illuminator, the only badge that has gold leaf built right into its name.
got the badge, hat is still slow :p
@tchrist I'm more than half way there. I'm closer to legendary which is my next gold badge target (nothing to do with hats though) :)
I'm hoping for another Famous Question badge :P
Only another 730 views.
I'm going for Electorate. 350 votes to go :P
@DavidPostill I'm at 283/500 for Illuminator, 127/150 for Legendary.
@tchrist I'm at 111/150 for legendary and 272/500 for illuminator
Edit harder. :)
@tchrist Yep. I keep answering and forgetting to edit the question :/
who is known to have 'mother of dragons'?
alecxe does not count he has too many
@Riker indigochild, Stephie and daniel.neumann have "mother of dragons". i think it's awarded for a first post with a certain number of upvotes - 3 maybe
hm cool
or 4 votes, #2 and #3 on your list have 4 votes
I just received a hat wuhu
@Riker It's definitely 3.
would it be unseemly to ask someone to expand my cosmic brain?
@ekhumoro that desperate, huh?
@Stephie so it would be unseemly :) it suppose it's nicer to just wait for hats to come, without trying too hard to get them. i sometimes wonder how some users always seem to get all the hats every year, though...
@ekhumoro you can of course work hard, post great questions and answers and do cleanup. Rumor has it that there are users that even plan ahead for getting a gold badge just in time for Winterbash. But begging? LOL, just kidding, do as you please!
@Stephie well, i try to do most of that all year round, anyway (apart from the questions). i never seem to get anywhere near the full set of hats, though. some of the criteria for awarding the hats seems very artificial
Regarding "Hero Of Time": ask a question when it is 7:00 pm in any time zone, does anybody know how precisely the time has to match? Does it have to be down to the second, or is asking the question within a minute of the hour OK?
Within a minute
It would have been within a second if they specified 7:00:00 pm
OK thanks.

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