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1:17 AM
Your code is looking really good.
I see you got the virtual properties working?
Pretty much the only thing I'd change is I'd move the views to their own folder instead of having them at the root, if I could.
And, of course, using Razor syntax.
You can get that last page up in a few minutes, I bet.
I wasn't going to do much with the Confirmation. not sure what they were looking for there.
My Wife already found some things I need to change.
going to add the quantity stuff in so it doesn't show a list of fruit that I already have in the cart but instead a quantity
1:53 AM
Also, I think you are definitely ready for a senior position. Probably not ready to be the smartest person in the room, though ;)
(FWIW, I'm not ready for that either.)
For confirmation, I'd display a list of things they ordered and a thanks message
Also, can you please re-link your github?
Also, I think you need to save the user name on the cart.
Otherwise, you won't know who's order is who's.
I haven't saved the order anywhere except in the form of the cart.
I was thinking about doing that, but not sure they were looking for something overly complex..
I was actually going to create an order entity as well
I know I am not the smartest guy in the room...lol
thank you
let me push the quantity changes. I also made the listviews look the same
I also had to add another folder to my ignore list, and change the password to the SQL login
I am a little worried about adding that to the confirmation page because I am getting rid of the session on the page load. but if I store the name then I could find the cart by that too
2:49 AM
@Malachi You don't need to.
Just do public string UserName { get; set; } on the cart.
make it nullable or empty string, and take it when they submit the order?
Just empty string will work. No need for nullable.
Also, FWIW, string is a reference type, so it is nullable by default.
I know, I was trying to think of the term
I mean that empty string will work
Although, if I were you, when they click "Confirm", I'd take the cart ID from that page and pass it to the controller.
The controller can pull the data from the DB and pass it to the next page, so it doesn't matter if the session remembers it.
that's the thing with this app though, I am not using the MVC Model
2:53 AM
Oh, why not?
well, I guess I kind of am...
I have a logic folder and a model folder
That is more or less the MVC model.
Now you just need a controller that listens to a request, passes data to the business logic to get processed, and returns a view that uses the model created by the logic.
I actually have the Apress Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 book on my desk as well...
one of the books I am going to study
it is sitting underneath the Wrox Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and VB book
How many books do you have?
you could knock someone silly with those two...lol
2:56 AM
Only one I read cover-to-cover is C# In Depth.
14 that deal with some programming area.
on my desk at the moment
I read DI in .NET almost cover-to-cover, except for several chapters on specific DI frameworks.
I read about half of Clean Code before I got bored--I learned all that on CR.
4 of them are holding up one of my monitors, but they are 2 old php/Mysql and Crystal Reports and some 2008 integration services book
I'm finishing up Stroustrup's book for beginner C++'ers very slowly now.
And I've read parts of various Exchange Server/DB/web dev/Java books for college, but not enough to talk about.
So, you are definitely better read than I am on this :P
Don't worry about it. You're doing fine.
the 3.5 book is from when I was in school, and we didn't go over all of it.
that Headfirst SQL book is from school too and the 2008 C# book I have and the object Oriented approach to programming logic and design book
3:02 AM
I keep meaning to start a programming school, but I don't have the time.
I have two Javascript books that I am hoping will make me a wizard...lol
At first I just need to compile a bunch of resources and quizzes.
do pair programming over the net
Later, I'd like to do more interactive stuff.
Visual Studio and Code is going that way.
saw it on twitter I think
3:03 AM
But it's hard when I'm gone 11.5 hours 3 days a week and 8.5 the 4th. I work from home the 5th.
But I'm too burned to program much anymore.
I play support and architect on RD, but that's it.
I'm going to do a little more in a few weeks when I'm on vacation, and then I'm stepping back.
I want to be able to do personal projects without feeling guilty about not working on RD.
I may extend the website. That would give me more experience with some of the tech I want to work on.
I'd also like to do a bunch of Roslyn diagnostics.
I'm fine at work, and I like programming still, but I just don't have the mental resources to do personal programming anymore.
It may or may not help that parts of work's codebase feels like you peel back duct tape and find binder twine.
Anyway, TTGTB. See you tomorrow, and good luck.
lol. thank you
I know what you mean,
I have a few things that I want to do to this code, but I am spent
thank you again, and goodnight
Oh, one quick thing: did you see that the white bar indentation is a little more than the dark bar?
You need to remove the col class on the span there.
what browser are you using?
oh I see what you are saying
which span?
found it, thank you.
11 hours later…
1:50 PM
Did you set up your Azure site to automagically publish when you push to the repo?
no not yet.
I gotta check it though
I'll show you how to do that later, after this gets finished.
It's all Azure side, so...
2:09 PM
when I pushed and pulled it erased the Web.Config and the publish file.
because I have them in the ignore file
I must have put them in there wrong... I need to use
That's weird.
git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>
I think
right now it is freaking out about Invalid Token 'Text' at root level
but I can't find anything like that
I am even looking at it in notepad
It was just working. What changed?
The Web.config was deleted. and I had to create a new one. I think I might have to save this file somewhere else and then make sure that the debug and release versions are deleted and then try to re add
2:15 PM
and I can't get back the one that I had because it wasn't being tracked....
going to open the file in another application and make sure there aren't any weird characters. probably newline character out of place or something
Extra Character that VS couldn't see
You actually don't need that file.
Go to Azure and connect it to the repo there.
It'll automagically build when you push.
what do you mean? instead of github?
I put it on Github so that they could see the code
No, connect the Azure website to the GitHub repo.
You don't need that file to push it to Azure, really.
Oh wait, I'm probably wrong.
Because I've not done this stuff with DB's and all before.
2:32 PM
I got it fixed
now I have to figure out how to make it so that it doesn't happen again
but I need another cup of coffee first
Planning on submitting it around noon today?
already sent it to them.
Oh, you did?
So, they might be watching as you work?
Let's hope they didn't think it was already done.
the one guy I emailed, looked at the code, and told me he would let me fix it before he sent the email around
I got it fixed within an hour
Oh, it's done?
What was wrong?
2:40 PM
first the Web.config was missing, then the new one I put in had an extra hidden character before the root element, which is not allowed. so I had to delete something that I couldn't see. then it was fixed.
OK. They needed to see that too?
Good luck. It sounds like they like you, so you have a pretty good chance.
I don't know that they needed to see the site running...don't think they need to see web.config.
and they didn't ask to see data either
Why did he say you needed to fix it?
If I were you, I'd send them the link to the Azure site.
It would show what it looks like, and that you have proof that it actually works, and that you have experience admining a site too.
I sent him both the Github and the Azure site link
that is why I knew it wasn't working
Ah, good.
Oh, the Azure site was down?
It was up when I went to it this morning, so it was already fixed :)
Did you get virtual properties set up so you didn't need that SP?
I'm working on restructuring a code-first DB right now myself. I'm having trouble with one point in the migration.
2:47 PM
@Hosch250 adding it to my list
They should already work, looking at the code on the Development branch.
Those are those virtual properties--EF automagically populates them.
right now I want make sure I can pull without losing my local config files.
Which branch are they looking at?
Make sure any work you do is in a different one.
3:13 PM
lol. I am not sure which branch they are looking at.
You've got to tell them Development.
Unless you merged Dev into Master.
I did. they should both be fairly similar at this point
3:44 PM
think I will just have to remember to stash the web.config at the moment.
and to put the config files into my gitignore files before I commit the first time.
and learn Git better
@Malachi Ignore it in VS.
@Malachi Or that.
if I had done it with a SQL Server other than Azure, or I had Active Directory set up, it wouldn't matter, because I wouldn't have the login and password in there, the application would have perms
but I couldn't remember how to set all that up...not sure which would have taken longer, looking back at it
4 hours later…
7:29 PM
what am I doing wrong here?
var cartID = Guid.Parse(Session["CartID"].ToString());
var cart = from c in db.Cart
           where c.CartID == cartID
           select c;
Cart cartEntity = cart as Cart;
cartEntity.UserName = NameOnOrder.Value;
says that cartEntity is null
Under the debugger?
What's cartID?
Does that ID exist in the DB?
Oh, I get it.
cart is an IEnumerable<Cart>.
let me set it up again
You probably want something like: db.Cart.First(w => w.CartID == cartID)
Yeah, that inherits from IEnumerable.
You can't cast a collection of items to a single item :)
Doesn't the Cart contain a collection of CartItems?
It should.
Do you know method-style Linq?
Because your query is basically: db.Cart.Where(c => c.CartID == cartID)
That is returning an IQueryable<Cart>, and then you cast it to a Cart in the assignment to cartEntity.
You need to pull the first item from the cart there.
7:38 PM
yeah. trying to remember it all. and I don't have much experience actually using it either
You're doing fine.
You just can't cast a collection of items to a single item :P
I should try 2017 again...it was being a butthead a couple of weeks ago, wouldn't run anything
I don't have as much intellisense as I would if I had a full professional version of VS
If I were you, I'd uninstall all VS's and reinstall just 2017.
that could be the issue too.
They don't play nice together when you get more than 2 in at a time.
7:51 PM
that could be the issue too.
They don't play nice together when you get more than 2 in at a time.
Stupid SE chat.
I had that issue at work a while back.
is it chat I thought it was my connection or wifi. I am having issues too
my projects won't get deleted, will they?
I have at least 3 versions installed.
Chat went down for a while.
working on this is now a little less stressful...lol now that I have given them something....lol
I want to know how to do this and have a working version that I can put into a site for my Wife's artwork
found a way to do the HTML kind of like you were thinking with the Razor Syntax, only without the Razor Syntax
wish I were using the razor syntax though.
8:12 PM
think I am going to get rid of my old SSMS as well

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