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1:31 AM
@Mego just checking in, where are we on CRUD/editing? I could try to knock out some other features with ASCII-only in the meanwhile.
1:57 AM
@Downgoat It's been ready for frontend work for weeks
2:40 AM
@Mego so should we merge the CRUD branch and then merge frontend or should I push frontend to CRUD branch and then merge everything altogether?
also I am setting up a codenvy for Axtell, which is an online collaborative editor, i can send an invite to the code.axtell.io@gmail.com if you'd like
@Downgoat Just develop frontend on CRUD branch
@Downgoat I don't know that we need an online collaborative editor, but I guess
4:05 AM
@Mego when running alembic revision --autogenerate -m $RANDOM I'm getting, ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'app' do you know what i might be doing wrong, because I am running in the root Axtell dir where the app folder does exist
I think it needs to be run in the app directory
I remember having a ton of problems with it when I first started using it

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