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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@ton.yeung sry the context just wsn;t there for me
I've been watching too much yugioh abridged
i feel dumber now
@ton.yeung the irony is in the name, Manga Entertainment, a producer, licensor and distributor of Japanese animation, despite its name, the company's principal business is the distribution of anime rather than manga
@Krazer Whenever I feel dumber I read this article. Makes me feel not so dumb again.
@LoganM this is surprisingly well-written
@Krazer Most AMS Notices are very well written and fairly accessible to non-specialists.
@ton.yeung American Mathematical Society
@ton.yeung i thought it was on haitus
@ton.yeung still chapters 1 and 2
@ton.yeung who knows
you should ask on twitter
@ton.yeung I'll do better next time
I'm such a turtle
@iKlsR save us kewl lewser
@Krazer my headphones were on max, the ping sound scared the shit out of me
my work here is done
@Krazer anyways, take your pills and go to bed.
@iKlsR you know I can't help it! I have an addiction!
@iKlsR PING!
@Eric I turned it down after the second one :P
@ton.yeung wut?
@iKlsR Meanie. :(
@Eric PING!
@LoganM PONG!
@Eric @LoganM @Krazer @ton.yeung ping
@Eric @LoganM @Krazer @ton.yeung ping v2
@iKlsR You don't send the pong. That doesn't make sense. It's like calling into a cave and then shouting the reply.
@iKlsR I think @Krazer won't get those. IIRC limit 2 pings per message
damn those turtle powers..
@LoganM I got all 4
@Krazer XD
hmm so I could ping everyone with one messages then?
@Downvoter what?
@LoganM I'm tempted to say try it. Put someone like me last, though, to see if I get it. But you'd probably piss off a lot of people trying it. :P
Let's try it in The Bridge or some other heavily populated room then.
@Krazer @ton.yeung @Krazer @Borgleader @MadaraUchiha @Neko_Kun @Eric @LoganM wat?
@iKlsR Received ping.
I'm going to go hide for a bit.
@iKlsR that only counts as 1
@iKlsR I didn't get that one
@LoganM oops. forgot
okay I got it with the edit
I really thought there was a limit to the number of pings you could send out with one message though.
I should ping the entire C++ room
@iKlsR wut?
@Borgleader wat?
@ton.yeung possible
@ton.yeung we only has jurisdiction on our side.. SO is on the other side.
SE mods don't have power on SO or meta.so
@iKlsR Do chat suspensions on SO carry over to Chat SE?
@iklsr boom boom
@LoganM possibly.. dunno
@Krazer capitalization please
@ton.yeung In a sense.
I'm going to go away for a few days..
@iKlsR no don't go!
Or else we may constantly ping you until you come back
@LoganM o.O
you guys wouldn't...
@iKlsR lol
@iKlsR depends on where you go
@iKlsR Were you there when @Mysticial left for only a couple minutes and we pinged him like 20 times?
@LoganM I was o.o
@iKlsR Imagine if you left for a few days
hmm.. I'll change my name
we could ping you literally thousands of times in that timespan
@iKlsR Should still work as long as you have posts here in the past 20 days
@iKlsR we'll find you
@iKlsR Name changes are automatically retroactively updated in chat so it won't be hard.
gais.. stahp
Ther once wuz a gurl who had cancr and had 1 day to liv. Her bf left her and she dide. Liek if u cry evrytim.
My brother makes $18000 a month selling ipads from home. You can too bit.ly/asas12v1rus
rofl wat
@iKlsR im so tempted to click this link just to see what kind of troll this is
@ton.yeung the guy who made candy crush saga probably makes more than that selling "candy"
@iKlsR daaaaaaaaayum
Nothing lol
@ton.yeung Nothing, lol?
lol nothing is funny
@ton.yeung nothing, really
@ton.yeung nothing.
@Krazer nothing.. ?
@iKlsR really.
I don't even know what we're talking about anymore. Maybe it's nothing.
@ton.yeung Nothing, lol?
@Neko_Kun really!
@Krazer Lol, wut?
What the?
In all seriousness Sup guiz
@Eric nothing
@ton.yeung @LoganM ... Nothing?
@Eric really!
@Krazer Really really?
@ton.yeung Nothing is up.
@Eric nothin
@Krazer nothing.. ?
@ton.yeung Perhaps... up is everything.
@Eric really?
@LoganM It could be.
@Eric lol
@ton.yeung 6 is recap of Nekomonogatari Black. 7 is new content. Both are out as of right now.
If you got it from Commie, they relabeled 7 as 6 and didn't sub 6 at all just to confuse people because they are a troll group. Not sure about other groups besides HS which got it right.
@ton.yeung That's true of several groups, but I agree that Commie is to be avoided. I still get theirs though because they seem to do more signs than the other groups that work on the show.
@ton.yeung do you mean Hanekawa?
Anyway I don't remember that but it could be.
The toothbrush scene from Nisemonogatari is one of my favorite scenes in all of anime. I used to play it through my speakers at 3 in the morning at full volume to annoy my neighbors.
@ton.yeung Yes, though the apartment I used to live in is different from the one I'm currently in.
Wow I found this really good AMV here it is
because y not
My favorite is the banana thing
Someone actually built a replica of it: crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/06/02/…
I guess he was lazy.
In any case if I were at all capable of doing so I'd probably consider making one myself as well. It looks really cool.
Shinobu is a really good character because she likes donuts.
But I don't think there were any donuts in that episode
meh it will be okay because Shinobu is cute
araragi furniture
A: Is Fullmetal Alchemist based on Nazi Germany?

Charlie KellySPOILER ALERT Ed killed all the jews.

^^ NAA?
@Mysticial NAA, VLQ, or custom reason would all suffice, lol. Perhaps even "spam" or "unfit for our community".
It's pretty much the easiest flag ever. You can't go wrong.
Looking closer, it's clearly a neo-Nazi troll attempt.
yibis fansubs are the worst thing ever created..
every word is spelt wrong.
@iKlsR Example?
@Eric just some one piece I am watching..
@iKlsR Show.
I think One Piece is the only thing they sub, too.
@Eric too troublesome, I already deleted them anyways
problem is always spelt pryblem for example
and the tense is always wrong
... lol
oh its a habit i got from SO. s/a/b/ means replace (or substitute) a for b.
yep. "gah.. why can't real girls be as cute as sue"
well there are a few american celebrities that are really pretty, but on the whole though i think the comment applies generally not just to the american population.
the stats might be a little skewed if you live in XXL town
lol im tired too that didnt make much sense.
I'll come back to you if i find a decent formulation for what i want to say xD
@ton.yeung nyaa. itadakimasu
tanukis are racoons - one piece .. lulz
How expensive and how troublesome is it to import raw mangas?
The NA mangas and the japanese ones are printed differently?
Huh... I guess that makes sense.
Q: What does "There's a route but no loop" mean?

ton.yeung"There's a route but no loop" is the episode title for Genshiken Nidaime - 08. I'm assuming this is a reference to gal games, but what does that mean?

Q: Bohemian Tanuki?

ton.yeungUchouten Kazoku - Episode 07 (00:36) I thought tanuki were a Japanese thing. What does Yasaburou Shimogamo mean when he says: "Even for a Bohemian tanuki like me..." Do tanuki exist in eastern europe?

7 hours later…
@Borgleader @ton.yeung 3DPD
1 hour later…
Q: What anime promotes self-perfection and being self-driven as well as/(even better than) FMA does?

groovy354What I really enjoy about FMA is how it emphasises main characters' consistency on achieving their goal, and that consistency by itself seems to be very prominent throughout the whole scenario. What other animes are also built around this idea?

@ton.yeung ¯\(ツ)/¯
@Eric I disagree with this
A: Do we need a 'viewing-order' tag?

EricI think we should get rid of viewing-order. I come to this conclusion based on the points I made in the question: There will probably not be an expert on viewing orders in general, and the answers will likely come from people who are intimate with the tagged series. In lieu of viewing-order, any...

@ton.yeung too broad imo
@iKlsR I tried a counterpoint but it was futile
@Krazer -san, I might come up with something later..
@ton.yeung yes, all same universe, robotics;note is on the same world line as the end of Stiens;gate
certain stiens gate characters make cameos
most notably Nae
@iKlsR if you can argue that one can be mutually exclusive from a series tag, then you'd have a pretty good footing for and arguement
@LoganM This game looks amaze!
@ton.yeung grown up, yes
Q: Why did the "until we graduate" provision enter into the ending of OreImo?

senshinIn the last episode of Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (season 2, episode 16 / OVA episode 3), we learn that Kirino and Kyousuke agreed to the following: This is kind of weird, since:

@Krazer looks <3
Q: Why Does Naruto Still Like Sakura?

SogekingWhat characteristic of Sakura that makes Naruto like her? She was very useless in the original Naruto, and she is in love with Sasuke. Not to mention she did not have anything traumatic in her childhood, unlike Hinata, who actually liked Naruto from the beginning. Also he neraly unleashed the nin...

@iKlsR Feel free to review the discussion between Krazer and myself. (From here to here, it's a bit messy though.) Or I can answer your questions now, if you like.
@Eric a bit busy atm. We can discuss this a bit later.
@iKlsR Sure.~
@ton.yeung School starts monday so I'm all over the place making final preparations and stuffs.. payments etc
My classes don't start until the 9th of Sept, lol.
And payments aren't due until the 27th.
@MrPineapple I love this:
There's no explaining love~ <3 — MrPineapple 57 mins ago
:3 huhu
It reminds me of Zero no Tsukaima, lol. I don't know WHY Louise and Saito are in love. Every episode there's a new random reason for them to hate each other.
it's imaginary
@ton.yeung It really isn't. lol
idk, i think sakura is pretty cool
Ack, I'm late on naruto. runs away to avoid spoilers
Naruto is actually a ghost
Somebody needs to post a low quality post so I can get my editor badge for doing one of those =P
@ton.yeung i like em both :) maybe hinata a little more, but idk
@ton.yeung she'll be leaving soon
@ton.yeung Ino is good too :3
@ton.yeung I meant just in general <3
@iKlsR It's so true. I use vim and vimperator and can't even touch Eclipse.
@Danalog @ton.yeung Sublime Text
@Danalog Emacs and recently Sublime Text
but this is anime chat >_<
I'm obsessed with code editors to the point that I wrote one.
@MrPineapple Jon Skeet makes Anime with vi, so it's cool.
We talk about far more than anime in here. It used to be tagged with but Madara mod abused it and took it away.
@Eric I didn't "mod abuse" it, you "room owner abused" yours!
@MadaraUchiha I didn't add it. You are the bad guy.
@Eric You can mean multiple people in English.
@MadaraUchiha Wut
@MadaraUchiha Yes, but it has to either A) involve the party spoken to, or B) mean all people in general. In this case, neither applies.
@MadaraUchiha How
@MrPineapple How.. what?
anime, in vim?
@MrPineapple It has all my favorite commands and tools. I based it on Emacs and ST roughly and every now and then steal features and add to it.
Oh, yeah, nice, all those tags are gone so I can see more fun starred chat things. Way to go @MadaraUchiha!
@Danalog Don't support mod abuse!
i remember one of the guys in college submitting coding assignments in word :)
@Eric mod abuse!
@MrPineapple Jon Skeet wrote his latest project in MSPaint, just for fun.
pretty :)
@iKlsR Jot!? ><
@MadaraUchiha Tell us more facts
@Eric yep
Oh the horror that is Java.. why didn't I use scintilla and winapi
@iKlsR Wat. that's not Java.
I have to use Java most of the time at work.... except when I get to use Perl!
@iKlsR You made this? :O
@Eric not the code, the app is written in Java.. After like a month after I started learning it.. code is some Qt
@MadaraUchiha Ack, get that out of here!
eh, Java is okay. I can't stand PHP though, for all the horrible 12yearold code online
@MrPineapple PHP is an awesome language, with a massive n00b community.
PHP is amazing.
Which makes it less than optimal.
@Borgleader sadly.. :(
It's so broken and flawed but it's lovely.
yeah, it's just kinda been ruined for me
@Eric foreach
@iKlsR sadly? dude im jelly =/
@Eric lulz.. worst days of mai life
@MadaraUchiha Don't put non-anime GIFs in the Spills room, you n00bsauce.
> To protect the purity of animu, mangos and gifs, only gifs about animu and mangos (and ASCII art) are allowed.
@Borgleader don't be.
Aug 15 at 0:46, by iKlsR
no. i'm a big noob.
Yeah. @iKlsR is a big n00b.
i think so, but i haven't watched it
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