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Q: Let's get critical: Feb 2013 Site Evaluation

CommunityWe all love Anime and Manga - Stack Exchange, but there is a whole world of people out there who need answers to their questions and don't even know that this site exists. When they arrive from Google, what will their first impression be? Let's try to look at this site through the eyes of someone...

3 hours later…
btw, I think our cross-site ads are working.
Looks like we gained a new user with 101 rep from another site.
16 hours later…
@LoganM If we're still looking for posts that might catch the eye on social sites, the one you just asked would probably be a good candidate.
@Eric Yeah. That's part of the reason why I asked it.
@LoganM Good pick. There is also a theory that Gengar is a dead Clefairy. But I think that's a far more radical theory which has even less evidence behind it.
(Clefable, sorry.)
@Eric Also that Marowak originally was supposed to evolve into Kangaskhan, but that one's pretty well-known and I'm fairly sure there's no official response to it.
@LoganM Yeah, that's the worst. I've read there is a GameInformer interview about the Mew/Mewtwo/Ditto thing, but I can't find it for the life of me.

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