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yeah yeah I made another room
Not another room c'mon
what up
I'm about to send this to the organizer
Part I:

In 1960 H. Yamabe conjectured that given a compact Riemannian manifold, there exists a conformal deformation of the metric to one of constant scalar curvature. The combined works of Yamabe, N. Trudinger, T. Aubin, and R. Schoen gave an affirmative solution in 1984. In this talk we review Yamabe's original paper and give the proof of Yamabe's conjecture in the case when the Yamabe energy is nonpositive.

Part II:

In 1960 H. Yamabe conjectured that given a compact Riemannian manifold, there exists a conformal deformation of the metric to one of constant scalar curvature. In this tal
look ok?
Should I make them shorter?
Those seem pretty short to me, why would you want to make it shorter?
because this seminar usually has abstracts that are 2 sentences
short abstracts imply everyone involved is too busy for more
it's a good look
I just referenced the god church
@0ßelö7 Oh hm
@BalarkaSen Is the "in this talk" part ok? Or is one supposed to phrase it differently
Why not make it "Here we discuss..."
@BalarkaSen done

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