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8:41 AM
Session recap: I wanted some Christmassy content, so to conclude the much anticipated "giant battle against skeletons" I had Artus unveil the Ring of Winter and use it to wipe a bunch out. The party then had a snowball fight in the jungle. I had the ring's use attract some frost giants in the area, which the party avoided, before Artus Split up with the party to find his own answers while they continued towards KirSabal.
I had a rather creepy elf show up and give the party a bag of useful but not too powerful magic items, some of which they seem afraid to use. They got a hint that he was employed by Jessamine, and that she wants to help them so that they can save her.
Ended the session by getting everyone across the bridge, the dwarf almost died, and then had a fun fight against a pack of Zorbos

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