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10:14 AM
@flawr Depends on what you are doing, but Data.Vector from the Vector package sounds like it might be what you want
11:07 AM
@Potato44 Thanks, so Vector is more like actuall arrays with a range [0..n] of integers as keys, while Map is more general where you can use anything as a key?
@flawr Yes Vector is an actual array, Map is kinda like a dictionary in Python.
haha was just looking at the docs: to prepend an elemnt to a vector there is cons :: a -> Vector a -> Vector a
guess what appending is called?
snoc :: Vector a -> a -> Vector a
11:54 AM
@flawr You know how a normal list is known as a cons list? A list that is meant to be interpreted as appending to the end is usually called a snoc list.
data SnocList a = Nil | (SnocList a) :< a
12:19 PM
@Potato44 haha really? this is hilarious:)
Reminds me of MetaPost, where you end if blocks with fi.
Or latex where the reverse \in is \ni :D

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