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btw have you all seen unix.stackexchange.com/q/405783/29882 -- thats soo hilarious :-)
@guntbert yeah, I even told my mum about it haha... isn't that the most upvoted post on Unix & Linux now?
@guntbert yes this thing is since days the #1 on HNQ
@Zanna I slowly think that could be meanwhile the top votes everywhere or so :P
i think only a few questions on SO can beat this
when I told that to one of my colleagues he nearly fell of his chair
I did cry laughing myself
@Zanna yeah guessed that, but for the rest of the network this could potentially the highest votes question and answer
and foremost, many of those questions took years to get this count, the UL one took days to be where it is
my latest answer :) --> askubuntu.com/a/980270/522934
i thought it only right i write the answer since i actually answered it already in comments

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