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11:03 PM
is it okay for me to ask you my question?
We can talk about it in TNB
I have this page, a gellery with filters
filters work okay
if you filter, open a doc and return the filtered state is still there, great
my problem is with the searchbox
the searchbox should work the filter function
they are both small functions dealing with the same data
seems to me they shpould be able to play well
I gathered codes from different places
search box works a little witrh each key stroke
The search box should only return results that also fit the filter?
11:06 PM
actually filtering doc titles
the search box should.. yes, plus some more key terms if thats possible
Hang on so what doesn't work?
the search box
the filter function stores the filtered state in sessionstorage
ok can you send me the code?
the search box is not tied to that at all
in here okay?
11:07 PM
this is the search box code:
//Library Search Box filter results based on query
function filterBox(selector, query) {
query = $.trim(query); //trim white space
query = query.replace(/ /gi, '|'); //add OR for regex query
$(selector).each(function () {
($(this).text().search(new RegExp(query, "i")) < 0) ? $(this).hide().removeClass('hidden') : $(this).show().addClass('visible');

//Library Search Box Results Applied as Filter
$('#searcher').keyup(function (event) {
//if esc is pressed or nothing is entered
if (event.keyCode == 27 || $(this).val() == '') {
ok so hit edit then Ctrl+K
Then save it
? hot edit on where?
on your message with the code
it brought up a prompt
Nvm I found the code on JS fiddle
11:09 PM
"this is the searchbox code"
thanks yes its there
Ok I think I found the issue
this is the function that works, does the filtering:
I know theres some variable name problems
The search is overriding the filter
11:11 PM
Basically you are filtering then giving all results matching the search
I am going to try and edit a bit of code real quick
@Webster here:
Is that a link?
Try it out
I tested with the search: ce
It gave 2-3 results
Then I clicked the filter combustible gasses
It filtered the results
hmm, i placed the new script on my page
hard for me to see a difference
11:19 PM
let me put it up on the live site
Good plan
Tell me when
okay here
when you start to write "coal" in the search box all results except "c things dissappear"
but they don't fill the space
and if you hit enter the results go away
I know why
@Webster fixing it
Are you allowed to put a comment in for me in the code?
11:27 PM
I changed function filter to filterBox to avoid conflict
@Webster can you send me a jsfiddle with updated code?
I may have found the final problem
But I can't be sure until I get the latest version
11:30 PM
unfortuinately the fiddle display box is not great
the url is ewebster
cant actually see filter results
too far down
thats your code in there
go back 2 versions to see it before changes
@Webster wow this is stubborn
11:40 PM
is it possible that search is using visibility and filter is using show/hide?
I know the issue
Just can't get it to work
if seach box waited for all characters to be entered, then press button or hit enter and load that term into filter that might work
Well the issue is on enter it notices that you pressed a key and the input is blank so it wipes the search
that key by key functionality is cool but not neccessary
I'm super grateful for help
Ok to fix the issue you have to make sure that you do not clear the search bar on hitting enter
11:43 PM
this has been tying me up in knots
and my job ison the line
Yeah i get that
So in the line you clear the search results, just make sure that it is not the keyCode 13
on submit...
Lines 5-11
Since enter is counted as a key press and it gives no text as output it just clears the search bar
so this
if (event.keyCode == 27 || $(this).val() == '') {
may become
if (event.keyCode == 13 || $(this).val() == 'TheValue') {
11:45 PM
or if keycode 13 then do next thing
I may have a huge fix
I'm good, take your time
Hey why don't we just remove the enter/submit button all together?
With live search there is no reason to have those
it is currently not used
but that is a lucky coincidence of the code
approved design had a button
But sure, lets tr it without
buutton id on click function enter values...
trying to say in addition to the input box keyup we can have a button click function
i can dreambut I can't do
So i removed the button
But now I just have to disable enter

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