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@Jefromi I was trying to put it in as neutral terms as possible: the inclusion of these characters was half my idea as well—I initially approved it. I go tto thinking later on, mainly because 50% of my family is from the Bible belt. Also, notice I said "pushing the LGBT agenda" and not the "gay agenda". There's a large difference between the two phrases, although technically meaning the same thing. That was the most neutral thing I could say, simply because I didn't want to start a political
firestorm, which, it looks like I did either way. The internet's a generally liberal place, so guys like me feel right at home here, but I always want to leave room for people who don't think that way, because, whether we like it or not, there are people that detest the very thought of LGBT characters in a game. I'm not saying that's me (it's not me), but it is some people, many of which I know.
And, supposing you read any of the comments I left on any of the answers, you would find further evidence of my neutral disposition.
@ND523 look back at what I said? "given the rest of the question and the way you responded to answers, I don't think that really does justice to your true perspectives"
neutral, I think, would be more just describing what you're doing: including LGBT characters.
It's kind of like asking about violence in your game by saying "corrupting kids' minds with violent games is controversial; some love it, some detest it"
If you lead with language that strongly matches one perspective and not the other, it doesn't come across as neutral.
@Jefromi Man, I ain't trying to offend anyone. I'm asking a legitimate question—whether or not this inclusion of LGBT characters would do well for my game, sales-wise. As I've said, I'm a Southern-born guy—it's kind of an issue down there. I did what I could to seem as neutral as I could. I wanted to appeal to both sides as well as gain factual evidence of sales increases or decreases due to this. Wasn't trying to start a debate, still am not.
@ND523 I know you're not! I'm just trying to suggest a way in which you could smooth things out.
Pretty much everything after that first sentence is quite neutral, and I appreciate it.
I'm saying this not to debate, but to help you avoid having your question accidentally annoy some LGBT/LGBT-friendly people - so the focus can be even more on your actual question, and less on that presumably unintentional red flag.
@Jefromi Oh. Well, I'm certainly open to suggestions. What do you think it should say instead? I may as well change it, the question's still active after all this time.
including LGBT characters?
representing LGBT people?
11 hours later…
@ND523 Thanks, that really makes it more pleasant for me, and hopefully others :)
6 hours later…
@Jefromi Thanks for letting me know—I'd totally thought that was the best way to say it when initially writing it.

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