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2:48 AM
sometimes less is more when it comes to incomprehensible jargon
@Ginger because i can't even BEGIN to guess what the hell this means
congrats :P
Reasons birds are bad: they do not fall into pits, they do not get stuck in glue, they look at you mockingly
Reasons nerds are good: into the void they go, haha you're out of the grid now goofus, they literally look like they're about to uhm ackshully you
3 hours later…
6:11 AM
More reasons birds are bad: they break physics and act in non euclidean ways and then stand and sqwak at you when you interrupt their paths
6 hours later…
11:48 AM
@UnrelatedString I will admit I did engineer it to be incomprehensible, and it is also wrong :p
- Snutt [Treptow]: community manager for Coffee Stain Studios, the developers of Satisfactory; effectively the public face of the company (along with Mikael Niazi, and before that Jace Varlet)
- Zoop mode: a QOL feature allowing for multiple buildables to be placed in a contiguous line, up to ten at once; only works on some buildables, mostly foundations and walls
- [Update] 8: NOT the update that added zooping; that would be Update 5. oops

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