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Time to temporarily retire from my job and modhood while I become one with the factory again
The Omnissiah beckons
1 hour later…
I'm hopping on the Factorio bandwagon too!
All the cool[citation needed] kids are doing it
@El'endiaStarman @Mego @Anyone interested in some multiplayer?
I'd love to set up a server, but I doubt any of the servers have 0.17 by now
Sure, I can play multiplayer for a little bit
I can run a server
Well sweet
Should I download 0.17.0, or 0.17.1, since the devs are crazy people
I have Steam keeping me on the latest version
Oops, I had seablock enabled
I really need to try that out sometime
Only mods enabled are bottleneck and far reach. I'd enable squeeze through, but it's not updated yet.
Cool, just let me know when it's up
It's up
Server: PPCG, pw: ppcgseventeen
Railworld, water only in starting area, fewer trees, research queue available immediately
I've been playing through the intro campaign and taking notes.
Not sure how good the new campaign is, teaching wise. Play enough to get the general inputs down, then look up shortcuts and tips. There's a lot of them that make life better
@Veskah Have you played the new campaign?
Ah. Well, so far, it's definitely way better than the previous campaign. Still some gaps and issues, to be sure, but it's muuuch better at teaching stuff.
Got to the point where I have to automate enough electronic circuits, firearm magazines, and red science and I am taking a break for tonight.
My favorite change? the new UI
seriously, I've been waiting for this new toolbar for forever
9 hours later…
> Improved game startup performance when using a large amount of technologies with deep dependency trees (it's now 67,000 times faster).
67000x improvement is quite impressive in any instance. I wonder what was slowing that down so much?
4 hours later…
@El'endiaStarman Bubble sort
I just barely got green science going, but I already have my full smeltery finished :)
That's a lot of gear assemblers haha
Although I guess it is technically the right ratio (at least for assembler 1s)
yeah, all about those ratios
I believe I also have the smelter ratio right (for smelter 2s)
Also, cliffs are way more annoying, and I love it
Your circuit ratios are a bit off though ;)
what do you mean circuit? I don't have a circuit factory yet. I was going to build one, but...cliffs
Green chips
I know what circuits are, I'm just not sure what you are saying :)
oh, are you making a joke that 0 circuits is a bad ratio? If so, took me long enough :)
No, you're making green chips in 2 different places
One for your inserters, one to a chest
But if that's just a temp thing before you make a bigger build, it's probably not super important to get the ratios perfect
yeah. I believe I'm making sufficient circuits for my green science.
And yeah, I will be building a bigger factory. But actually want to get trains first.
I think it's interesting to see the different patterns different players come up with
Like for example, I pretty much always have my finished plates go the same direction as my ore does. So in your example, I would have put the iron/copper lines going north and then production up there
Yeah, I usually do that too. I swapped it this time because the biggest mines I could find were north
so my train stop is going above
Are you planning on unloading plates or ore from your train?
I've never smelted onsite. Maybe I should try it
I'm the opposite. I have never trained in iron/copper ore other than something quick and dirty that I end up removing later
I do train stone and coal though, since that's kinda hard to avoid.
Do you have a single mine dedicated to steel then?
@NathanMerrill Depends if it can keep up or not. I'd usually start with a dedicated steel mine and then once my factory expands too much or the patch gets low I'd add a second (or third etc.)
Right, but you aren't using the same mine for both iron and steel
Oh yes, correct
Because if you look at my setup, you'll notice that the 3rd and 4th smelters feed into the 5th one
using splitters, of course
Oh I didn't notice that.
I can't see where the 3rd connects in. And did you mean to send half to your 5th and half to the bus?
It's so I don't starve a single lane. I know I can balance later, but I find it simpler to deal with the problem earlier
@DJMcMayhem Caveat, I will use a single patch for iron and steel in the early game.
oh! I know what you mean
you're right. Yes, half of my 3rd is supposed to go to my 5th
Once you get to megabase scale, it's probably a lot better to do it your way for steel, since beacons don't balance quite as well if you're inserting directly from a plate smelter to a steel smelter
Although I guess direct insertion is better for UPS. Hmm...
It caught me off guard that Assembler 2s need steel now. That's an interesting change. (But probably a good one overall)
wait, what?
ok, I need to play now
oh wow. Iron sticks are super common now too
oh, it's just the power poles. Still
Did they add iron sticks to something?
yeah, a bunch of them
3 hours later…
The biggest reason argument for onsite smelting is that it's twice as efficient in terms of train space, since two ores -> one plate

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