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@Pavel I don't need it that badly :p
It cost me 55 cents
You what how
What kind of black magic is that website
also :O thanks!
@ASCII-only It's sorta like an ebay for game keys
Anyone can sell whatever they want
also >_> you could have just told me
I have more than 55 cents :P
And people tend to have a ton of useless keys lying around
@ASCII-only Well, the game is five dollars, so.
I had a frequent problem where all the money I had was in cash, which can't be used in the steam store, so I assumed you were in the same situation.
@Pavel Yes it is lol
also what's your username on steam
Bulba's Goon
also .-. how do i have not enough left to get this I really should have deposited some money yesterday
> Dirty Bomb
Hmm, what's that like
@ASCII-only It's like Brink, but I don't know if you've heard of that, either.
nope lol
> Public: anyone may enter and talk
The idea behind it is to essentially be a kind of modern quake, I guess.
I'm not really sure how to explain it.
Unlike games like CoD, you can take a relatively large amount of shots without going down.
Core gameplay mechanics include wall jumps and such, and movement has a very slight aim penalty.
Overwatch? :P
Iron sights are almost never useful.
@ASCII-only It's not overwatch, either
It's still a "pure" FPS.
The character's abilities aren't their defining feature, the most important thing you're doing is still shooting someone with a gun.
It's all far faster than overwatch, with far less just walking to get to the fight.
@Pavel pls add me as friend on steam ty :P
1 hour later…
@ASCII-only Sorry was playing a game of Dota
Can you link your profile?
Or send me a friend request I linked you my profile
@Pavel Pretty sure I did that like 10 times lol
Hmm, not showing up for some reason
nvm :/ it wasn't working properly, sent
Ok it worked now
It's 11pm where I live right now though and I just played a game of dota that lasted over an hour so I'm kinda worn out, but we can maybe play together later.
O_o 948 achievements
@ASCII-only It's not hard
I have 8 hours in CS:GO and 38 achievments
Basically, I play lots of games for a relatively short amount of time rather than sticking with one, so I get a lot of really simple get your first kill kind of achievments.
:/ isn't that a waste of money
Free to Play and Humble Bundle
there are that many free to play games?
I have around 171 games, of which maybe 25 I specifically paid for.
@ASCII-only Not really, but humble bundle gives you like a dozen games for a dollar.
Back when humble bundle was actually good, that is.
I've found it's kinda garbage now
@ASCII-only You can see where all my achievments are from at
The most I have from any one game is 84
But that's unusual, second place is like 30ish
Town of Salem happens to have a few hundred possible achievments
TBH TIS-100 doesn't seem very fun, in the same way assembly programming doesn't seem very fun.
D: how could you say that
that's like saying golfing isn't fun
Well, I don't golf in assembly
doesn't make it any less fun
maybe java is a more apt comparison :P
Eh, for 55 cents I think I'll try it out.

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