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3:20 PM
This is interesting - possibly a . I see the close vote in my votes tab, but I am not shown among the close voters. Could it be caused by the choice of the different close reason? (IIRC I used duplicate.)
That is weird. I see your vote-to-close in the timeline, but not in the close dialog.
Oh, maybe it is because you voted to close it as a duplicate?
And it was closed for lacking context?
(By the time I got to the question, the dupe target had already been deleted.)
Because there is another close voter who voted-to-close as a duplicate who is not on the list.
Is it possible that, when the dupe target was deleted, the dupe-close votes were cleared?
The show as having been cleared by the community users, rather than by me (the other votes were cleared by me, when I closed the question).
Probably the timeline is different for mods.
This is what I see:
Or maybe I just misremembered this? Only the user who voted for the majority reason are displayed here?
And you're right, this comment shows that I wasn't the first to vote to close as a duplicate:
3:41 PM
I think that moderators have a more inclusive timeline. :)
8 hours later…
11:11 PM
@XanderHenderson I voted to close the second post by this OP as a dupe of this OPs first post, which had been closed.
@amWhy Indeed. But the identity of close voters is anonymous (to non-moderators) until the post is actually closed. The comment kind of gives away the first dupe voter, but I try to respect the anonymity of users until they decide to unmask themselves.
@XanderHenderson Oh, I get it. That's very considerate and respectful of you to do! ;) I guess I unmasked myself (but kept my Covid-protective mask on!)

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