@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok, here is the plan: I name a built-in and you say if it should be added or not. Then you name a built-in and I say if it should be added or not. After each suggestion we discuss them (and maybe add one to Cthulhu but not in Deorst, and one in Deorst and not in Cthulhu, depending on the relevance)
Suggestion #4': Combinations and permutations (number of combs, number of perms, all possible combs, all possible combs of length X, all possible perms, lexicographical permutations...)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have is square, but extremely good suggestion y root x == integer. It is highly appropriate for number golfing.Extremely good.
room topic changed to Room for Deorst and Cthulhu: A room where we should suggest built-ins and features for Cthulhu and Deorst [code-golf] [golfing-language] [language-design]