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@cairdcoinheringaahing Please join me here a bit.
I have some ideas
Sure, I'm all ears
@cairdcoinheringaahing are you open for a built-in suggestion session?
@Mr.Xcoder I'm developing v2 right now, so please
for both Deorst and Cthulhu :)
@Mr.Xcoder why not kill 2 birds with one stone?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok, here is the plan: I name a built-in and you say if it should be added or not. Then you name a built-in and I say if it should be added or not. After each suggestion we discuss them (and maybe add one to Cthulhu but not in Deorst, and one in Deorst and not in Cthulhu, depending on the relevance)
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, that should work.
Are strings in Cthulhu delimited by "?
You're first (also, omit the obvious ones such as add two numbers)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes
@cairdcoinheringaahing Or one-character strings delimited with `\`
@Mr.Xcoder Ok, integer partitions?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes, in Cthulhu at least
because it is . How about Deorst?
@Mr.Xcoder I might add some builtin that leads to it in Deorst, but if there's space, I'll just add it in straight
ok, cool.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Suggestion #2: Prefixes and / or Suffixes of a list.
@Mr.Xcoder How about prefixes/suffixes of x of length y?
Or just normal prefix/suffix builtin :D
I will only have the former (my suggestion, because it's a trivial matter of preffixes(x)[y-1]).
@Mr.Xcoder As with most things from now on, if there is a trivial change for 1 thing to make into another, I'll add it if there's space.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Me too.
Your suggestion next.
Ok, how about sin, cos and tan?
Sure, I will probably use overloading for those.
@Mr.Xcoder What do you mean by overloading?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Like sin(X) is tX1, cos(X) is tX2...
@Mr.Xcoder That that would probably make more sense. Are you adding an extension prefix into Cthulhu (like Æ in Jelly)?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Umm, maybe... Not sure
Cthulhu will be prefix anyway... Maybe I will assign that to . (dot)
@Mr.Xcoder your suggestion now.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Suggestion #4: Deltas of a list ([1,2,4,1] -> [1, 2, -3])
@Mr.Xcoder Almost obvious :P
ok, let me switch my suggestion then
Suggestion #4': Combinations and permutations (number of combs, number of perms, all possible combs, all possible combs of length X, all possible perms, lexicographical permutations...)
@Mr.Xcoder I'm definitely adding that into Deorst. Cthulhu?
Me too, of course
Yours next.
All the range builtins. Which ones?
range length, lowered range, normal range etc.
Here will be mine: [0...X), [1...X+1], [0...len(X)), range(x,y), range(x,y,z)
Any other relevant range?
I don't think so. My turn
@Mr.Xcoder I think that may be slightly too many for Deorst :p. I'll miss out range(x,y,z) for it (maybe [0...len(X)])
Suggestion #6: All prime built-ins. List yours.
Prime divisors, is prime, filter keep prime, filter lose prime, next prime, last prime, nth prime
Is prime?, Normal prime factors, Deduplicated Prime Factors, Prime factors as pairs of base-exponent, Next prime, Previous Prime, Nth prime
Damn, I forgot deduplicated prime factors
But I'm not going to add the base exponent pair one
I was quite reticent on that one too, but I guess I'll add it for the sake of
Ok, @Mr.Xcoder, my turn: Vectorizing commands? Deorst, yes
I will have auto-vectorization, extended map, filter and reduce.
@Mr.Xcoder What is extended map?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mapping with more than 1 command (which auto-vectorization can't cover)
BTW, I will not have for-in or while loops
Only maps
@Mr.Xcoder while loops are the basis of all loops.
I will not have while loops, but I will have a very similar functionality.
How about, while this changes, do next command?
ÐL in Jelly
I will have Apply A until a result that has occurred before is found.
@Mr.Xcoder that could be interesting to use :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pyth has it, it is really helpful.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Suggestion #8: Cumulative reduce
FYI, I have the Jelly and 05AB1E docs open for ideas :p
Cthulhu will have 8.
@Mr.Xcoder I'll want to add that, but coding it may not be too easy. I'll have to steal check the Jelly source code
Ok, good. I'll check Pyth's BTW
Suggestion #9: Set operations?
Cthulhu will have: Set(X), Union(X,Y), Intersection(X,Y), Difference(X, Y)
@Mr.Xcoder difference, intersection and union?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
Ok, 05AB1E has a nice one: pop a,b,c ; insert b into a on location c
Yes, that is nice.
Might add it, not sure
I have many suggestions in mind. If you don't have any for now, mind if I say more?
@Mr.Xcoder Go ahead. It benefits the both of us
Suggestion #10: Is proper Subset?, Powerset, All possible contiguous subsets.
@Mr.Xcoder I think as well, All unique subsets
I have 3 to consider after you go: any, all, any and all
Yeah, might add that one too, but that would work with Subsets + deduplicate
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think I'll go in ~20 mins
@Mr.Xcoder But... but... that's a whole extra byte
@Mr.Xcoder Ok, I should be going soon as well. Let's get a few more ideas down though
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes, I will add that If I have space left. Remember our convention?
@Mr.Xcoder yes, it was just a joke :p
Oh, don't forget GCD, LCM
and base conversion
Also make them work for lists ^^
And base conversion as a list.
@Mr.Xcoder can you give example?
Like, 7 + base conversion as a list in base 2 means [1, 0, 1].
@Mr.Xcoder no for the GCD, LCM one
Also, plain built-in for binary and octal
@cairdcoinheringaahing GCD([8,16,12]) = 4, GCD(5,15) = 5
@Mr.Xcoder ok, I get you now
@cairdcoinheringaahing Basically sign. Yes, of course I'll have it. In fact, I already implemented it
I will also have "Is it semi-prime"?
Lots and lots of constants to be pushed?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I already have those too.
0.5, 0, 1, 2 (maybe), 10, 100, 100000.
@Mr.Xcoder I don't see the point of having 0, 1, 2 as constants.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Think about prefix. 4*2+1 would be +*4 2 1. With those, I would have +*4TO (where 2=T, 1=O). Deorst can omit those.
@Mr.Xcoder Oh yeah, I forgot Cthulhu was prefix @caird ಠ_ಠ
Suggestion #13: Forms a pair? (check if the length of the list is 2)
@Mr.Xcoder you could have length x equals y, which defaults to 2 if there's only one argument?
Umm... Maybe. But let me show you a case where it would be extremely helpful
@cairdcoinheringaahing Take a look at all the answers here, and see what the accepted one has better than the others.
Ok, that would be helpful :D
I have to go now. Unfortunately, I'm not 400 km away from my parents anymore... Bye o/
How about is square? and more widely y root x == integer?
and bye o/
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have is square, but extremely good suggestion y root x == integer. It is highly appropriate for number golfing.Extremely good.
Bye now!
@Mr.Xcoder if you read this, should I put all the feature requests on the star board? I can, and no-one really would care
@cairdcoinheringaahing Sure. You caught me in the very last moment
Hello! I decided to create a separate room for our feature requests and built-in ideas, as we both seem to benefit from it.
Btw I am just passing, will sleep for the next few hours
99 messages moved from Deorst
22 messages moved from Deorst
room topic changed to Room for Deorst and Cthulhu: A room where we should suggest built-ins and features for Cthulhu and Deorst (no tags)
room topic changed to Room for Deorst and Cthulhu: A room where we should suggest built-ins and features for Cthulhu and Deorst [code-golf] [golfing-language] [language-design]
I misspelled my own Language :'-(

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