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12:00 AM
At least only for the long weekend at that price
But like...I can't see it being all that good. I assume it will be like...probably in the Bud Light category of beers?
apparently the only good use of twitter is doing crimes in front of the SEC
Like he famously used the site to accuse a rescue diver of being a pedophile because no one wanted his death tube
"Ah, see, that's how I want the site to be used"
Limbaugh: "He can portray it as a win because the Democrats were offering zip, zero, nada. ... Nobody can say he isn't trying. Nobody can say he's caved on the premise of controlling illegal immigration and shoring up the border." https://wapo.st/2TL3cQX
Well thank goodness Trump has permission to accept the deal
@TimStone oh wow i forgot about that and the ensuing lawsuit entirely
@TimStone i dunno, ann coulter was pissed about it
They threw her under the bus when the government reopened so I think we're okay there, at least
12:10 AM
@TimStone oh no @jack also likes @AOC
More Shelby on call w/ POTUS: "Well he was not exuberant about the numbers, but he knew that they had come up from what the Speaker said - which was nothing. We have a negotiated, I think, a lot better bill than we had."
....Will be getting almost $23 BILLION for Border Security. Regardless of Wall money, it is being built as we speak!
And as if on cue
Multiple White Supremacist Gang Members among 54 Defendants Charged in RICO Indictment (U.S. Department of Justice) http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/multiple-white-supremacist-gang-members-among-54-defendants-charged-rico-indictment http://www.memeorandum.com/190212/p97#a190212p97
Hey! It's actually kind of RICO!
@TimStone sounds like he would divert any "border security" funding to "wall funding"
wouldn't that be like a problem that needs oversight? checks and balances?
something to stop a president just twisting word from approved budgets to spend on what he wants
@Memor-X Did you miss where the Republican party has completely subverted checks and balances to support Trump?
12:26 AM
@SaintWacko They're so desperate to stay in power that they'll support Trump to keep it.
@SaintWacko i thought that was Trump doing it and the GOP just going along with it because of a lack of spines
@Memor-X That's what I'm saying. The Republican controlled legislature was ignoring their duty
1:21 AM
The schipperke is out of the running for best in show because of a “conflict of interest between the dog’s owners and the family of the best in show judge” and I have questions. Mainly: how DARE they?? https://www.apnews.com/b4fb979190554a4db52702eafb022a5a
Yeah, seems everyone but Coulter is on board with Trump not shooting off his foot by not signing the deal
1:51 AM
Now @EyeEm confirms it was hacked, as we reported https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/02/11/620_million_hacked_accounts_dark_web/ 22 million EyeEm account details, including email addresses and SHA1-hashed passwords, for sale on the dark web for 0.289 BTC... https://twitter.com/ryanzhiyou/status/1095442154665566208
1 hour later…
2:52 AM
@TimStone BTC is Bitcoin right?
3:08 AM
3:27 AM
we're probably getting to the point where we might as well consider anyone having Bitcoin as a criminal since they seem to always trade in it
3:44 AM
"I'd rather put an illegal alien in jail for DUI than white collar bank fraud." Former ICE Director saying the quiet part loud https://t.co/gmeC4rVGkf
“I will fix the VA,” Howard Schultz says. Ok. How? “First off, diagnose the problem. We have layers and layers of government bureaucracy…I will fix the VA. It’s about leadership and temperament…I promise you. I will fix the VA.”
It is worth noting that the media could simply stop this at any time though
News: Speaking in Abu Dhabi today, key Trump ally Tom Barrack said that "whatever happened in Saudi Arabia [with regards to the killing of Jamal Khashoggi], the atrocities in America are equal, or worse, to the atrocities in Saudi Arabia.” Story here: http://bit.ly/2DHHG8X
That uh. That is a take, you could make, I guess
4:21 AM
@TimStone someone's taking lessons from Trump
@TimStone isn't this the shifting the blame thing, like "..but what about them, they did it and worse"......yet done poorly because your blaming yourself?
5:03 AM
American Media, the parent company of the National Enquirer, has a negative net worth of about $203,000,000. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-12/before-bezos-fight-enquirer-publisher-ami-faced-steep-losses
@TimStone he thinks he's gonna win by out trumping trump?
Maybe, but he forgot to be appealing to literally anyone
Howard Schultz, asked about racial bias, says he doesn't "see color" http://hill.cm/szkc9KR
yeh, and no one says this and really means it
President Trump: "We're thinking about doing on the Fourth of July, or thereabouts, a parade -- a Salute to America parade." http://hill.cm/Mhr7qrX https://t.co/MsXdeJsmxE
5:21 AM
She took a photo of protest in Iran that became famous. Now President Trump has used it without her permission for his own political purposes. http://nyti.ms/2E84jEP
@Memor-X the whitest, billionairest guy you know
all his lines go over real well at the yacht club
> i don't see colour as white is a shade, not a color.....also i see green *dives into pool of money*
@Memor-X "i don't see race" - guy sitting behind a pillar at a nascar event
5:56 AM
@TimStone no longer stealing music i see
8 hours later…
1:34 PM
@TimStone so he wants to privatize the VA
just say that howard
2:28 PM
@TimStone Just wanted to add another "what even the fuck" to this
See I replaced the "s" with a "$" because money
Six California police officers fatally shoot rapper found sleeping in car http://hill.cm/kqcZQp8
@TimStone Sleeping while black
Well Bill Shine's wife has a batshit crazy anti-vaxx take so that's cool
It's good to get measles because it keeps you healthy and fights cancer, apparently
In chat with Hugh Hewitt, @msnbc host @SRuhle says she'd be 'open' to serving as press secretary for Michael Bloomberg should he run for and win the presidency: http://www.hughhewitt.com/stephanie-ruhle-on-michael-bloomberg-is-press-secretary-ruhle-in-the-future/
2:52 PM
(apparently somebody wrote that line super seriously? but like otoh you did get tim curry? and you're a video game with live action cutscenes in the 90s?)
3:49 PM
Roger Stone's motion for an order to show cause attempting to get the court to set an evidentiary hearing on why CNN was in front of his house. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5736441-Stone-Order-to-Show-Cause.html
"Why would the news be at my house, when all I am is the most likely person to be indicted?"
4:08 PM
@TimStone wait hang on six
six different people took this, uh, decidedly unnecessary shot?
as in five more than one
> Police were reportedly called to the restaurant late Saturday after an employee said he found a driver slumped over in his car
half a dozen people
I like that we apparently jumped to the assumption he might be dead so this was a matter for the police and then uhh as if by magic he was
The only possible scenario this even makes any fucking sense is if all of those who responded made a pact like "they can't prosecute all of us"
or if the hill is creating a parsing error
which seems more likely
since the officers knew that none of them are going to be prosecuted whether or not they created some weird I'm Spartacus situation
> According to the Guardian, police said the six officers each fired shots within four seconds, but wouldn't disclose how many bullets hit McCoy.
Not even sure how all six of them were positioned in a way that they could see him allegedly "reach for his gun"
4:26 PM
I honestly don't want to know that number.
convicted killer cop jason van dyke fired 16 shots for fuck's sake
I don't like to post a lot of political commentary any more but this
Fak u rib Ford
4:55 PM
President Trump installed a room-sized golf simulator at the White House, which allows him to play virtual rounds by hitting a ball into a large video screen. It was put in his personal quarters but sits unused, a White House official said. https://wapo.st/2Dz548q
On the scandal scale of 0-10, this one is like a -2. So?
@BradC what would you consider a 10?
@Nzall Evidence that the President is beholden to a hostile foreign power
Makes good old fashion grifting "only" a 9.
President Trump has called on the Tennessee Valley Authority to essentially ignore the advice of its staff and keep a large coal-fired power plant operating — a plant that buys coal from a top donor to Trump's campaign. https://n.pr/2BzJ9O4
@Nzall (that's a negative 2, by the way. The golf simulator is maybe an interesting human interest story, but not a scandal, by any means)
(That's another article about the coal plant: Trump intervenes in support of coal plant owned by major donor)
Here is Rachel's opening segment last night about this issue:
Watch tonight's full opening segment: https://on.msnbc.com/2TL1FtT
5:51 PM
> ‘Fox & Friends’ tells Americans it’s their fault their tax returns are smaller this year
To be fair, Americans voted in Trump so they're not wrong.
It's a fantasy to think he'll ever admit he's wrong. https://bit.ly/2V2B5wT
"Two years in, some people are still expecting one of his scandals to bring him down. I know better."
> Democrats, and even some Republicans, apologize all the time when caught out by the media. The answer comes down to a simple truth: Assholes are incapable of being shamed.
@BradC That... is an unfortunate quote.
@MBraedley Why? The "normal" way a scandal takes down a politician is that they have some shame and apologize, or resign. Trump will never do that; period, because he has no shame.
I'm saying it's unfortunate because we need something worse than scandal to bring down Trump.
@MBraedley Or do you mean that its unfortunate that some people still believe they could?
@MBraedley Well, we need scandal backed by determined action in Congress.
6:02 PM
And that's the other side of the coin. The GOP in congress are enablers.
@MBraedley right. They're complicit. But I think articles like the Vice one above are helpful for understanding the mindset and workings of people like Trump
> Assholes can be and do get defeated, but expecting a true Watergate moment—where the president steps down to prevent the country from falling further into chaos—is not based in reality. Media outlets and Twitter personas do a disservice to everyone when they hype up the cinematic ending that’s never ever going to arrive. Understanding what others know about aberrant behavior and how to navigate it might be the only way to hold the president even minimally to account.
At this point, the only way I see Trump leaving office is if he keels over dead, or gets voted out next election.
6:17 PM
@Ash We can only hope he would leave if voted out. It wouldn't surprise me if he refused.
@BradC But then at that point he's not the president anymore. Just a guy trespassing on government property
Of course we would have a complete constitutional crisis on our hands if anyone continues to acknowledge his authority as president after he legally no longer holds the position.
@murgatroid99 Exactly. You'd hope the rest of the executive branch would follow the constitution and recognize whoever was sworn in, but in these times, you never know...
6:33 PM
I never even thought of that. That's a whole new and terrifying thing.
Yep, he is already setting up a scenario where he can deny any result that goes against him:
The Democrats in Congress yesterday were vicious and totally showed their cards for everyone to see. When the Republicans had the Majority they never acted with such hatred and scorn! The Dems are trying to win an election in 2020 that they know they cannot legitimately win!
@BradC "that they know they cannot legitimately win" wtf does that even
I mean by all accounts he didn't exactly win legitimately either...
ooo, animated gifs work!
7:16 PM
Please enjoy this incredible email we received from a teen last night. Apparently, the majority of fare evaders in the Inside Edition segment were 10h graders going to gym class. http://gothamist.com/2019/02/12/inside_edition_subway_fares.php
@BradC I mean I am kind of curious if he just had it installed to tell people he doesn't need to use it because he's too good
@TimStone wait gothamist kind of lives or?
Yeah, WNYC/KPCC/WAMU public radio stations entered a joint agreement to acquire the Gothamist/LAist/DCist properties
But also that Inside Edition video was just bad for anyone who didn't watch it
"shoves microphone in a guy's face repeatedly DON'T TOUCH ME"
7:36 PM
BREAKING: NASA's longest-running rover on Mars, Opportunity, has been pronounced dead, 15 years after it landed on the red planet. http://apne.ws/W6jRBqR
Farewell, Opportunity. You've been a trooper.
That was today's XKCD
7:57 PM
@Nzall aww fuck that makes me teary
@Ash Same. I find it awesome that even after 2000 comics, Munroe STILL manages to create such awesome content
@BradC They have to be under a certain size though, IIRC.
@Nzall I don't usually care for XKCD honestly, but this one gets me
yep, he's had some good mars rover comics
Here's his one about Spirit:
@BradC :(
8:07 PM
yep :(
Honestly, I think it speaks for how overengineered NASA stuff is that they sent 2 rovers on missions scheduled to last for 90 days that end up lasting for 6 to 14 years
@BunsGlazing That's one way to ensure noone is going to steal your truck
@BradC Awww, damn it
A West Virginia lawmaker is facing calls to resign after comparing LGBT people to the KKK https://cnn.it/2E6TkeA
8:19 PM
@BunsGlazing Well, everyone's gonna know who he is, I guess. That's one way to solve a problem.
@GodEmperorDune I like that he keeps calling it "The LGBTQ" like we're some sort of organized group with t-shirts and membership dues.
What a disgusting piece of work. Like okay, yes, dude, there are totally things like bi erasure and transphobia and homophobia coming from inside the community, but...something tells me you aren't actually concerned about that, and are just being a shitheel because you found some buzzwords.
"Porterfield said the bill, which would have banned conversion therapy for LGBT minors, was a violation of free speech and called its supporters "bigoted and discriminatory."" Okay yep, you're just a nasty piece of humanity.
Got it.
8:25 PM
Yeah, the former isn't even his position
It's "I am upset that it's no longer socially acceptable to beat gay people to death in public, and this is clearly because of a global cabal of queer masterminds keeping straights like me under their boot"
Article 13/11 in the EU is really not going the right way
Only hope right now is that the EU parliamentaries vote against it
but I'm worried they won't
This is the EU's new, completely bugfuck nonsense copyright bill?
8:44 PM
.@IlhanMN asks Elliott Abrams whether he would support an armed faction in Venezuela that committed crimes against humanity or genocide if it served American interests as he did in Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador. Abrams refuses to answer. https://t.co/LNK17EsGzU
coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool (he will the answer is yes)
@GodEmperorDune Okay, apropos of nothing and this might be considered rude, but I cannot stop chuckling at that photo.
@Yuuki yeah it's a bad picture
Did they get it from the DMV?
Wait, not blurry enough for DMV.
@Yuuki looks like an official picture because of the 90s background
@GodEmperorDune I'm sure that background is copyrighted by Sears.
8:53 PM
@Unionhawk It's weird how much offense he takes at the suggestion despite the significant support "whatever it takes" garners anyway 🤷‍♂️
Maybe he just really believes it, hm
@ToxicFrog yeah
Mandatory automated upload copyright filters for any site that allows user-submitted content. Youtube has already more or less stated that they might even leave the EU entirely if this happens
@TimStone he either believes that he did what he had to do in the 80s, or he doesn't care.
Either way, thanks HW
(he'd be out of jail by now he was only charged with lying to congress, but)
Imagine if he was charged for the actual crimes
we would have to be party to the ICC for that
but since war crimes are fake to the united states,
and again, thanks in part to HW
this guy gets to do it again
9:11 PM
@BradC I'm not sure it's not a scandal. The President has a massive golf course in Florida he spends most of his weekends at, so for him to put a golf simulator at the WH and then not use it seems like a waste of government money
@Unionhawk on a related note Max Boot has a take here of course
Really tho what is a little Iran-Contra between friends?
@Nzall Certainly not a good use of his time, but it wasn't apparently paid for by taxpayer dollars
> The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of the president’s private residence, said Trump had paid for the new system and the installation personally.
Virginia's two Catholic dioceses have released lists of clergy they say have been deemed "credibly accused" of sexually abusing youth. There are 58 names on the lists. This is developing, follow @spulliam and I https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/02/13/virginias-two-catholic-bishops-release-names-priests-they-say-have-been-credibly-accused-sexually-abusing-minors/?utm_term=.2b007e1fc8b0
9:31 PM
Remember man who shot dead 2 women at a yoga studio,injured 5, and killed himself? An investigation has found he “planned the attack for months and had...a documented disdain for the opposite sex.”Does such misogyny qualify as terrorism? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/12/us/tallahassee-yoga-studio-attack-fbi.html #ToxicMasculinity
@TimStone just when we think we have reached the maximum levels of boot,
A former law partner of Michael Avenatti accused the celebrity lawyer of stashing millions of dollars in secret bank accounts to hide the money from creditors in his law firm's bankruptcy case. https://lat.ms/2V2ZMJB
10:07 PM
@BradC actually i think what people are expecting is one of those scandals to be a crime, not that it shames him greatly
i think the image they are expecting it Trump being dragged out, kicking and screaming "I'M THE PRESIDENT, YOU CAN'T DO THIS, I AM THE FUCKEN LAW!"
@BradC that one is sad
it makes me think of Johnny 5
@Memor-X I would record that and watch it when I was feeling sad
10:57 PM
READ: Staff at Winston Churchill High School caught an unidentified number of students exchanging “N-word passes” during the lunch hour Friday. The pieces of paper, handed from student to student, provided passholders with "permission" to use the N-word. http://wjla.com/news/local/students-allegedly-caught-exchanging-n-word-passes-at-md-school
protip: don't do this
JUST IN: Dem lawmakers call for FBI probe into Trump golf clubs' hiring of undocumented immigrants http://hill.cm/GTInSTZ
also i would not recommend reading the replies
@TimStone of all the scandals, this is what they're latching onto? really?
@TimStone naughty avenatti
@GodEmperorDune Yeah like I think there's a point to be made generally maybe but "Could the FBI please punish people employing undocumented immigrants" is definitely not it!
They guy who pulled all Nike gear from his store in Colorado Springs because of the Kaepernick ad? He is closing down his store. “...perhaps there are more [Kaepernick] supporters out there than I realized.” https://koaa.com/news/2019/02/11/prime-time-sports-forced-to-close-after-removing-nike-apparel-from-store/
11:02 PM
@GodEmperorDune Democrats, for some reason, loving hitting "hypocrisy" button no matter how dumb it is.
lmfao, I'm sorry, but that's an amazing self-own
@Yuuki it's their equivalent of the republican house passing the repeal obamacare bill so many times
@TimStone lol this is IMC level
Republican senator says Trump 'won't sign' funding agreement that includes contractor back pay https://abcn.ws/2BzukuV Story w/ @caphilltrish @AnneKFlaherty & @alex_mallin @ABC
Stiffing contractors as a governing principle
@TimStone if only he had shown a sign of this before the election
Imagine it falling apart because of the dumbest character flaw
Narrator: That was now par for the course
11:42 PM
New: Judge rules that Robert Mueller's team has established Paul Manafort lied even after his plea deal on 3 of 5 disputed issues – including his interactions with alleged Russian intel asset Konstantin Kilimnik.
tfw you're going to prison and staying in prison
@TimStone For the rest of your life, no less.
LETTER: House Judiciary Chair Nadler asks Acting AG Whitaker to "clarify" some of his answers from last week's hearing. Otherwise, he writes, the committee would seek to depose Whitaker. https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/democrats.judiciary.house.gov/files/documents/Letter%20to%20Mr.%20Whitaker%20%282.13.19%29.pdf
@TimStone Well, stiffing contractors has sort of been his modus operandi in his own businesses.
He's counting on them needing the work badly enough to not lawyer up about it.
JR Block needs to immediately resign as publisher of the PPG. and someone in that newsroom should file a complaint with Child Protective Services. https://splinternews.com/worst-boss-of-the-year-goes-to-pittsburgh-post-gazette-1832601336 via @Splinter_news

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