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Q: What can we do to make our new primary chatroom as interesting as our old primary chatroom Mos Eisley?

I AM GROOTI remember sitting hours in front of Mos Eisley and I used to love chatting in it. And then, Shog9 nuked it. Fine. Not a big deal. People are still same. This is what I thought. But, no. I don't enjoy our new chatroom "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe". I can't sit here even for 5 minut...

I'll caveat that whilst having a chat room be interesting is good, we shouldn't be aiming to make it specifically like Mos again. That it is different is the point.
The biggest difference between Mos and the Restaurant is that the people are not the same. Most of the former Mos regulars have more or less abandoned SE chat at this point, for a wide variety of reasons.
You can't make it interesting, and that's exactly how the SE moderation team wants it.
@KutuluMike Interesting doesn't mean Inflammatory, racist and offensive messages.
Quality is better then quantity and even if it's not that busy but at-least it's going fine with no drama.
OP is complaining about the new chatroom being "boring", so the "quality" does not seem to be there in his opinion.
When one of the most beloved users and RO's steps down, you know there is an issue. Admitting that issue is whole other ballgame.
@Skooba The RO stepped down because the room is "just not the same" -- that's a direct quote of their whole reason. Yes, it is not the same; that's the point. If it was the same it'd get shut down again. That there is an issue with the current room is something we can look at, but it can't be resolved with "go back to how Mos Eisley was".

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