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@MartinSleziak Awfully sorry for taking long to reply, thank your for all the helpful information!
I've posted an update here on our subreddit : reddit.com/r/difftop_diffgeom/comments/6lzshw/…
If we do need to move platforms I think hack.chat would be our next best option
Thanks again @MartinSleziak for your help!
@Perturbative Well, for people who are at this level, it should be not that difficult to earn 20 reputation points, I think.
And perhaps mods would be willing to grant access to users who are below 20 rep points - but that would be a question for moderators.
It shouldn't, but I think some people may not like the idea of having to answer questions not pertaining to what they are currently studying
Do you know of any mods whom I could contact?
BTW if you decide to "stay here" (by which I mean use the chat room here on SE), mentioning the study group in the main chat room could attract some possible participants.
@Perturbative Well, if you want to contact one of the moderators in chat, then Daniel Fischer is probably the one who is most often in Math Mods' Office.
I'll definitely mention it in the main chat later on today
Once I get some feedback from members of the group on Reddit, I'll decide whether or not to contact Daniel
And Daniel Fischer was also the moderator who helped to get access for low rep users to logic chat room. (Although I was unable to find conversation which originally lead to this, only the part I linked.)
@Perturbative Re: One of the previous moderators on Math.StackExchange has informed me that users... Not that it matters too much, but I have never been a moderator.
Ohhh, I thought you used to be a moderator, sorry about that, I'll edit the post now :)
Perhaps it would be reasonable to post a here a few "test" messages containing MathJax/LaTeX since you are inviting people to look around...?
So that if they decide to look here, they can test the ChatJax bookmarklet.
I'll do that now

 Differential Topology & Differential

A chat room for all things Differential Topology and Different...
Use the following to see if your ChatJax is working correctly : If $M$ is a compact $n$-manifold with boundary $\partial M$. It is a well-known theorem that $\partial M$ is closed in $M$, therefore since any closed subset of a compact space is compact, it follows that $\partial M$ is compact.
If it is it, you will see the following rendered text

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