Do you mean figure out how Clemence could have deduced Saveili was left-handed from the fact he had hammered his right index finger? If so, because one holds the hammer with their stronger arm, which in this case would be his left.
If you mean something else, I'm not sure what the question is.
A few nights ago I had a dream where I had been informed by the administration I would be teaching chemistry next semester. Dunno how, but apparently managed to pull off a lecture by asking the students questions that they answered, as if I knew the answers all along.
Then at the end some student clicks a button on a remote and a giant LCD at the front of the class turns on. I turn to him and he explains that Dave Chapelle's live show is on and he can't miss it. I walk to the TV and manually turn it off, so in defiance the student does an "over-the-shoulder" click of the remote and turns on a giant LCD in the back of the room, which would have made me walk all the way to the back and demonstrate my powerlessness over my classroom.
While figuring out how to deal with the power play the alarm woke me up.
Ah, you're here. My internet went down for a minute. Severe thunderstorm, lights flickering.
Incidentally, I have actually been informed by my boss that I'm teaching trigonometry and business calculus next semester.
I found an anime called Ghost Stories - in the English-dubbed version, the voice actors were given absolute freedom over what they did, an opportunity they used to make it hilarious. Originally I thought I was watching a parody of an anime but turns out it was the official dub.
I'm going to see Jeremy next Wednesday. Not the best of circumstances, though. His wisdom tooth got impacted and split, and he urgently needs it extracted. I'm going to be his designated driver.
I'll ask him if he wants me to record him. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in July, and I've made it clear that I want to be recorded so I can see how I'm like
One of them's coming in at a weird angle. I was resistant to getting them out at first because, like, what did they ever do to me? But the dentist recommended it,
my avatar for this account is from the webcomic Two Guys and Guy. (The second "Guy" refers to the female main character whose last name is "Guy." She's the one with the shades in the pic.)