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Basic rules:
Each answer will get a "toolbox" that can be used to construct a program. The toolbox will consist of two things:

- a list of programming languages

- a list of valid characters

You must write a valid program in one of the languages provided using only the characters in the toolbox. Your program should output the number of answers already present on this question.

Once you have written and posted an answer the language and characters you have used will be removed from the toolbox and 1 new language and 16 new characters will be randomly added to be used as the toolbox for the next answer.
Current toolbox:
['shp', 'maverick', 'shtriped', 'octave', 'powershell-core', 'convex', 'fish-shell']
If we had a space echo 0 would work in fish
Ah 0 on its own works in Octave
1. Octave 0 Try it online!
Current toolbox:
['shp', 'maverick', 'shtriped', 'powershell-core', 'convex', 'fish-shell', 'reticular']
"\x02\x03\x05\x08\x0c\r\x0f\x10\x14\x15\x18\x1a\x1b\x1d\x1f #$%&'+-0256;<=?AEFGIKLOQRSUXYZ\\]_`aceghinopqrstvwxz}~"
hm, The only one of these I know is fish
So this is an challenge?
2. shp ;p Try it online!
@Phoenix Yes
What if the tollbox starts with every TIO lang, but a lang is removed after being used?
Hm, thats an idea
but it would be really easy at first
Most questions are
Thats true
Current toolbox:
['maverick', 'shtriped', 'powershell-core', 'convex', 'fish-shell', 'reticular', 'emmental']
"\x02\x03\x05\x06\x07\x08\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x18\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !#$%&'+,-0234569:<=?ABDEFGHIKLNOQRSUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijmnoqrstuvwxz|}~\x7f"
@Phoenix I feel like I like the toolbox feel of it, that you have to use what you got.
I think it still fits. You and your felllow PPCGers have a box of limited supplies, and you must try to make them last as long as you can.
3. fish-shell echo 2 Try it online!
@Phoenix I have to think about it
If I can get some beta testers perhaps we can test it bot ways
Eventually only esolangs no one knows are left, and people struggle to keep the challenge afloat with Malbolge, Evil, Woefully, and Intercal
Yeah. I do like that languages can come back too though
Current toolbox:
['maverick', 'shtriped', 'powershell-core', 'convex', 'reticular', 'reregex', 'beam']
"\x01\x02\x03\x05\x06\x08\t\x0b\x0c\r\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x14\x15\x16\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1f !#$%&'*+,-02568:<=>?ACDEFGHIJKLOPQRSTUXYZ[\\]^_`acegijlnqrstvwxz}~\x7f"
C (GCC), C(TCC), C(Clang)
thats true
I think I need to add less characters every time, because I'm building up a lot of characters
New game, 15 characters each time
Current Toolbox:
['vala', 'bubblegum', 'picolisp', 'pip', 'octave', 'unlambda', 'sml-mlton']
@Phoenix Thanks for the feedback!
As long as you get the number you're outputting, its very likely to also get a lang that just outputs a single number in its code to the screen directly.
1. Octave 0 Try it online!
@Phoenix ^ would you look at that, Octave does that exact thing
And if you can get echo or print as well you're basically guaranteed to get an ez solution.
Yeah, I want to prevent it from dying right out the gate
once those characters are used up it should get a bit harder
Current toolbox:
['vala', 'bubblegum', 'picolisp', 'pip', 'unlambda', 'sml-mlton', 'tcsh']
'\x04\x05\x06\n\x12\x15\x16\x19 "%)-2:;BFHIWcefghijmnoprsty{~\x7f'
@Phoenix Should I not give these to start you think?
What will you do if someone gets an impossible toolbox early on?
Probably restart
I want to prevent that
but with randomness there is no guarentee
I think this one has a good chance of being dead rn
What if you decreased the probability of unprintables being rolled?
They decrease over time
because they tend to build up
perhaps I should just give a bunch of them to start?
That would give more useful characters in the beginning
Lemme reread the rules I don't think I'm clear on how the toolbox is given
You get a new language and 15 new characters. The 15 new chars can't be already in the box
oic how it works
That's really clever
what is?
Your challenge
Ah, thanks!
Now that I fully get how it works
What if each time characters were added to the toolbox, one is a "free" character which can be anything.
Hm, thats might be a good idea
or its like scrabble, where you can get a free tile
"free" characters could build up as long as no one uses them and then save the challenge through rolling 15 unprintables
I like that idea
can keep the challenge from being dead early on
It would suck if one person just used up all the free tiles though.
I think I'll add that Thanks!
@WheatWizard That's a risk in any , but hopefully people don't be dicks.
@Phoenix How rare do you thing wild's should be
IDK, I GTG, sorry
Ok np

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