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12:55 AM
@JanMurphy I often get frustrated on FB when someone updates their post with "edit: here's what I'm doing" or "edit: question answered" and people keep replying with the same advice. (Happened to me recently-ish with a question in a Scottish Ancestry group about getting info on Masons/Masonic records.)
20 hours later…
9:10 PM
@LeahWorster My experience on FB has been the other way around -- with groups where the moderators close posts to comments before 24 hours have passed, so latecomers to the post feel as if they can never comment on the group. It must be infuriating for the people who aren't in US timezones.
@LeahWorster FB is frustrating too because of the way comments act. Some people never open up the different threads in the comments, so you have some replies to a comment that are threaded and some not. And if you do follow a thread, it's easy to reply with advice that someone posted earlier because you haven't gotten to the end of the comments yet. Cumbersome no matter what.

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