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12:51 AM
Hey, 1 quick opinion based question. I'm making a plugin that has to interfere with the wp-config.php ( like WP Super Cache does ). I'm wondering, is it better to update wp-config.php every time a setting changes in my plugin, or is it better to write all the changes to an external php file in my plugin folder, and then require it using require() in the wp-config.php?
Of course I will add a if( ! defined('ABSPATH') ) ... to make sure the file isn't being accessed directly.
2 hours later…
2:43 AM
I can't think of any reason to modify wp-config.php like that
WP Super Cache only does it for WP_Cache but even then I think that's something the user should be doing not the plugin
are you sure these aren't things that could be done via an mu-plugin or a dropin?
3:16 AM
The users don't know how to code and stuff sometimes, or don't have FTP access. I need these values to be set before WordPress loads, that's why I need them inside the wp-config.php
2 hours later…
5:03 AM
wp-config.php should not be writable by the web server, therefor on secure systems you will have to use FTP to update it, and therefor the use case of "no ftp access" will not be satified for all.
In addition, at the plugin level you have no idea at all where the wp-config.php file is located.
User has to do it, or you need to figure out how to do things without it being done
5:15 AM
@MarkKaplun I guess I have to add a part in readme then, to update it manually if the server is secure, or forget about using it altogether
3 hours later…
8:17 AM
you can do like what wordpress does when htaccess is not writable and show the code that needs to be C&P in the admin
8:42 AM
@JackJohansson what kind of values are you using that need to be set that early?
Some constants that I need to define or change, such as SCRIPT_DEBUG. @TomJNowell
It's a plugin mostly for developers, and to be installed on Localhost. Yet I plan to do it in the best possible way
to be fair you don't have to set those in wp-config.php, an mu-plugin named aaaa.php that loads first does just as good for most of it
Even the critical constants? Such as WP_HOME can be set via a mu plugin?
I might as well want to change something like table_prefix, I don't think that would work with a plugin.
8:58 AM
eh maybe not that one
I guess I have to split them into 2 categories then. Is there any docs to know which constants need to be defined before WP core actually loads?
probably not
stuff like WP_DEBUG etc work using an mu plugin because its the plugins and themes usually being debugged
so missing out on the 50 ms of WP core isn't a big deal
It's not about time. Defining table_prefix after the WP is connected to database is not going to work
Im not sure why anybody would change the DB prefix at runtime
But I'm not quit sure when mu plugins fire, since the usual plugins are fired after the database is connected
9:03 AM
also don't forget that wp-config.php can be placed 1 level up too
You mean outside the root?
As far as I know WP will look for wp-config.php in the root inside wp-load
it also checks 1 folder up
that way your config file is outside the public html folder and totally inaccessible from the net
a great way to avoid disaster if you misconfigure a server and it starts printing rather than executing PHP
4 hours later…
1:17 PM
I found at least 7 bugs in my plugin testing it in production environments
8 hours later…
9:08 PM
Hi all! Hope all is well!
A question to all. How do you secure an ajax endpoint (public)? given that generally used nonces are only good for logged in users?
@Sisir don't, use a REST API endpoint, significantly easier to secure
instead of writing every check you need yourself, of which there are quite a few, nonces, validators, sanitisers, auth checks, capability checks, etc
let the REST API do all that for you. Define which parameters to expect, their formats, capabilities and auth requirements etc, and the API code in core will manage all of the checking for you
your code will never even trigger if they fail, and core will send back a forbidden or incorrect request error in standard http notation
9:28 PM
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