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1:27 PM
Yes you can use ! on it, but why not use ! First && ! Second? Also you have a dozen of unnecessary parentheses.
@R1ddler Make sure you use the break; in your switch correctly. You can use if()elseif()elseif() if you can't get the switch to work.
1:44 PM
if ( ! in_array( 'PFI', $user_access ) && ! in_array( 'admin', $user->roles ) ) { ... }
Hi @JackJohansson
I fixed the issue
I had error in using array() ahead of $user_access
and couldn't make the check correctly
I removed it and it worked
Hi, yes I was wondering about that too
If you want to specify the type if the variable, you should use it as a prefix, such as (int) $value;
I'll keep that in mind
2 hours later…
4:02 PM
I'm trying to use that now for a post request
cos it sends the value as a string, but I need it as an int. The value passed by the user will determine the number of recursive events to create
4:18 PM
solved that too
it's been a good week
happy weekend to all :)

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