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12:00 AM
My best note:


8 hours later…
8:11 AM
sup peeps
do any of you have experience with wordpressing quite high-traffic sites
with user counts somewhere in the range of 100,000-200,000 <-- this would be the amount of registered users in the wordpress user table, visits would be many-many more
@lkraav Not that high, my highest WP traffic site currently gets 2,500 visitors daily..
@userabuser users are not visitors
@Rarst I know.. I was responding to the first part of his question... before he posted the users part.
operations that they would do are not particularly intensive, although there are some interesting challenges, but i think those might become offloaded to external tools
@userabuser chat timing issues :)
8:15 AM
Q: WordPress database scalability from the code perspective

JohnI have read through multiple questions here on StackExchange that concern WordPress scaling and the common opinion is that WordPress is indeed highly scalable provided you have the infrastructure to support it. However, all opinions point and talk about the database scaling. However, I must ask ...

@Rarst Experiencing a bit of lag it seems here...
thanks @userabuser
I woke up before @toscho! I did flags!
@lkraav No problem, there's a good deal of information on this topic as well scattered around the place. With the proper understanding of at least what contingency or roadmap you should employ for that kind of heavy-usage, I think you will fair good on the WP platform. But not without some tweaking of course.
@Rarst You win!
bank is unstuck with my moneys (tomorrow)... ok, heating and hot water. I am ready for them!
no hot water? damn
8:21 AM
yeah... heating came on and as usual things started to break immediatelly. never mind two months without hot water in the summer they tested and fixed those things :\
2 hours later…
9:59 AM
> Due to certain global variables being overwritten during The Loop is_page() will not work.
this is just... sigh
oh yeah? :)
10:30 AM
I don't even follow why... is_page messed up multiple times by that creepy static front page logic
I don't know either, I'm still struggling to get is_page_template to work on my "fake page" even after setting query vars... :/
or in fact any conditional... :)
seems though wp_query is always associated with is_home according to dump
@userabuser See this answer for a way to change the is_ variables in the query.
10:55 AM
thanks @toscho I shall give a try later and see how I fair
11:12 AM
I think dates are messed up in some places... recent comments show up as from 2010
A: Why does stackoverflow have such an active WordPress tag?

CthulhuIn the information tab of the "Wordpress" tag in StackOverflow you can read: WordPress Answers Stack Exchange An evolving Stack Exchange site dedicated to WordPress. WordPress questions not about programming are best asked here. This means that, if I have a WordPress question which is ...

aw, crap...
shame I can't downvote 300 times and bury that into oblivion... of course SO is farrrrrr better suited than the majority of WP professionals on WPSE... I never got that memo?
11:27 AM
@userabuser I don’t understand your downvote.
He pointed out an incorrect description on SO, so I could fix it. That was helpful.
His question reads as if he is referencing asking the question on SO, despite the quote...
I'll upvote if I am wrong... Maybe its the way its worded
@userabuser The quote was from Stack Overflow.
"This means that, if I have a WordPress question which is related to programming, I will probably ask it there."
It said you should not ask programming questions on WPSE.
this is the part that throws me, because its worded incorrectly...
11:34 AM
It is not what we want, but it is the correct conclusion from the old description on SO.
@toscho toscho there is also some mess in third paragraph above links... not sure how to best rephrase
His answer should read clearly that the quote contains inaccuracies, because the way he worded it made it seem like he was talking about himself, his preference or views, but now that I re-read it again and again, I understand what he is trying to say now.
nope, comments are correct - just stupid formatting...
@Rarst I left that, because we don’t want the plain doesn’t work questions. :D
what does he mean I will probably ask it there. ?
11:37 AM
@toscho it's still unclear...
is that WPSE or SO he means by THERE?
@userabuser ask him
@userabuser There means on SO in the context of meta wpse.
Ok I've edited there to "on SO" because that's bugging me and confusing as shit...
Otherwise the next and last sentence is then a contradiction
12:37 PM
new version of ICIT Spots and Local Indicator
1.1.1 and 1.2 respectively
whats new?
1.1.1 adds an edit button to spots on the frontend when hovered over by someone who can edit said spot
1.2 changes how the indicator is styled, and adds a media query so below 640px it turns into a colour coded square to save space
12:55 PM
front end feats are always good! nice
1:07 PM
I had about decade dose of mod room. I am not going there till 2013
lol.. is mod room combined SO/SE? etc
@userabuser yes, all the network
where all the cool kids are eh...
1:20 PM
mucho productive lunch
anyways toodles
nice one mate
@TomJNowell Why do you use user_levels, and not use get_users() instead ?
@userabuser was that you raving about f.lux recently? revisited it and using for couple days - very good, makes real difference (multiplied by two displays). wrote a blog post :)
@Rarst yep :) glad it helped... I've been using it for near 2 years, maybe even more (can't remember when it came out) - makes a huge difference, right now its 12am... if I didn't have f.lux I'd be staring at the sun... try that at 2, 3 or 4am... its real bad. f.lux to the rescue!
@userabuser I tried it long time ago, but didn't get into it back then...
1:30 PM
@StephenHarris because I was hoping to snag you making a comment on get_users
I mainly wrote the post as I found the code I'd already written
look at the previous revision and you'll see things like wp_die('oh dear god');
@TomJNowell :)
When I submit it to the .org repo, I'll make that change and the gist will update naturally
though feel free to edit away
@TomJNowell new WP_User_Query( array( 'roles' => 'administrator' ) );
@TomJNowell Or the wrapper get_users().
And user_level is deprecated. :)
@kaiser you've already been beaten to it
@Rarst At first its not easy to get used to I guess... but after you get accustomed to it then its near impossible to go without it
1:36 PM
@TomJNowell ?
@kaiser it was mentioned by @StephenHarris see furthe rup chat
Only briefly scanned what happened :)
 * {@internal Missing Short Description}}
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @param unknown_type $q
 * @return unknown
@kaiser sniff (overlooked...)
leet phpdoc skills...
working on that query var flow self-answer
wp( array( 'tb' => '1' ) ); leet argument naming skills as well... :)
1:52 PM
@kaiser @StephenHarris updated
My db-error.php file, as I've read about this possibility yesterday. Maybe you want to grab it.
@kaiser Nice man, swiped..
@userabuser Still cleaning up some bits. You should recheck in half an hour.
shall do... can't believe I've never thought of that before myself... This happened to me just the other week too...
2:09 PM
@userabuser I have it on darkstars.co.uk though it's old, css is out of date, and I wasn't aware of pagerank issues and 503 at the time, many many years ago
@kaiser in need of better copy?
@TomJNowell Got Gist?
which is something like the pros »can I haz codez?« ;)
@kaiser no I meant Copy as in "The copy in that article was attrocious", not "The copy of that file can be found on Z drive"
@TomJNowell The copy I made was attrocious? Btw: You sometimes seem to forget that I'm not a native speaker. Had to look up "attrocious". :)
I would suggest "We're Having Database Issues" as the title, and "This may be temporary, sotry again shortly. An email has been sent automatically to one of our staff." as the text
@TomJNowell sweet
2:15 PM
might be a little less opaque, and make the person at the other end more forgiving
a 'click to retry' link might also be good
even email field to be notified when DB is back up? (you can embed mailchimp for instance) with auto notification on DB return so the user knows to return
@TomJNowell I already changed the text from the original. And Ups! was the best I could come up with ;) Thanks for the "fix". Question: What is "sotry"? Can't find it.
so try
so try*
Ah, ok. lol
2:17 PM
@kaiser what's your first language?
And no "retry" wouldn't be nice. Would kill the mail server - everybody would just go wild on that.
@TomJNowell German. well, Austrian version of German.
@userabuser K'PLOCK!!
2:19 PM
@kaiser I thought you were joking :)
Hang -on, why did I just get a blue notice come up informing me of spam in other chat room....?
@StephenHarris The next time, I promise.
@StephenHarris Because you're 10k+ user
@kaiser ooo the privileges of high rank.. has never happened before...
@StephenHarris System wide notification to all users, so probably someone else catches up earlier than you. Haven't seen it this time at all. Best practice is to just ignore it. Normally it's not worth looking.
@ALL is there some special char, that is the equivalent of a default text cursor?
2:37 PM
@kaiser no further revisions on that db-error.php?
@TomJNowell Coming. Incl. funky js... that's what I need that cursor for.
funky js?
you're not making it type out the message are you?
@TomJNowell I am...
can you put two variants up then?
The one you already got stays as it is.
Second file will follow.
@TomJNowell 1st one: updated and done.
2:51 PM
↑ Now with "funky" version...
@userabuser actually answer with add_rewrite_tag() is about best for that question... rest of it is just bunch of juggling variables around in WP & WP_Query untill it lands in right places
@kaiser thanks =]
Oh. And there's maintenance.php too...
for those curious to see what @kaiser db error page looks like
And this is funky version, where the red string is replaced by translated "Hello" strings that are typed on the fly by JS.
3:04 PM
@Rarst I figure the same.. now to get the is_* conditionals working and I'm golden... still haven't tried toscho's solution yet though
@userabuser Normally it's easier to give his stuff a try and simply stop wondering and investing more time :P
@kaiser is there somewhere we can see this in action?
@TomJNowell Currently: No. Maybe later tonight. Need to setup stuff on a server later.
Q: How will self-hosted WordPress work with Google Page Speed Service?

RarstGoogle announced Page Speed Service, jumping on bandwagon of all-in-one site optimization and CDN. What are the potential issues, when configuring self-hosted WordPress for it? How will setting up reference domain work with WP? Considering that is required for Google to pull content, but public...

I am not sure what to do with this...
3:10 PM
@kaiser you writing a blogpost? If not I will
@TomJNowell Please resist. I'll likely write one on wpkrauts or WP Engineer.
@kaiser didn't know you were with WP Engineer
@TomJNowell Frank asked me again on writing a post two weeks ago. The german speaking dev community is pretty connected :)
ah, I should really be doing guest posts and whatnot
I find it ironic that I fought so hard to get repo licensing issues loosened and had no chance to actually use libs I needed that for since :)
what is "backup image" ?..
3:21 PM
which issues were those?
Hey guys, when you take your next break, watch this video: how to theoretically turn a sphere inside out
making it yet again a sphere?
@userabuser GPLv2 compatible only
@Rarst you mean for github?
3:23 PM
@userabuser wordpress.org
@Rarst what was the problem.. any links to read?
@MichaelEcklund Can I use this as a party trick?
@TomJNowell What would be the text you'd add to a maintenance mode screen? Something along "serving you with a better experience"?
@kaiser no that's too corporate spin dr marketer speak
@TomJNowell Alternate text?
@userabuser lol I suppose you could
3:24 PM
@userabuser problem was no GPLv3 & compatible. make.wordpress.org/core/2012/04/30/…
@kaiser "All your codez belong to us"
"We've taken the site down to fix/update things, but we'll be back soon. Check back in an hour, or visit our status blog here."
@Rarst ok so you lobbied for GPL3?
@TomJNowell Thanks
@userabuser yeah, took crapload of time and effort
I was more interested in Apache License 2.0 than GPLv3
it's basically MIT for corporations, but unlike MIT not GPLv2 compat
3:30 PM
ah was wondering
3:41 PM
such a pleasant feeling to come to own question from 2011 with "mission impossible..." overtones and totally crush it :)
A: How to cleanly delete attachment but retain original file?

RarstYear and some later with much improved skills, behold: Keep_Deleted_Attachment_File::on_load(); /** * Keep original file when deleting attachments. */ class Keep_Deleted_Attachment_File { static private $file; static function on_load() { add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__...

4:08 PM
For some reason, one of my WP_Query calls, that has a posts_per_page value of 4, has a LIMIT 0,999. Info from inside the posts_selection-hook that has the full query string. What's my problem? Anybody got an idea?
Ah, ok. Mixed up posts_per_page and numberposts again. Now I can see that I have a really serious problem: Missing spaces inside my query string... omg.
yay, I passed Eric in rep for the month... who is in Haiti without Internet. :)
97% accept rate... so...close...
4:30 PM
Damn... forgot to remove a filter in another plugin... 2h lost. What a waste of time.
2 hours later…
6:33 PM
Wasn't there some free SSL certificate service?
Is there an effective way of sharing terms with multiple taxonomies?
@Wyck Tanks!
What a great host. Dumps the cgi, php, etc. Folders in the httpdocs folder. Default .htaccess? Nope.
I'm dealing with a host as this moment you would not believe what that are charging my client
rip-off resellers
The one you told me about with this "man in the middle"? ;)
6:49 PM
I found the resellers real address yesterday and it's some guys house right next to where I used to live
7:21 PM
@MichaelEcklund no but you can use automation to trick the user into thinking there is
@TomJNowell When you insert a new term, shouldn't it check to see if the term already exists in the database, and if it does, just add a new relationship of that term to another taxonomy? Instead of creating a whole new term with a unique slug and id?
7:45 PM
@MichaelEcklund think that through for a second, it's more complicated than that especially considering the data structures and querying
the separation also gives advantages in that you can then make assumptions and optimise accordingly
it also avoids the I want A to be X in 1 but not in 2 where it needs to be Y
Meet BEM ... still not sure if this isn't the hundreds attempt to let an JSON object build the MarkUp.
@TomJNowell Well yeah, but terms are related to taxonomies and taxonomies are related the posts or other objects. How would it conflict like that?
One term could be used in several different situations.
say i have a tshirt object
and I have 2 taxonomies
and in each tax there's a term called fabric
one taxonomy is called style
the other material
so you'd agree we should have 1 term shared for fabric between the two right?
I suppose
I have a new tshirt
it looks like fabric
feels like fabric
even tastes and smells like it
you'd agree it should go in fabric as it's fabric style no?
7:55 PM
but it doesn't belong under fabric in the materials taxonomy because it isn't fabric
it's actually an imitation
belongs under some other term
usually these problems are indicative of a deeper problem in how your organising data
taxonomies are a means of classifying
if you need a taxonomy term to be shared between 2 taxonomies, then you're either in one of 2 situations
Well I guess it's not a big deal to insert a term more than once.
A developer named »cancel«. hehe
Basically I have two sections. Creating an employer portal, and an educator portal.
Both portals will be sharing SOME of the same post types, and SOME of the same taxonomies / terms.
well then
lump them all in with the same terms and taxonomies
7:59 PM
But there might be a situation where one needs a unique taxonomy, but inserts a term that already exists in another taxonomy.
just add in an additional taxonomy for 'type' with 2 terms, educator, and employer
having parallel taxonomies that do the same thing but for different people is silly
because your classifying them
these are the 'educator' taxonomies, and these are the 'employer' taxonomies
just like a taxonomy does * at this point lightbulbs should be bursting into life*
I trust you understand the implementation details of tax_query etc etc
Well for example. In one area of the site. We have a taxonomy for ALL users. Then now in these portals, we have two new taxonomies. One for all users which are Educators, and another for all users which are Employers. But from our taxonomy created earlier, with all users. Those terms are now existent more than once.
@TomJNowell If I put together an outline of all post types, and taxonomies, would you take a look at it, and provide advice on how to organize it better?
I just don't really see how we could get away with NOT reusing a term more than once in each of the taxonomies. We almost have to use it a second time.
I really need to get Capistrano up and running one day...
8:17 PM
@TomJNowell Maybe I'm just not understanding you correctly. Can you explain to me if I had an Object Type with a Taxonomy which contained all users as Terms. Then a second Object Type which had two Taxonomies, one which contained all employer users as Terms and the second one which contained all educator users as Terms. How that would pose as a conflict of interest, between the two Object Types?
Why wouldn't those terms be able to be shared properly?
Shouldn't each of the Taxonomies handle the relationship of the Terms between each separate Object Entity?
Maybe I'm just over-thinking it, should shut my trap, and just deal with it.
@Wyck Just saw that :P
@MichaelEcklund have you tried having a taxonomy where the objects represented are terms?
aka a term term
Like parent/child terms?
Otherwise, no. I don't know what you're talking about.
@TomJNowell Is that what the term_group column is for? I've never seen that actually be used for anything.
Before I die I want the Steward badge for reviewing reopen votes.
8:45 PM
@toscho not happening
@TomJNowell Or referred to as a "Term Alias"?
@MichaelEcklund objects are IDs
IDs can be anything
they can be the post ID
they can be which pair of pants I'm going to wear tomorrow
they can be individual notes owed by the US government
@TomJNowell So what exactly are you proposing I do here?
@MichaelEcklund taxonomies are for classifying things
you said you have terms for eahc user?
8:49 PM
in 2 taxonomies, one for employers and one for educators?
can a user be both?
then merge those 2 taxonomies
make ti heirarchical
make users child terms of either educator
or employer
But I have another object type, which has a taxonomy that contains ALL users as terms. Regardless of the kind of user they are.
8:50 PM
make sure nobody can sign up as educator or employer too
have you drawn out your data structure on a piece of paper?
you need to sit down adn think about these things
I have them separated. For example. I have three taxonomies in a section: Admins, Mods, Members. All thee taxonomies share the same exact terms.
none of us here can see all the pieces you need to slot together
sounds complicated
are you using any user taxonomies?
I have one user taxonomy for classifying users as: Standard, Trial, Subscriber (premium)
I suppose I could do that for admins, mods, members, etc
I just wanted more of a separated management for different areas of the site, rather than cramming it all into user profiles.
UI shouldn't dictate basic data
it should be the other way around
that way the UI isn't arbitrary
draw out all your data structures and simplify
Right, well back to square one, regarding sharing terms. I don't see why what I'm doing would conflict. Since the terms are the same thing, just in different taxonomies.
8:57 PM
think of it like grandchild themes
if you need them there's something wrong somewhere
go draw out what you have and simplify
and problems like this will become fewer in number
Okay, so let's put it this way. In the employer portal for example. There is a jobs post type. Within jobs, there's a taxonomy for assigning a company to the job. When that term is selected, it's associating that job with a company from the other post type.
That's what I'm trying to do. Just associate the terms, with other objects.
Whether it be a user, or another post type.
So that way, when I query the jobs, I can also query the company associated with that job.
Same thing with querying the company, I can also query the users in that company.
All because of the taxonomy/terms linking the two together.
That's all my terms are for.
Linking one object to another.
@TomJNowell I think I know how to do it now. Thanks for all of your help. Really appreciate it.
@TomJNowell Would be funny. A redesign that needs the whole base reworked :)
9:28 PM
10:11 PM
@TomJNowell brilliant
i want to be cool by the feeling
i just want to follow the evening
dont stop me I can be better
you can go a little bit wilder

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