I just thought of a question to ask potential mods (current mods can chime in too, if you want): what's your opinion on enabling MathJax for Photo.SE? meta discussion: photo.meta.stackexchange.com/q/4770/11924
@scottbb It's probably worth it. It isn't that demanding and there seems to be a pretty strong argument for it. I'd probably make the meta post featured for a bit to get it more attention and then ask for it to be switched on
actually, I take that back. Reading more on it I have a mixed opinion. The extra dns query is an impact that would be hit every time. I could see an argument for or against, but I'd still want to see the community's view on it before pushing for it
@AJHenderson yeah. I'm clearly in favor of enabling it, but I freely admit I might be too cavalier about the extra query and parsing for every page load.