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@SimplyBeautifulArt we now have feeds
lots of dem
@TheGreatDuck I see
Hmmmmm Do we really need/want a new chat room? But if one wants to own one badly enough, the more power to him/her, just suggesting the aim and intent, if any, of the chatroom be clear. But then again, since when do we require chatrooms to stick within rigid bounds (not gonna happen), so, best of luck, have fun, and be welcoming....that'll catch on.
@amWhy when did I say this chatroom was 'needed'?
@TheGreatDuck You clearly have not read my entire comment. (Two sentences.) Why are you so defensive all the time? Chill. Cya.
@amWhy yeah, I did read your comment, and I am chill man. Just saying I know this wasn't 'needed'. I wanted my own chat like simple art. :-D
@TheGreatDuck but I'm supposed to be special :P
Jk, but good luck making this work
@SimplyBeautifulArt fine. No soup fo you!
@TheGreatDuck hm, I know not of that saying
i've heard it in a commercial
dont know what it is though

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