@ItamarG3 Questions that attract people from other sites are, by and large, questions that attract people who don't know anything about the topic and provide and reward easy-to-write, superficial answers.
Hmm. you did find it. Ellen's post is first and third (first and second on my search). Or did you mean something else?
If @nocomprende's question is on hold, I don't think I can update my answer to match the new version. I think they are out of sync. Or should I vote to release it?
I strongly recommend a new tag, something like Useful Metaphors. I think it would bring a lot of questions together, especially the post office box model that creeps back in.
I think we have a problem. It just sits there in an inconsistent state. No-one, apparently, can communicate a suggestion. I think he/she is unhappy, based on earlier comments there, and might leave. I also think the OP is a valuable contributor.
Is there a pronoun I can use as a gender-neutral pronoun when referring back to a singular noun phrase?
Each student should save his questions until the end.
Each student should save her questions until the end.
@thesecretmaster because in that case I would guess a word that references an individual person that is gender neutral...so like xi (is that the new thing? I can't remember).
Maybe have a 'metaphor' tag synonym? I suppose that would be asking for trouble. 'Analogy' is "something literally true" so it is a way better fit for teaching CS than a metaphor, but any port in a storm.
Don't get me started on icons... usually results in a holy war.
Everyone is slowly greying out... must be time for lunch.
Read and article today that says a good sense of smell (in mice at least) makes one fat.
the converse isn't true (personal experience)
I think edits to infrastructure (e.g. tags) aren't visible anyone but the editor and mods until approved. At least the note I got after I edited seems to say that explicitly
@thesecretmaster If a tag synonym is created and someone uses it, what shows when it is applied to a question, the original, or the synonym? If it is the original then having one here seems to do little harm and some good.
So I think teaching metaphor would be a good synonym for teaching analogy. If I go to the tags page and search for metaphor nothing shows up now, even after the changes to ...analogy.
@Aurora0001 Do small synonyms like that typically go through meta? Or can they just be made if there is a nominal representative of folks who all seem to agree?
If search were improved it wouldn't be needed. If search for metaphor turned up any tag that mentioned metaphor in the short description it would be enough.
@nocomprende. Yes, that is precisely true. It is often used when leaving or signing off. But it is more like a priest/teacher/sensi thinking of him/her self as the servant of the group rather than the leader. "I am yours to command."
Technical point: you cannot vote to close a question with an active bounty (not even during the "grace period"). Otherwise, any combination of
ignoring any pings from the user
deleting your answer and comments (which prevents pings)
voting to close
is appropriate in such a case. ...
I found this post, and I don't think it's all that applicable to us, but we should watch out for this thing.
The handicap thing I mentioned is true. I haven't gone for any kind of diagnosis, but I really don't think I'm talking about the normal sort of tee-hee, my memory is really bad, guys
@BenI. If I were to give you one bit of advice to help you grow as a teacher, it would be "be all about the students" rather than "all about the material".
Students can be all about the material, but not teachers.
Note that everyone is "handicapped". Everyone. For some it is obvious, for others less so. Our evolution requires it. If we were too much alike we wouldn't evolve. The outliers in any given environment are the handicapped.
Until the asteroid hits.
Rather, the outliers are the ones "perceived" to be handicapped. Sorry.
If this was 12000 years ago and we were sitting around the campfire I'd be talking the same way (the old geezer) and you'd be listening. My goal would be the survival of the clan. As it is now.
I'm not personally a big fan of question sandboxes; it just seems pointless—isn't the whole point of putting questions on hold and commenting to help people make their questions better?
And then you have to check the main site for new questions... and the sandbox for new question proposals
@Aurora0001 Yes. But some people feel really bad when that happens, so it's a way to make people feel supported instead of attacked. Closing questions really is designed to help improve questions, but it doesn't feel that way to new users
Not voted on it yet though, but I feel like the sandbox idea only works well for sites that have special requirements for questions (like Puzzling, PPCG, etc.)
@BenI. Would seem easier just to explain to people that closure is a chance to improve their question and not a punishment (and prune any comments that are inappropriate)
@BenI. Well, if I didn't enjoy it, I would just quit :P. After all, I'm volunteering time for my site, and I wouldn't do it if I didn't get at least some satisfaction from it
@BenI. And I also feel that I'd be around on the site anyway, so I may as well help out with moderating. But seriously, I think it'd be silly to dedicate time to moderating if you don't get any pleasure at all out of it.
So far, I don't really enjoy it. I really want to see this community succeed, and I am willing to play whatever role to help it, but it is a lot of meta stuff and dealing with flags and handling people's complaints, none of which directly appeals to me.
@BenI. I mean that is the big shame if there is a lot of work to do—a lot of moderators (especially on bigger sites like SO) look like they barely contribute anything, because there's so much work to do on the meta sites and flags
But I'd honestly suggest you give it a few weeks and let the activity settle a little. If it's really not for you, then the SE team will be happy to support you however possible (e.g. getting more moderators to join the team, or, if you really feel strongly, letting you step down)
@Buffy I strongly doubt that, at least for the near future. Currently there's a lot of buzz from the beta launch, and HNQs, but the pattern on a lot of beta sites is that it drops initially, because some initial users become less active, etc etc
CSE does seem to have a lot of momentum behind it, and I honestly hope it continues... but realistically it might diminish a little before growing again
Plus, my heart isn't in "SE", it's in "cseducators", and while "SE" is the ecosystem that sustains us, I sometimes find it cognitively difficult to have to defend/enforce SE norms when I don't 100% feel that they serve the needs of cseducators.
The pattern I see is that a few initial users champion the site at the beginning, and stay highly visible all along, like on The Workplace and Buddhism. But the next-tier users seem to stick around for a year or two, then get replaced. Meetup is very similar.
I was a consumer (via google) of SE:SO for a long time without joining anything. Look at the reps of some of the ordinary members. An immense job to manage that site
@BenI. If there are any norms you don't feel are working out... then consider whether you do need to enforce them or not at all. But of course that usually ends up with even more meta load to decide whether it's a good idea
For now, I'll continue as is. I'm slowly getting the hang of some of it, and I'll see how things go. If I still find it not-so-enjoyable in a few weeks, I guess I'll start talking to the other pro tems and Pops and figure out how to proceed from there.
I assume that we're going to go down in activity also because it is summer break
I'm hopeful that we'll see a significant uptick in September/October
Let me just say: I think you've done a really amazing job so far, and this site probably wouldn't be here without your support at the start of the beta especially.
This question should serve as a sandbox for in-progress questions. Any question submitted here will automagically be shown in the Guidance Office. We need this space because it's hard to actually work on questions in the Guidance Office, and having a drafting space would be very useful.
Some rul...