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I'm also trying to learn number theory, as it turns out
Balarka may be in on this as well
Oh hey that sounds sweet
We'll all be using Weil
this book short af
probably really really meaty though
Oh it is
I love these sorts of books
If I work through it, which I intend to, Weil will be the first book I'll have worked through all the way
That's a good goal, I'll steal it and set it for myself as well
Woo! Theft but partnership
My problem is that I always bite off more than I can chew.
I'm going through Ted's book, Artin, and now this, lol.
As do I, that's a way of life
I like it--it will hopefully eventually give me a broad base--but as it is I'm just scattered.
I'm like simultaneously "doing" this, Atiyah (which Ted isn't sure I'm ready for but like, eh), some general discrete from Nesetril
Also algebra/linear algebra, this summer will start with some topology, and then there's a bootcamp which will have 4 topics
It's crazy scattered
Maybe I should quit consuming illicit substances
I don't consume illicit substances or even their lighter, legal variants, and yet I'm still insane
Though on general principle drugs don't help in life so I'd still recommend quitting, just not in hopes of sanity
I guess that's true for me too--even sober I can't focus.
I'm pretty sure I've got some form of ADHD
Same tbh
yeh it's no big deal but it can be a hassle
That is true

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