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@skyler here
Have the characters start at 1st level, you can also bump them up to 2nd, if you want to make it a bit easier. They should end the adventure at around 3rd or 4th level, depending on how they play the game
The animals are easy to stat. Lazily, just grab any beast and put in Blood Frenzy, and it works out nicely.
For the humanoids, I have the Azaleans (the regular villagers) and the Lost Souls (the 'turned' ones). I'll start with the Azalean "base", as the only difference is that Lost Souls have the Blood Frenzy ability.
*Azaleans*, Medium Humanoid, CR 1/2
AC 12, HP 36 (8d8), Spd 30
Str 15, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Perception+3, Stealth+4
Keen Senses. Adantage on all Perception Checks
Multiattack (1 weapon or claw, 1 Bite)
Bite +4, 1 creature, 5ft reach, 1d6+2
Claw +4, 1 creature, 5ft reach, 1d4+2
They feel kinda like elves but their savagery is captured by the calws and their higher-than-normal HP pools
For Lost Souls, just add the Blood Frenzy ability, decrease their Wis to 9, and increase CR to 1
For the miniboss, the sawyer:
*Raun the Sawyer*, Large Fiend, CR 4
AC 15, HP 45 (6d10+12), Spd 45
Str 19, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9
Resistances: Bludg. Piercing Slashing from nonmagical, Cold, Fire, Lightning
Skills: Survival+3, Athletics +6
Charge. 20 feet straightline and hits with gore, additional 2d8 damage
Magic Resistance. Advantage on STs vs magic
Multiattack (Tail + Axe- feel free to change the axe type to something the players can use after this guy is dead)
Gore +6, 1 creature, 5ft reach, 2d6+4 piercing
Greataxe +7(magical!), 1 creature, 5ft reach, 1d12+5 slashing
Tail +6, 1 creature, 10ft reach, 1d8+4 bludgeoning
Shapeshift. Raun can shapeshift into a Medium humanoid or into a Large Fiend as an Action.
I had here a note "rip off from lycanthrope shapeshift", but it hasnt really come up in-game so I didn't bother to recheck that
The party might be 3rd or 2nd level while fighting this guy, depending on the side quests they take, but this guy should be the first encounter in a day, so there's no worry of a TPK
ok, so three enemy types
theres... 2 more
Raun is like the miniboss, and the Azaleans are really just the villagers and I just came up with the stat blocks in case the party decides to kill one of them
Here's a Demon Azalean:
*Demonic Azalean*, Large Fiend, CR 2
AC 16, HP 30(4d10+8), Spd 45
Str 19, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 9
Resistances: Bludg. Piercing Slashing from nonmagical, Cold, Fire, Lightning
Charge. 20 feet straightline and hits with gore, additional 2d8 damage
Magic Resistance. Advantage on STs vs magic
Multiattack (Tail + Claw)
Gore +6, 1 creature, 5ft reach, 2d6+4 piercing
Claw+6, 1 creature, 5ft reach, 2d4+4 slashing
Tail +6, 1 creature, 10ft reach, 1d8+4 bludgeoning
Shapeshift. The Demonic Azalean can shapeshift into a Medium humanoid or into a Large Fiend as an Action.
oh, I forget that all the monsters so far had Darkvision 60
Finally, the last boss:
*Zalentoah the Deceiver*, Medium Celestial, CR 7
AC 14, HP 58 (9d8+18), Speed 40, Fly 20
Resistances: Bludg. Piercing Slashing from nonmagical, Radiant, Necrotic
Immunities: Frightened, Charmed
Saving Throws: Wis+6, Cha+7
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 18
Magic Resistance. Adv on ST vs Magic
Avoidance. Zalentoah can use his wings to avoid damage. If fails Dex ST, takes half, if succeeds, no damage.
Parry. +2 AC vs one attack as a reaction
Innate Spellcasting: +7, DC 15
at-will: Detect Thoughts, Mirror Image, Fire Bolt (2d10), Frostbite(2d6)
2/day each: Ice Knife, Command, Burning Hands
1/day: Phantasmal Force
Superior Mirror Image. If an attack hits a mirror image, the attack is redirected to another target within 5 feet of Zalentoah, if there are no valid target, the attack still misses Zalentoah but one mirror image is gone. If there are more than 1 valid targets, roll randomly to determine who is hit.
// ^^ tell me if you dont get that. That is the primary mechanic that makes this fight so tough
Withering Touch +7, 2d4 necrotic damage
Legendary Actions (2/round):
Cast a spell (except mirror image) - 2 actions
Cast a Cantrip - 1 action
Withering Touch - 1 action
OH! almost forgot.
He also has:
True Name Hypersensitivity: If Zalentoah's name is spoken aloud within 100 feet of him, he loses his Superior Mirror Image feature for 1 day.
Obviously, if the PCs learn his name before fighting him, he gets an extreme debuff
which knocks his CR down quite a bit. (to along 3 or 4, hadnt bothered to recalculate)
Aaand I think that's all
honestly, Zalentoah's spell list could use a little tweak. Ice Knife and Burning Hands look really weak and doesnt fit the flavor of this guy. That's up to you, now!
Let me also try to put in writing the "Blood Vines" trap at the end:
*Blood Vines*
Trigger: If the PCs damage the Blood Vines, blood is splattered in a 10ft cube around the attacker (potentially getting 2 PCs if they're too close together.
Effect: Affected targets must make a DC 15 Wis ST or gain one level of 'Anguish'. A successful saving throw only decreases 'Anguish' by 1 if the blood is wiped clean off the target first, otherwise, a successful saving throw does nothing.

Anguis levels:
1 - RP effect. begins to cry uncontrollably, but otherwise fine.
2 - Incapacitated and cannot move while sobbing
Countermeasures: The amount of blood on affected targets depends on the amount of damage dealt to the vines (if you want, you can get really technical with this but I'm lazy so I went with...). Wiping all the blood clean off requires 10 Actions which can be shared by other PCs. A casting of Prestidigitation is equivalent to 3 Actions. Using a spell slot to clean the blood off (like Create Water, or something) is equivalent to 5 Actions of wiping. //It's a great resource sink
and that's about all of it
4 hours later…
thanks again, sorry i missed this since I have been busy kind of transitioning in my life

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