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A: Add a language to a polyglot

stasoid67. C11, 1674 bytes #16 "(}o+?23!@)-("//*\Dv;'[af2.q]PkPPX'#CO)"14";n4 #/*0|7//```"` [-'v][!(>77*,;68*,@;'1,@10␉␉11)(22)S␉␉(1 P''53'S^'q #>␉ # 36!@␉` # #_>++++.>.+?+++++::@ #`<` #<]}} +<[<.>>-]>[ #{ #z} # #=x<R+++++[D>+++++++59xL+++<-][pPLEASE,2<-#2DO,2SUB#1<-#52DO,2SUB#2<-#32DOREADOUT,2PLEAS...

4 hours later…
Does anyone know whats going on with the python part right now?
There seems to be a lot going on if we are only trying to differentiate between python 2 and 3. Are there other languages reading that section?
@wheatwizard This code segment print((eval("1\x2f2")and 9or 13)-(0and 4)^1<<(65)>>62) holds the python answers as well as Perl 5 and Ruby.
Ok I see
Anyone have a good idea of how to differentiate between python and Ruby? Currently I am using (1.+0) which is a float in python but an int in ruby
However I need to convert back into an int and I can't think of a way to do it.
I can also make a true/false value by doing (1.+0)/2>0
Ok I got it
How does the current code differentiate between python 2 and ruby?
I see that the first part (eval("1\x2f2")and 9or 13) is 13 for both of them, but how does it do the part after?
@WheatWizard Remember how we were discussing adding rk-lang to the polyglot in TNB a while ago?
Ah we could probably add it then
This would be the code to print 75
int x = 75
print: x
Yeah, like I said, it's a trash language
@WheatWizard How do I go about adding it?
Try to find a place to put it, break everything, and then fix things one by one. If thats too hard try placing it somewhere else
Prior to this line $'main'3 is a good bet
@Chance To me?
Wow, I only broke one language on my first try
I broke about 20. What are comments in all the languages?
Mostly #
What languages in particular have you broken?
Well, about 25 less after I remembered rk-lang doesn't have comments
Thats good
alphuck prints nothing
pip prints nothing
alphuck is easy
pip not so much
Retina fails really bad
Did you add new lines?
smbf fails
I added one new line
Yeah thats what kills retina
And ALGOL-68 fails badly
I could remove the line...
might be a good idea
Done, it's loading
Okay, now just Alphuck, ALGOL-68 and SMBF fail
Oh wait Wise fails too
alphuck cares about aceijops
which of those did you add?
So what are comments in Alphuck, ALGOL-68, SMBF and Wise?
You know Brainfuck?
@WheatWizard Not really
Wise and alphuck have no comments.
don't know about the others
Hmm okay
I'll just try sticking my code in other places :P
Here is alphuxks esolangs page
4 broken is pretty good
I would stick with it
I can help you with wise and alphuck is easy
Well I literally just stuck the rk-lang code at the end
Oh okay
is pip still broken?
@WheatWizard Nope
Hm you're probably good
If your messing with the end it might be hard to fix wise though
Yeah. rk-lang doesn't care where it is, it ignores everything until rk:start and after rk:end and is delimited only by spaces
So I just have to work with the rest of it
What does Wise care about?
Aargh mine only uses :
and it's 100% essential
a & or | after it will cancel out
@WheatWizard Directly after it or anywhere in the code?
Between it and the next thing wise cares about
Also do we care if there are unprintable hexadecimal characters after the number? If not I only need to fix Alphuck
Yeah we do
not newlines though
I'm almost done with my answer btw, you may want to hold off a bit on adding anything
Oh good, rk-lang doesn't care about random operators either
Ah all right
@WheatWizard Are you sure? I added a | after each : and it still printed an extra hex character
Did you add any of the other characters?
Oh wait whoops I missed one
I wish the script didn't take 45 seconds to run O_o
Okay Wise works
Alphuck, SMBF and ALGOL-68 still fail though
What's an ALGOL-68 comment?
don't know
I have not touched ALGOL ever
Wtf it's ¢
Oh yeah, I think I heard that
"The way of putting your two cents in"
well, there go 20 hexadecimal characters off the end of the a68g output...
Ugh fixing the ALGOL-68 makes 5 others fail :I
Wait... # is supposed to be an ALGOL-68 comment too
Is that yours?
Yes, I'm just saving my progress
some algol interpreters use ¢, the one we're using does not
@SnoringFrog What does ours ignore?
iirc, co is probably what you need for the interpreter @Chance used
@SnoringFrog Can that be capitalized?
No idea. I've never used Algol, just recalling what came up in chat about it
What is Algol delimited by?
i.e. is it character based
Have you tried reading Chance's algol post? That's the only place I know to direct you, unfortunately
@stasoid Try this below
That should get rid of the null byte
and while I'm thinking about it,
alphuck is broken because you unbalanced the loop characters. Loops begin with `p` and are terminated with `s`. So you need to add a `p` somewhere before the `s` in `start`, and an `s` somewhere after the `p` in `print`.

I'd recommend adding the `s` to the string of `s` near the beginning of the last line and adding the `p` after the `p` in `:ajjap*//` just above the `define` line (that's the main alphuck/evil line. Those spots will keep the alphuck additions closer to other alphuck stuff so they don't get lost. That's assuming you're putting your code betw
All right I got ALGOL working
@SnoringFrog Hmm I'll use that

@SnoringFrog Thank you! It works now
The only thing I gotta fix is SMBF
@MDXF I've finished my latest answer
@WheatWizard So it's an answer now?
I'm writing the submission now, you might want to waut a second
No I'm not going to post until you're done
I just mean
you are going to have to keep track of an additional language
Yeah. What language?
Doesn't that use # comment syntax?
I've also made some changes to things that might affect what your doing
just a heads up
But what comment syntax does Python use
@stasoid did you test Incident locally? I noticed the tokens changed but I can't run the interpreter myself to verify it
@WheatWizard All right; let me know when you've posted
@SnoringFrog I've checked it
ok, cool. I couldn't remember who else got that interpreter running aside from ais523
Wait I'm confused
@SnoringFrog yes
If SMBF only recognizes ><+-.,[] and I don't use any of them, why does it print C instead of 6?
@WheatWizard it doesnt work, it still has dot (.) in its path
I must have given you the wrong link
SMBF modifies the source code as it's running, so it depends on some certain characters
correct surface program should be ++++++::@, no dots
The 6 that it's printing is the one that is the 2nd to last character in the file
@stasoid That's what I have?
What are you seeing in the link I gave you?
I see the same code as before
Try the link again, its different for me
@WheatWizard wrong link?
For me the link works
Oh wait it doesn
@WheatWizard Let me know when you're done with your post, I got mine working, ready to go
@MDXF if you didn't add any of those characters, I'd expect SMBF to still print whatever the second to last character in the file is.
I got the wrong link
@SnoringFrog Yep I fixed it
I switched around the ALGOL comment syntax a bit and it's fine
@stasoid My next answer fixes the issue, I'll leave the links alone and just post that answer.
Also how do I write an answer description? They all look terribly detailed, what do I include?
@MDXF I'm going to skip the explanation so I can post now
@WheatWizard Thanks :P
Generally, just explain the language you added and how it works, then detail any other changes you made to make other languages work.
@SnoringFrog All right, thanks
It doesn't have to be super detailed, but it really helps to have those details when someone has to go back to learn and debug your language later on, and also helps to track what characters are arbitrary filler characters vs. important ones and such
@SnoringFrog Yeah that's what I figured. And it really does help, the only reason mine was possible was because of @Chance's amazingly detailed ALGOL-68 description
@WheatWizard Thanks, updating my code...
@WheatWizard How do I test your code?
@MDXF On that note, it's also worth pointing out useful things you didn't use that might be helpful for future answers, like Chance with his details about the various comment syntaxes.
Basically, anything you think of that might be useful for the future is probably worth noting. As you can probably tell, we're not worried about answers that come with massive posts: better to have too much info than too little.
@MDXF Install python 1.6.1
Its not very easy to do
I am going to ask dennis to add it
@WheatWizard In that case, could you just test my code? pastebin.com/9XrRXALj
Ignore that rk-lang prints 75 :P
I'll be really surprised if it doesn't work
I'll write my answer now
Have you checked incident?
and all of the other ??? langs
Oh that's right I forgot a few
incident is the hard one
How does Reng work?
A: Add a language to a polyglot

Wheat Wizard67. Python (1.6.1), 1698 bytes #16 "(}o+?23!@)-("//*\Dv;'[af2.q]PkPPX'#CO)"14";n4 #/*0|7//```"` [-'v][!(>77*,;68*,@;'1,@10␉␉11)(22)S␉␉(1 P''53'S^'q #>␉ # 36!@␉` # #_>++++.>++++++::@-----x-.+? #`<` #<]}} +<[<.>>-]>[ #{ #z} # #=x<R+++++[D>+++++++59xL+++<-][pPLEASE,2<-#2DO,2SUB#1<-#52DO,2SUB#2<-...

@MDXF Reng is a 2D lang
Nvm I figured it out
it gets pushed over the top and executes code on the bottom
Would anyone who has the interpreter mind testing the code (from the pastebin) with Deadfish~ ?
I'll do
Do you have any of the other interpreters?
I have Incident, and Moorhens
I just deleted surface
If you have windows it will be easier for you to test surface than I
All right; I'll test surface, if you wouldn't mind checking the others...
Incident and moorhens are likely to break imo
@MDXF Incident's broke
this is a fairly common issue
I'll check Moorhens
How do I fix it?
Incident is usually the last thing to fix
What does Incident recognize, or is there a link to its webpage?
Incident has a strange tokenizer
I'll explain it in a sec
Moorhens is fine, I realized I actually added a safety feature to prevent it from causing too much damage
Incident looks for anything that appears exactly 3 times. If you look near the bottom of the output of the test driver you'll see the list of tokens it found.
@SnoringFrog 3 times in a row?
The goal is to have 0mo in the center
@MDXF Not in a row, just anywhere in the program
@MDXF No, just 3 times over the course of the whole program
So what would I have to do to fix if I appended # p rk:start | int x = 68 print: x & s rk:end | 6# to WheatWizard's code?
Do I have to add stuff to the start to get it to balance?
You would have to do some token breaking
You might either create new tokens that way or destroy existing ones
Check you tokenized output on TIO, both before and after the change
@WheatWizard How do I do that?
Its in the output secotion
just scroll down a bit
Oh yes I see
You can paste the output here, It can help us to help you
Yeah I just had it formatted really nicely and then I pasted it here and it was unreadable
Look like you detokenized 68 and tokenized <space>2 and x.
I think I detokenized 68.
or did I tokenize it in the first place?
I'm looking at your TIO link and 68 is in there
@SnoringFrog How do I fix?
also you forgot to add a line for python to the driver
Yeah I tokenized it
@SnoringFrog Dennis is seeing if it can be added rn.
Once there is a verdict I'll go ahead and add it
How do I send my TIO link? It's too long
Format it as code
hit shift return paste and select fixed font
Still says too long
oh huh that works
@MDXF I just did number 68 are you sure that you don't have to change the number to 69?
Whoever added Incident to this is a monster
that would help you tokenize
Incident is really fun
Oh duh
whoever added Prelude is a monster.
@WheatWizard Gotcha. I fixed the VIP score in your post then, it was calculated assuming 66 langs.
Oh thanks
Oh jeez switching 68 to 69 really messes with the tokenization
In @ais523's defense, we thought we were nearing the end of the polyglot when he added Incident. We also thought things were about done when we finally caved and added Cubix, yet here we are...
Oh wait but it balances out
Where's the Incident interpreter?
Err I don't remember where I got it
That's a good question. There's no link to it in its original answer.
ais linked it at some point and I downloaded it
I had to fix it to run on my computer
In that case could you check if it magically works now?
Is 0mo in the center?
If you get 0mo in the center I'll test it for you
Define center
how many tokens do you have?
96, so should the center be the 48th token?
Rrgh it's the 49th
How do I balance it out?
Would renaming my variable help?
Ok, just starred the message with the link to the Incident interpreter, so that should appear in the sidebar now
Oh there are exactly 6 k's
Does that change something?
Tokens cannot be 1 character
plus 6 is not 3
there must be 3 for it to be a token
oh, that new token is x␠, not x. Missed that.
I can't figure out what's getting un-tokenized
I don't think I tokenize or detokenize anything...
What tokens do you want to change?
Well I don't know, I don't want to change anything from yours if yours works
But that's the thing - I don't change any character counts to/from 3
You should try to make your tokens exactly like mine
So that question becomes: what tokens are different?
@MDXF you added a 68, which detokenized that. I think you could change the 68 in 65or 68safely though
No, I didn't add a 68, it was an accident
I changed it to 69
Oh I must still have an old tio link
@MDXF you mean incident
@Luke Ha ha
ok, so you tokenized x␠ and ␠2
But there's no <space>2 in my code...
Changing your variable would get rid of the x␠ token, or, if you can remove the spaces (idk if that language cares about spaces with the assignment)
It does
Spaces are the only delimiter :P
I wrote it when I was 13
It's kind of trash
I could change the variable name to something else, though
And @WheatWizard I'm pretty sure you tokenized <space>2
It's not in the tokens on his answer
You can check his TIO link
But it appears three times in the source code
In that case, it probably overlaps with another token, which causes neither to count as a token
Okay so changing x to y in my code makes the tokens look like:
1:?2 2:;' 3:q 4:68 5:;' 6:q 7:>> 8:EA 9:<-# 10:2DO 11:<-# 12:2DO 13:<-# 14:2DO 15:EA 16:EA 17:#x 18:#x 19:?2 20:?2 21:0l 22:0v 23:1k 24:1k 25:0l 26:0i 27:0j 28:0h 29:0h 30:1d 31:0e 32:0y 33:0y 34:0mo 35:1d 36:0y 37:0e 38:0e 39:1d 40:0i 41:0f 42:0g 43:0n 44:0n 45:0mo 46:0n 47:0t 48:0t 49:0mo 50:0f 51:0t 52:0g 53:0g 54:0f 55:0h 56:0j 57:0j 58:0i 59:1k 60:0v 61:0v 62:0l 63:^_ 64:q 65:#x 66:( p 67:e 68:;' 69:print( 70: 2 71:5) 72:>> 73:68 74:5) 75:>> 76:({} 77:({} 78:({} 79:( p 80:5) 81:3) 82:3) 83:3) 84: 2 85:68 86:e 87:e 88:( p 89:print( 90: 2 91:print( 92:^_ 93:^_
I just need to detokenize <space>2 but since it's not in the part of the code I wrote I don't know how to
@WheatWizard I got 0mo in the center
It works with everything else, now I just need Incident tested
I'm guessing it has to do with t<space>, since that looks like the only potential overlap that you changed the amount of? Counting them it still doesn't make sense to me, but I've never really understood incident
@SnoringFrog I fixed the tokens and got 0mo in the center
I just need it tested
But all that's needed to detokenize it would be to make a 4th 2<space> appear.
Doesn't work
@WheatWizard :( what does it do now?
Prints two unprintable characters
which you might be able to do by just adding a space in front of a 2 elsewhere in the program and verifying nothing else breaks
0000000: ffff                                     ..
@SnoringFrog No 2's can have a space in front of them
You know I can add literally any character to my part of the code, right?
@MDXF put a space before the 222 on the last line
If there's something I can do just by sticking a random character anywhere in my part of the code, let me know
@SnoringFrog Hm testing that
It works for all the TIO stuff, at least. Afaik it shouldn't break the manually tested things either. Unless I'm reading something wrong.
So adding that space should make it work?
Oh YES that balances it out with the Incident tokens
I believe so. In my test it gave me the same tokens as Wheat Wizard
Also, you'll need to add 2 lines to the driver at the end of the list of languages. We need ": Python is not installed on TIO" ` and : <whatever your adding> is not installed on TIO" `.
It makes it identical to WheatWizard's tokens
@SnoringFrog Okay
Adding those lines ensures the VIP score is calculated properly and that the PASS/FAIL checks continue properly for future languages (even though your language doesn't use the check itself)
I'm posting it. How do I calculate the VIP score?
The output from the driver will do it automatically
Oh okay thank you
Should I post it, then update with an explanation, or post with an explanation?
I'd post with explanation
You can copy/paste from just under the pass/fail list until the VIP score line directly into your answer.

And yeah, add the explanation with the initial post as long as you can. Not a huge deal if you need to come edit it, but it's best to get it up as soon as possible
So, next one would be 68?
No, @MDXF answer is 69
So 70 is up next.
@SnoringFrog What? Mine is 69
@SnoringFrog I felt Incident might be annoying, but we were already managing with Hexagony, and Incident was originally designed to be workable into basically any program, so I felt confident that it wouldn't create any new obstacles
whoops wrong username; edit: fixed
like, say, dc has turned out to
I should really finish YABALL
I haven't had to deal with dc yet. Haven't found time to work on anything since Cow all the way back in '52.
Yay, posted the answer
It probably needs explanation improvements
wow, adding at the end, that's a gutsy move :-)
normally adding languages like that in the middle is easier
Nope, I literally just pasted the rk-lang code to print 69 and only 5 languages complained
@SnoringFrog dc has # comments, but breaks on almost anything it doesn't recognise
@ais523 Sounds like the exact opposite of rk-lang
It ignores anything it doesn't recognize
Including stray operators, apparently :P
luckily […] is a string literal in dc
and it also has a parser-blocking quit
but dc is making it very hard to add languages in which a program can't start with [ (such as, say, Lua :-P)
Also, is it bad practice to golf my submission?
not necessarily
I need to experiment with rk-lang's trashy syntax. I could probably golf a few bytes off
bloating up the polyglot somewhat makes it easier to add verbose languages, by removing the bloat again
but that hasn't been a problem for a while
I just left a couple comments about golfable stuff, actually
@SnoringFrog Yeah I noticed
I'm gonna test them out
actually, for that alphuck comment, taking out the s in #s^_^ might work and be cleaner
the nice thing about this challenge is that we can retroactively golf entries without breaking the chain, so long as they don't become more than 20% shorter than the entry after
Golfed :)
We might actually be able to drop a few more s's, I'll test it out real quick and let you know
A: Add a language to a polyglot

MD XF69. rk-lang, 1750 1748 bytes rk-lang was a terrible language I wrote when I was 13. However, due to it's generally awful syntax, it's more or less perfect for this challenge. #16 "(}o+?23!@)-("//*\Dv;'[af2.q]PkPPX'#CO)"14";n4 #/*0|7//```"` [-'v][!(>77*,;68*,@;'1,@10 11)(22)S ...

I'm thinking changing your var name to s, then dropping two of the 3 s at the beginning of the line
unless the s & s would cause problems for rk-lang, or if this messes up some unexpected Incident stuff
@SnoringFrog It might mess it up for Incident and actually that might mess up rk-lang
I'll experiment
oh duh, it makes <space>s a token, of course
Oh huh, it doesn't screw up rk-lang
Oh darn, it messes up Incident? :(
and I broke Prelude, but no surprise there
So forget the golfs, then?
I've got this as the last line now: # s 8␛dggi2␛|$// ''25 16*///~-<~-<~-<<<~-XCOprint("65")#^_^_ 222999# # rk:start | int s = 69 print: s & s rk:end | 6#` but that's giving me 93 tokens
so I tokenized something somewhere
Ugh I got 93 tokens so many times
Hmm... it might be tokenizing s<space> or <space>s
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