Another language that might potentially fit in: Black; you can output an integer concisely in it, and it's easy to separate from other code. The problem is that it rather monopolizes lines 2, 3, and 4.
In order for line 2 to be more flexible, the /* and ` would have to find their way into line 1, which I'd like to do for an asm answer anyways if possible. Unless black is cool with /* and `.
Also, the bulk of whitespace is on line 2. shouldn't be a problem as long as black is ok with tabs.
Another add, that's maybe kind of a dumb addition, is cow. But cow would probably bump the VIP for an answer less than like 80.
Before dealing with Cubix and whatever else doesn't like Cow, it's 63 characters (unless there's a more efficient way to generate 49 than with the non-wrapping BF constant from the wiki). Probably plenty of room.
Also, the useless x before the intercal can be used to replace one of the p's in Deadfish~ while working in the next language.
Oh wait, we only have 61 bytes available; "plenty of room" was assuming 80. So Cow will hurt the VIP score without some additional golfing. It also needs to be placed in an alphuck loop or will require another p/s to dodge the o's
@Chance come to think of it, what Black actually needs is for lines 2 and 4 to have an identical sequence of space and not-space to each other; that's actually a much easier criterion than I realised