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12:00 AM
Maybe add something like "[...] be usable to create a plasma rifle".
The last point about the improvement is nice, but that's what you are asking so it can be removed.
5: In the beginning you mention "This time we[...]". And reading the comments I have a question: Is "Physics of Impossibru" some kind of continuing series of yours or any other user? I am not familiar with this series. Is there a link to a Meta Post where you write down all of the questions to provide a single source for users interested in this general topic? If so, please provide the link. Otherwise: please create the Meta-Post, add some info about what you are trying to do and then add link
6: I am not familiar with XCom. I know that it's a game but I never played it. Others might get even more confused. Does this really add something relevant to the question? If so: add more information about the game and why it is important. Otherwise: again, please remove it.
@Secespitus you mean, ask a question with meta, with all the links to the previous ones and the current?
Right, give me a moment, I will show you what I mean.
@Secespitus An inside joke, might remove.
Q: Anatomically Correct Series

TrEs-2bAs you all know there is a series of questions that have been asked to create fictional creatures in a realistic evolutionary way. And below is a summarized list of all of the questions in order of post, so that a link to this meta post should be enough for future questions.

That's one of my favourite series on this site. Please have a look at the post and some of the questions linked there to see how to create a series.
A general tip: We have a Sandbox. There you can test a question and get feedback on the style, before you realease it into the wild. This would prevent situations like this one right now. Just wait for some feedback there, it's really good and even very experienced users use it.
Everything I have said so far is basically the same as MichaelK said: Structure your question as simple as possible by first giving the premise then going to the problem and afterwards stating the query. Plus: cut the fluff (/ funny story parts, pictures, ...). The latter ones are not necessary and very hard to get right around here.
It's getting late so I will stop for now. I will write an answer to the Meta-Post and then go to bed. I will take a look at the discussion tomorrow if I find the time and help some more if my help is still needed. Plus I probably didn't get everything as I am starting to feel sleepy.
I hope I could help you by giving a more detailed lists of things to think about. But generally: @MichaelK was absolutely right and you should reread his comments and try to follow his advice. Like everyone around here he is trying to help you as best as he can.
12:47 AM
Another point: You can always provide a TL;DR; (Too long; didn't read) at the beginning of your question where you summarise your main point in two to three sentences and give the exact question. This helps other users immensely!
3 hours later…
3:21 AM
I posted a response on meta.
@Secespitus I find the expression “TL;DR” to be insipid. Summaries, and topic sentences are part of good writing and don’t need to be labeled as such. Where tney are labeled, terms like summary or synopsis are more formal and less “cute”/trendy/vulgar.
8 hours later…
11:23 AM
@JDlugosz It's a me. Quick info: jokes and pictures slicing apart a long text= 10/10 would read again.
11:59 AM
@Secespitus Hi!
@RedactedRedacted Hi there. While jokes can be good they can also be very distracting, as I have already mentioned. And "slicing apart a long text" looks like you expect a very long text. But your goal should be to bring across your idea as concise as possible
@Secespitus I understand that, though I wonder, why there isn't any comments in it, other than...
@JDługosz You are right, "TL;DR;" is "trendy" and I personally would not use it. But it is used quite often on this site when the questions are longer, which is why I think it is valid to use it. Personally I would prefer just writing a small paragraph and create a little break, for example by using a horizontal line, without using any special headline.
@RedactedRedacted Do you mean answers to your question on the main site?
@Secespitus Yep.
@RedactedRedacted Well, you can't force people to answer your question. And on the weekends less people are online, so there is a good chance you just have to wait. Sometimes it takes a few days for answers to be written. There is always a chance to get more attention by using a bounty
This could of course have the adverse effect by attracting people who think your question does not fit the site. This is why I recommended the Sandbox! Next time please try to use it before posting your question.
One problem could be that people are not looking at your question anymore as they have seen it a previous state and thought they could not answer it or just don't want to answer it. Preparation of a question is essential around here.
12:08 PM
@Secespitus Okay, thx
Maybe you should try to follow the advice that @JDługosz gave you in this Meta-Post: try a more general, broader discussion on the blog. Have you thought about this?
@Secespitus A part of my question however, is answered in [this] (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MARAUDER#Current_status) IM so PRod
@RedactedRedacted That's great, maybe you can incorporate this information into your question to show your research and detail your question more.
@Secespitus It lined up with my idea so well, from exploding targets to gory pieces, to using plasma in a self contained form and accelerating it with a railgun.
@Secespitus Note: It's already in it, the railgun link redirects to it(not the main article, but close enough).

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