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@CrusaderJ currently no.
wonder why no one else noticed that HA!
I added a custom vote reason linking to the meta
my first Health answer:
Q: Can basil affected by Fusarium wilt be eaten safely?

skybluecodeflierI have a Basil plant that appears to be affected by Fusarium wilt. Let's assume my diagnosis of the plant's issue is correct. Can I safely harvest the whole plant and eat the leaves that haven't wilted yet? Does the fungus that causes Fusarium wilt affect humans at all? Sources are preferred.

@J.Musser Incidentally, while I'm fine with the legality argument, I would actually strongly question the knowledge-base argument. Marijuana growers know more about nutrient deficiencies than the average gardener.
I say that because I work in crop production and if I search for a plant nutrient deficiency picture online, the results page is usually mostly marijuana unless I ask for crop-specific pictures.
@CrusaderJ hmm
I think I know more about nutrient deficiencies than the average weed grower xD
@J.Musser Fair enough, but just for the heck of it, google a plant nutrient deficiency (ie. Nitrogen deficiency) then count the pot leaves on the first page. ;-)
Just don't google Zinc deficiency. That effects humans, and is not pretty.
@CrusaderJ eh. No pics of weed...
only one weed-related result in the front page
I get like 3 in the first 2 rows
@CrusaderJ huh
must have to do with what we (individually) google more xD
perhaps so
@CrusaderJ on a different note - have I made your acquaintance before?
@J.Musser Not directly I don't think
I've been almost completely inactive for the past few months i used to do a lot here.
Well hello! Nice to meet you :)
You have some nice answers here
@J.Musser I think the majority of my time here has probably been during your absnce
@CrusaderJ Apparently!
Nice to meet you as well
Ag consulting sounds fun
do you have to travel a lot?
@J.Musser Sort of. When things are busy in the field I think I average about 500 miles a week.
@CrusaderJ Not too much then...
I do some consulting, as a plant health care guy for residential landscapes, but I usually do the work lol
Not really, my current coverage area is mostly contained to one county
Lawn care also
@CrusaderJ what part of the US?
unless you'd rather not say of course
@J.Musser Western New York
@CrusaderJ oh, ok. So kinda similar climate to where I'm at - Southeastern Pennsylvania
Almost all of it within a half-hour drive from Buffalo
Similar, you'd be averaging a little more heat than us
I've only been to New York a couple times - both in winter.
Lots of snow
Yeah, more heat (I'm in a zone 8a microclimate, most of my area is 6b)
Possibly more precipitation also
This site went from 8 unanswered to 125 unanswered during the time I was gone :(
6b is actually pretty close to northern Niagara County, so I guess not that much warmer.
still better than the average old beta
@CrusaderJ how about precipitation?
@J.Musser Lately? It seems like we're either drought or flood with about 2 weeks of transition
we get 45-60"/year
which is a good temperate climate precipitation
@J.Musser I think half my farms would be underwater if we had 60 inches in a year.
@CrusaderJ if it's timely, it's good here
@J.Musser timely. that's always the trick.
we have mostly heavy clay, so it does get pretty wet sometimes
actually an awesome summer until a few weeks ago, it dried to a crisp, but we just got dumped on so we're back to normal
@CrusaderJ ikr
@J.Musser Similar here, except we got a little over 2 inches during the last 2 days of May and another inch per week the next too. If it hadn't dried out early this spring things might have gotten ugly
@CrusaderJ Was over 90 every day here for a while this summer - the ground can use a lot more water when it's like that
@J.Musser There's that Southern PA difference. I think we broke 90 once this summer. Otherwise just Mid-High 80s with about 95% Humidity
@CrusaderJ Right now we're hitting 85 in the day and 55 at night
everything's getting tired
the cool-season grasses are greening up
Yeah, my sunflowers have decided they're done these past few weeks, and the bell peppers decided they'd do me a favor and ripen before the frost.
@CrusaderJ Wish they'd do that here
around here the tomatoes and peppers put on a productivity surge that has to be ripened indoors
Usually we don't get frosted til near the end of october, but I feel it may be earlier this year
Tomatoes do that up here too, if they don't get diseased first.
@CrusaderJ lol
you have problems with late blight up there?
Some years, yes.
hate uncurable stuff
Couple big potato farms in the region, and one with fields within a mile of the house. I suspect there's enough spores in the area to keep it going for a decade.
We don't have too many tomato farms around here
but I'm in amish country
almost every farm here is amish
and almost every farm has a big kitchen garden, that they sell extras from in a stand out front
so we can eat local and homegrown all spring/summer
@J.Musser There's an amish community up near a few of my clients. Lots of BIG veggie gardens.
@CrusaderJ Yes. That's the whole countryside here
I'd say over 50% of my neighborhood is Amish
@J.Musser Not nearly so dense up here, but seems to be growing. Some of them come from down your way I think.
@CrusaderJ That doesn't surprise me. Lots of tourists come down here, and take pictures of the horses and carriages, and the teams of mules working in the fields
novel to some people, but so everyday here
Think it was two weeks ago I headed home and passed something I hadn't seen before. A pony-drawn buggy. 3 kids in it, couldn't have been much more than 10 years old
@CrusaderJ Yeah they do that here sometimes
like a mini pulling a yard wagon - often on a short commute to neighbors, transporting produce, etc
Ooh I love my powers, I can fix my typos in old messages :D
@J.Musser One of those too. My guess was they were done with school for the day.
@CrusaderJ They have the cutest little school houses
little one room buildings
so old fashioned
It's weird, I've been through the area dozens of times when they were going to/from school, but I still have only a rough guess as to where the school itself actually is.
and they only go to grade 8
Yeah there are 4 schools in my local area, more and more the further you go
they have to be withing walking/scooter distance for the youngest students
@J.Musser Or bikes. So many bikes.
Bikes aren't allowed here
They recently allowed caertain tractors though
they have steel 'tires' and are yeally bad for roadways
@J.Musser And there's the other fun part about amish communities. They all make their own rules.
@CrusaderJ haha yup
Up here I think there's probably one bike per Amish person over 5.
I actually have some Anabaptist ancestry
not amish though
On one side I'm part anabaptist (swiss-german) and part french. On the other side I'm part German, part Irish, with some other stuff
Thankful for a wide gene pool
@J.Musser Now you've got me wondering about what the tires on the tractors they've got around here are made of.
@CrusaderJ What do they look like?
What do they call their language up there?
Down here it's 'Pennsylvania Dutch' or sometimes just 'Dutch'
I only know a little
@J.Musser Not sure, I actually work with two members of the community but it's never really come up
@CrusaderJ hmm
They're very hard workers
once the corn harvester they used around here broke down, and the whole family went out and hand picked into a hay wagon til it was done
@J.Musser wow. That's some dedication
I know.
I'd almost rather let it get snowed on lol
Got a lot of tobacco up there?
what are your most common field crops?
@J.Musser Not a leaf
as far as I'm aware of anyway.
@J.Musser Corn by a long shot, about half of it for cow feed, the other half for grain. Lots of Hay, most with alfalfa, some with grass. Good deal of Soy, lots of Wheat
Down here, in order of acreage:

Dry beans
Already combining the first grain corn starting a couple weeks ago
and the last batch of soybeans are about 6 leaf right now
A few clients get into Oats, Barley is showing up a little in the past few years, thanks to a growing micro-brew industry. No Tobacco, almost no sunflowers.
@CrusaderJ Tobacco is a high labor, high capital crop, but there's a ton of it in my area
Some Peas and Green Beans for the food processing plant (frozen veggies). While I don't get into it much there's actually a LOT of cabbage in the area.
Lots of Rye here, as a green manure, almost never for grain.
So the fields are nice and green all winter
@J.Musser Seeing some more of that the past few years, mostly as something to hold the soil together till May.
@CrusaderJ They planted corn so early this April I thought they were crazy.
Even before the last frost.
Somehow it all did great
@J.Musser Up here the last frost was the third week of May. Many acres of Soybean plants did not appreciate that surprise
@CrusaderJ ha! That always stinks when you lose a big planting
@J.Musser Up until about 5 leaves or so corn is very resilient against frost. The growing point is still about an inch underground, so it needs to get REALLY cold to do much long term harm
one year we had a lot of trouble with so many lodging cornfields.
It does however look like hell for a week or so aftwerwards.
It was really wet.
Lots of emergency silage
@J.Musser Lodging Cornfields? What happened?
@CrusaderJ Lots and lots of rain and almost no sun for weeks
and everyone around here puts down a ton of manure every spring and that didn't help
everyone's a dairy farmer lol
@J.Musser Sounds like the town of Perry. The only reason there aren't more cows there is because there isn't any land left to grow more cow feed.
@CrusaderJ lol
You got a lot of hills there?
Flat land here is very hard to come by
There, yes. But that's a bit south of my own area
all hills, and no-til is becoming popular recently
Niagara County is pretty much dead-flat.
Only exception is these two big ridges that run across the county, one of which is actually the reason for Niagara Falls.
@J.Musser Hills like No-Til
@CrusaderJ I know. Less inches of sediment on the roadways after a storm lol
We have had some monster rain storms this year. I have a co-worker that got 4 inches in a day. Then an inch and a half the next.
whoa that's a lot
the most we've got in 24 hr's is 11 3/4 inches. About 13 inches for the whole stretch.
That was a few years ago, in a hurricane
@J.Musser I believe they called that one a 100-year storm event.
Washed out culverts and bridges, ripped the ground right out from under a few roads (left the pavement intact at first)
@CrusaderJ ooh that could end badly
And one person I talked to said he went from having a finished basement to an indoor stream in about 20 minutes.
@J.Musser A combination of a really bad storm and a few bad town-planning decisions. Lots of development, not a lot of stormwater retention ponds mandated.
@CrusaderJ There are a ton of little creeks and wetlands around here, and that helps
My front yard is about 2' above water level and it never dries out. ever
Some springs it is acually submerged and I can't mow
fun. My backyard runs right to a creek bank. If the snow melts too fast, or if there's an ice-jam downstream it's been known to flood. Then I go from having about 200 feet of backyard to about 20.
@J.Musser eesh. Luckily mine drains out quick when it floods.
@CrusaderJ I just drained my wet side of the yard across the driveway, into a swale that drains under the road to a conservation wetland
Good deal. that should help
You can see pics in this question:
Q: Is my newly planted weeping willow in shock?

J. MusserThis spring, I planted a weeping willow tree (salix x) in my yard, in an attempt to help dry things out. I'd heard they love wet conditions, and can grow up to 8' a year. Well, it has been almost two months, and my tree has not grown. It has turned yellow and developed dead areas on the leaves an...

It actually shows the 'dry' side
the big pipes are what I put under the driveway
That reminds me, I probably ought to actually plant my little willow before winter hits.
@CrusaderJ haha good plan
the one pictured in my post is now 15' tall and quite full
I was on a field edge and saw where someone had dumped a heap of old willow branches. For the heck of it I grabbed a few green-looking shoots and stuck them in a glass to see if they would root. One did.
Around this time last year I potted it because I didn't have a better idea, then sank the pot into the garden to not let it freeze over the winter.
@CrusaderJ Weeping willow?
Now it's about two feet tall, in spite of my having forgotten to water it at all this July and every leaf on it turning brown.
Those are some of the most resilient trees ever
next to some old pros like Sycamore
Yeah, I accidentally let it dry out completely, no green leaves left. I watered it, it proceeded to leaf out again.
I have concluded it holds no respect for my ability to neglect it.
u got bermuda grass up there?
Heck if I know. I'm fairly terrible at grass identification if it isn't a grain crop.
@CrusaderJ oh haha
Based on what google shows me though, I'm thinking no.
yeah it's a warm season lawn weed
lawn grass in texas where it stays green in the heat
here it is a pain
I imagine it's somewhere, but if I have it my lawn it hasn't bothered me yet. I mostly save my rage against lawn-weeds for creeping charlie.
@CrusaderJ use lime
That stuff is in paradise when it's acidic
well limed and fertilized ground makes lawn grass much harder to crowd out
I may have to do a few ph tests around, I think the lawns pretty well neutral
Fertilizer on the other hand...
My lawn gets no care (except mowing)
despight how nice I can get other people's lawns xD
two thumbs up
And I've forgotten to even do that for 2 (or 3?) weeks
Was going to do it this past weekend. Then it rained all day Saturday and half of Sunday.
On our hill (a south-facing hill with shallow, rocky topsoil and a lot of trees) the grass grew so little, I haven't mown it in 5 weeks and it looks ok
Strange, my clock says it's 11.
I should probably go to sleep or something.
Good talking to you.
Yeah you too
quarter after... wow

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