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1:21 AM
@NiallC. "Petioled"? The biggest characteristic of sessile leaves is the lack of a petiole.
1:48 AM
^very industrious new question asker. :)
2:34 AM
@NiallC. petiolate I think is the word you're looking for.
10 hours later…
12:16 PM
I posted After using Spectracide® Weed Stop® for Lawns how long before the grass is safe to eat? while it is in scope there, it is not getting an answer, and my attempts to research it are failing. Would the question be in scope AND answerable here?
7 hours later…
7:12 PM
@JamesJenkins Not sure how scientific of an answer you'd get, but I'm sure someone would try.
I have no idea myself. I know that 2, 4-D can last for years in the soil, and I also know that when converting a farm to usda organic, you used to have to wait 2-3 years before you could call it organic.
Dicamba also lingers for a while.
7:46 PM

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