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5 hours to go. Dun dun dunnnnn
5 hours later…
@JonathanReez well, you have my vote (as do Joe and Rory).
and now... good luck all
looks like @JoErNanO and @JonathanReez I think - if I'm reading this right
I'm never 100% sure of the settings to use with OpenSTV
And @Dorothy - looks like you beat me into 3rd place!
Ballot file contains 6 candidates and 416 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 416 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Travel Stack Exchange Moderator Election 2017 using Scottish STV.
6 candidates running for 2 seats.

R|Rory Also|cnst |JonathanR|Joel Dami|JoErNanO |Dorothy |Exhausted|Surplus |Threshold
|p | |eez |en | | | | |
@RoryAlsop NO !!! You'd better do some last-minute electioneering, particularly since, unlike you, I couldn't figure out the stats.
@RoryAlsop @Dorothy This is the visual: opavote.com/results/5055933453434880/0
@JoErNanO thx ! That's great and congrats to you and Jonathan; well done.
Thanks @ZachLipton @Dorothy
Let's go ban somebody. :D

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