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A: Multiple and varying BSOD's at seemingly random times

magicandre1981Looking at the dmp with Windbg shows that you get a memory corruption while Windows tries to rearrange the Standby List (Superfetch Cache): ******************************************************************************* * ...

Thank you! I have installed CPU-Z and get no command rate readings for memory or SPD tabs. The memtest will unfortunately have to wait until tomorrow, but i will post the results of that. @magicandre1981
Okay, so i ran the memtest on each stick and found no errors. However, i did find that because of the cpu heatsink/fan block, i had previously had the RAM modules in slots 0 and 1 instead of 0 and 2 ( alternating ). Could this be the source of the issue @magicandre1981
also RAM slots on the motherboard can be damaged and cause corruptions.
Now i find that i just get freezing with audio stutters requiring a shut down ( via the power button ). These occur during gaming and usually watching videos online. These occur without BSOD's. @magicandre1981
check for the command rate values in CPU-Z
There are still no command rate values show in CPU-Z ( its all greyed out boxes).
make pictures of all CPU-Z tabs and post them -> tab1 -> tab2
thats it
your RAM runs at a bit higher MHz as it is designed. lower it to 800MHz.
again, excuse the ignorance, but where might i do this? I looked in the BIOS but failed to find any place i could adjust the RAM
and it should be noted that all of these errors seemed to happen after i installed the AMD-6350

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