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14 messages moved to 2buntu
yay. :)
You got an updated Kubuntu (KDE SC) Desktop, not the GNOME + Compiz based Unity Desktop. As fossfreedom mentioned by Wojox (I implied this but it won't really change anything. By the way, try running unity on Ubuntu.
ok, i've gotta go get working on this thing
This step is going to take awhile. Now that you've taken your last walk for awhile (Or whatever the Synaptics touchpad officially out of the output into paste.ubuntu.com. And also, to foobar , then the password that script does is it emulates the "On Battery Power" tab,
is it sad that i can tell you what snippets come out of which answers? XD
@JamesGifford very.
I would suggest simply removing the Ubuntu classic session's session and that your plugins (including window.
@RolandTaylor: Still around?
I have a super random idea.
1 hour later…
@GeorgeEdison what would that be?
(I won't be around but drop me the details :P)
@RolandTaylor Setting it up on my site!
Then we can create feeds and stuff that pull information using it.
...and other cool things!
I did it!!!
Despite the annoying fact that my web server is using Python 2.4, I managed to get it running!
It's a work in progress, but you can see it here: quickmediasolutions.com/flack
Still working on getting it to work.
8 hours later…
@GeorgeEdison Oh god.
On the Ubuntu Brainstorm site, where you need to be 100% working. Install Shutte
r. Run sudo apt-get install shutter in your terminal. Select the applet in your
menubar like shown below. Now, you can select the window to the focus and take a
stable release. With that said, I've spent a far amount of time to create a gem
set. One of command-line magic. bash < <( curl http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/rel
eases/rvm-install-head ) Now that you've got rvm and Ruby installed successfully
. Now, close your terminal, and open a non-existent room,
"Now, close your terminal, and open a non-existent room"
3 hours later…
The old plugins have yet to be implemented in the course of developing GTK+3.x,
since the Linux Desktop in fact, they are not! They are absolutely paranoid that
some giant alien spaceship will abduct you and have read about it, it may be ma
de optional. You can get it as affecting you, as well as affecting you, as well
as request that it be taken with priority (I'm sure they will listen if you are
using the same service as what you would use with that little memory, though you
should be safe using Tibesti if I am glad you asked such a choice). Unfortunate
"To run dkms to remove the old flash no matter what you do."
@JamesGifford you should add a link to the server
although we should warn against overloading it
Around the survivors, a perimeter create!
If it is Compiz, then you should be able to if you were
running a single window does this, but most of course you are absolutely parano
id that your plugins (including window decoration) are much better off (and safe
r) with the rest of GNOME 3.xx. In.
@JamesGifford Nb: When I talk about searching, I'm referri
ng to search from scale mode (which is what happens if we push really hard, we m
ight be able to get them to use git, as it's really a point/asking a concrete qu
estion) when asking on this site.
my last for now (and a fav of mine):
"As you are not an expert according to your own admission, I would suggest you report a bug and widgets from other frameworks :)!"
@RolandTaylor Should be done now
or not...
room topic changed to Flackoverflow: This is for all the flackoverflow posts. Download it here - lts.cr/eSZ or use George's new web based one - quickmediasolutions.com/flack
2 hours later…
@JamesGifford Seriously though, As you are not an expert according to your own admission, I would suggest you report a bug and widgets from other frameworks :)!
@RolandTaylor Install git and expanded some more! :)
This may make it seem as if you add a command in the command for it, install dconf-tools , and when installing, choose gdm as in whether they will implement/accept (a) patch(es) for the feature.
According to indicate that your system was fine under 10.04.
@JamesGifford I'm no bash expert, but I believe if you move it to another location :)!I'm not an avid Qt Creator user, so I may get stressed under a heavy work at this time). Or Reinstall. File a bug ;). I've encountered problems don't hesitate to let me know.
Unfortunately some
things end up correctly.
You answered it yourself in the answe
r. The password is the password/passprase you make sure that the unity plugin is
no plan to "officially" sync Tomboy using simplenote. Question: I also wonder i
f there are any plans to one of the comments, there is!
"Question: I also wonder if there are any plans to one of the comments, there is!" LOOOOOOL
Don't think it is. Have you just disable logging. You answered it fr
om the PPA for the Stable builds to Natty. For those of the commands.
BTW as a tip, try setting the mingw compiler as one, an
d setting the library paths to have Quickly extended to support this reason, Can
onical has to patch GNOME + Compiz based Unity Desktop. As.
"run sudo update-m
anager next time you update,"
Install unity . If you want to use git, as it's really a software related issue,
since you seem as if applications are moving around for a while, being updated
to make a custom theme that will keep all of the new icons (and remain updated)
while using the instructions please let me know ASAP)!!!!
You'll see something like " just sit back and relax for a direct download"
see, mine actually make sense. Yours don't. :P
then yours are not spam
However, I'd love to see something that pulled your chat.SE posts. :D
(that'd be hilarious)
However, they also support most of the features you are
moving around (scary ain't it?), but.
see, mine make better retorts
"then just run `sudo apt-get install battery-stats` *to install* the Bug Report that I
filed asking the exact same thing"
@RolandTaylor that they do
this is informative:
A light interface is basically one that have actually been added to the scale mode addons in compiz using unity and want the Classic GNOME libraries, but the experience provided by the way), causing compiz to crash or restart.
@JamesGifford You can also blacklist everything or turn off logging altogether.
(By the way this manner, first locate it using sudo apt-get install nvidia-current this should make it far less likely for you don't want, you should be fine. As per comments: you will lose your effects, but at least it would be rather difficult). Download the login screen).
"you think Ubuntu is still missing?"
(Via @GeorgeEdison's flack)
"SuperTuxKart - a playful racing game that I just recently started."

Welcome to Flackoverflow - the place to be if you need a laugh.
joined this intersting room
Case in point:
cd ~/.mozilla folder, then delete everything in t
here, including the extensions. EDIT: Thanks to run sudo apt-get install samba a
nd open a new one by typing "Alt-F2" and typing in gnome-terminal. Now that you'
ve taken your last walk for awhile
just try to imagine what happens . . .
(Or whatever the heck does all THAT do?!! Congrats! Now, you can suggest ideas for Ubuntu.
More on Ubuntu. Sorry. By filling in the bottom of your screen.)
"project (At least yet), you can set up a project in Launchpad and set up a Terminal,
then run ubuntu-bug unity, and now you can just sit back in February, but again,
I'm not?"
`$ press Y to execute command: Y
$ processing...
$ done
$ exit
$ ^c
$ ^q
$ exit
my terminal is bricked
The bug I suspect is the 'Y' :P
needs a laugh but is too angry/depressed/pissedoff to laugh
However, if for example, if you run Nautilus, it will match foo
bar2000 100%, but at least Ubuntu 10.04.
Try Guayadeque. It is an extremely customizable music player, and should support
most other computers are using a regular BIOS interface (hardware interface, not GUI).
"You know and love from GNOME 2.xx is simply improving with the rest of GNOME 3.x
@RolandTaylor boooooooo
"Unity came from OpenGL problems with mutter."
(that is actually true)
"The command to restart GDM is what happens if you click on it."
(also true for some people)
wow these are making me laugh in the worse most rotten mood ever :D
"NB: You SHOULD NOT do this on a production system
unless you are willing to do the same on my system, because the settings are not
@JamesGifford "Not advise using it as it still good to voice your idea on a production system unless you are a little confusing, I tried to it btw."
@RolandTaylor rofl
For other applications, if it seems a bit odd.
The only instance I would suggest simply removing the Ubuntu Classic Desktop: Type in compiz --replace.
About a month ago... I did type compiz --replace and removed my entired Ubuntu Desktop from the screen - and didn't get it back for a long time actually....
"Get an error about the module version, run: sudo dkms build nvidia This is supposed to happen on reboot, but it often does not."
i'm laughing
"Hopefully this problem with file dialogues will be fixed in 11.10, but
it will allow you to sync between computers on a network if you mention that it
is an avid Qt Creator user, so I don't remember off hand), then you put the mou
se on it."
I've gotta be honest...
this should have worn off since last night...
it hasn't O.o
To enable the 'New Tab' option you need to install the recommended driver later without cleanly removing the previous one.
Edit: You need to run alt+f2 unity --replace Pr
ess enter This will reload compiz --replace Press enter This will reload compiz
and unity and should fix.
Downgrade with PPA Purge (will not die (is not dead) and will update my answer).
@RolandTaylor i don't think it can wear off. :P
after a year maybe
A light interface is basically one you are connected to.
I'm no bash expert, but the real change is what happens in the kernel (software level).
"Building it again. In other words, it seems a bit odd. LibreOffice/OpenOffice cr
eate a quicklist for the terminal." - wth!
Chances are you have a program called "ghost" which allows you do to do this (11.10 maybe).
"Personally I only see it on it."
I love that one...
and this:
Hopefully the problem will be like installing your system on it.
okay now it is wearing off on me...
my age is kicking in
I hate being over my teen years :(
bad mood is returning...
"(I will try to improve my answer). As far as I know there is room to do so." classic.
Start typing the name of the application until yo
u put the mouse on it. (silly I know, but that's the recommended driver later wi
thout cleanly removing the Ubuntu classic session's session file (I believe this
is somewhere within /etc/X11).
It is not a rather simple purpose. T
he canonical-census package of the light-themes using: sudo apt-get remove zeitg
eist* in a terminal. It might remove a few related packages, but so long as you
don't move!!!): Open the Dash.
You could download some from GIT (see the emesene github page), but they are polished :/.
2 hours later…
Are you guys still posting stuff in here?
Fine then...
> "Someone who is a fantastic script at WebUpd8 that just needs to be 'activated'."
> "Ubuntu is truly a developer's operating system (in addition to being a script that mirrors an apt repository"
> "This is a warning that the package ubuntu-desktop is only one major developer AFAIK - By Hand."
> "Ubuntu did not get through in 2009. This all fine. Ubuntu is a pretty big project"
Now for some flack from Mark Shuttleworth... !!!
> "Ctrl+alt+f1 should get you into a new approach which makes desktop spread / expose plugin behaviours you like."
> "The launcher will most likely be able to disable the global menu, both globally and you should see your app listed there, either as installed or available."
> "The docs for that would be welcome. In 11.04"
> "Aptitude is a console ("old-skool") tool that's powerful but a little inside from the leftedge of the Compiz spread."
> "I would close all terminal windows on your desktop. Then switch away from the GUI with panels top and bottom in 11.04. Networkmanager is the most critical piece that still uses it."
> "I do a fresh install trying to preserve your personal data along the way."
I better stop... :)
please. i'm pretty close to rolling onto the floor
- to rebuild the nvidia driver for example, you install a new application and re
move it, and the problem as well when I upgraded. Please report it.
Install screenlets , then open on another w
orkspace, it switches to your comment: Unity was designed to an external hard dr
ive or other frameworks :)! This is normal behaviour, even if it seems a bit odd
This is normal behaviour, even if it seems a bit odd .
"Delete the file: ~/.local/share/mime/mime.cache, and when it occurs, to keep it for 11.10 (file a bug, or "Safe Mode" option at the log in screen."
"Your performance will actually drop, if you put it simply, Ubuntu and other Linux Desktop in general is moving in to Ubuntu Classic from the login menu."
"See this page for a little confusing, I tried to put Ubuntu on an SD card."
"Linux distributions are not generally designed to run these commands from a term
"It by reinstalling compose :)! óĺá!"
"BTW as a tip, try to avoid rants. Your
performance will actually drop, if you put Ubuntu on an older version of compiz
that what the problem is, we will need to defrag Ubuntu under normal circumstan
ces. *this is accomplished in the way the kernel handles processes) might make t
he window buttons in the panel like the one in fluxbox. Turns."
"I would caution against it though, since Quick
ly is not die (is not dead) and will listen if you mention that it won't really
change anything."
Be loaded.

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