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@shredalert Stay active but don't exert yourself. Namely, when tired during exercise, stop and rest. Don't push yourself unnecessarily, because not everyone have the same physiological limits. =)
Also, ECCs are fun! Even more so if you construct them yourself! I had lots of fun designing my own ECCs, though of course it's nowhere near the state of the art called LDPC codes, which is actually near the Shannon limit but I don't know much about them. For instance Hamming codes can correct any 1-bit error. What if you want to correct any 2-bit error? =)
@user21820 I've been dialing the intensity down a bit for a little while. On the mathematics front, going to be a bit more logic and a bit on graphs.
@shredalert: Ah I see. That's great! Just came back from being away. =)
@user21820 welcome back!
@shredalert: How's your logic going? And what're you learning about graph theory?
@user21820 I only recently got some free time to study. I'm currently doing the section on converting natural language to basic sentential. In terms of graph theory, I only just started the book. Haven't had the time to get around to it.
I've also been reading an applied topology book and been watching Gilbert Strang's linear algebra lectures before bed.
I shall be off to study now. Take care all. :)
Having trouble with this induction based proof anyone with experience with Real Analysis what to take a look at it
Also @user21820 you know information theory ?
@shredalert I see. Have you seen this quote "you cannot fool all the people all the time."? Note the ambiguity and find 3 possible interpretations and their precise first-order forms. After that look at the original quote here and determine the intended interpretation! =)
@Zophikel: You can go ahead and ask. But why not as a question on Math SE?
And yes I know information theory.
@user21820 it's mainly stuff with integral inequaility's i'm having trouble with withen this proof
Well I'm having trouble with your grammar and spelling. I think you can do better..
But as I said, you could just post your question on Math SE, together with your attempted proof, if you want to ask for proof verification and feedback.
There is a tag.
@user21820 I know i'm trying also one important question could the Triangle Inequality be used on integrals
i'm trying to figure this one out myself being going to stackexchange
You don't use things on other things, just like it makes no sense to ask whether you can use differentiation on triangles... However, if you want to ask whether | integrate { f(x) : x in [a,b] } | <= integrate { | f(x) | : x in [a,b] } is true, then yes it is true, but do you know why?
Under the condition that integrate { f(x) : x in [a,b] } exists in the first place, of course.
@user21820 it's because f(x) is continous on the interval
Not at all.
I didn't say anything about continuity.
@user21820 i'm not sure then
@user21820 found my initial answer: math.stackexchange.com/questions/284322/…
Q: The triangle inequality for integrals

aziiriLet $f$ be a continuous and integrable function over $[a;b]$. Prove or disprove that $$\int_a^b |f(x)|\ \mathrm{d}x\geq \left | \int_a^b f(x)\ \mathrm{d}x\right| $$

@user21820 you have any advice for how to communicate better mathmatically
You didn't find "your initial answer".
Just because someone stated something that contains "continuity" does not mean it was necessary.
In fact, on briefly glancing at the proofs, I don't think any of them would be significantly affected if you threw out that assumption.
@user21820 all right
You of course cannot throw out "integrable", because otherwise the integral doesn't exist and you can't take absolute value.
all right
It would be good if you actually tried to prove it yourself. For your level I presume you are using the Riemann sum definition.
@user21820 yeah I will, I'll later today have to show you the proof i'm trying to understand
In that case ignore Sam DeHority's answer because there are subtleties that are difficult to overcome.
@user21820 it's an induction based proof with lots of inequality, absolute values and integrals :(, so i'm having a little trouble justifying correctly what the author did
I see.
@user21820 do you think mathwise my communcation is bad
i'm working my hardest to improve my understanding
Ok. Go ahead and ask later, whether here or on the main site. As for communication, you need to put in effort to check what you say/write.
At least you would get rid of spelling errors. Math-wise I haven't seen much mathematics from you so I can't judge at all.
@user21820 all right thanks for the help i'll have to go through the proof myself again before trying to justify anything
Sure. Let me know if you face difficulty with the Riemann sum proof.
@Zophikel: The general trick for many such theorems is often the same; prove the finite case and then take limits.
There are logical pitfalls to beware of, but typically it will work that way.
@user21820 all right, before moving to the intial proof i'll play around with the definitions and successive approximation stated
3 hours later…
@user21820 But I want to differentiate my triangles.
@SimplyBeautifulArt You're out of luck!
How about start with differentiating between an equilateral triangle and an isosceles triangle?
They are different. Then you can differentiate an obtuse triangle, from an acute triangle....
Of course I'm using this definition of the word, in case you're thinking I went off the deep end! :-)
hello, @shredalert
hello @amWhy
I'm trying to help @SimplyBeautifulArt how to "differentiate" triangles.
@shredalert How are you feeling?
Hehe, I just found out today that two of my friends were dating
for over a month
>.> I feel pretty stupid
T^T I feel like a bad friend
@amWhy Feeling a lot better today, thanks for asking. :)
@shredalert Great to hear!
@amWhy how are you today?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Not at all a bad friend!
:-( But I feel like I should've noticed sooner
@SimplyBeautifulArt I didn't even know two of my friends were getting married until I got an invitation. I kind of forgot about it as well because I was reading a book in my favourite series that day......
Like, I remember seeing the somewhat awkward hugs and stuff, but it never registered
@SimplyBeautifulArt So not as bad as me. xD
@shredalert I'm doing alright; I feel like I'm running on steam, though
XD Okay then, I suppose that makes me feel better @shredalert
@amWhy What is your steam running on?
Oops, I meant to say I'm running out of steam! Pure inspiration and/or feeling respected helps me generate more steam! You all help me restore my inspiration; and of course I feel respected just as I respect you all. I've just taken a hard hit, which has nothing to do with you all!
Okay then, just keep chugging along
@amWhy I find thinking about the little things very helpful in times like that
Heh, my recommendation would be rather mathy
@SimplyBeautifulArt reminds of of a children's book about a little red engine trying to make it up a mountain: "I think I can....chug, chug...I think I can...chug, chug...etc"
@shredalert Yes indeed; always good advice for any one of us to remember the little things that make us smile.
Hehe, while p > 0, please repeat and set p = p + 1:
"I think I can... chug, chug..." p = 1
"I think I can... chug, chug..." p = 2
"I think I can... chug, chug..." p = 3
"I think I can... chug, chug..." p = 4
@SimplyBeautifulArt And what would be a "mathy" recommendation?
To think about math to forget other troubles XD
whatever you want about math of course
or books
There you go!
in the case of @shredalert
$$\text{if you're happy and you know it } \to \text{ clap your hands }...$$ $$\text{if you're happy and you know it } \to \text{ clap your hands }...$$
First two lines from a song we sang when I was 8 years old! ....and are followed by "if you're happy and you know it, then your face will really show it...clap your hands."
Let's make that mathy!
A: What is the fastest growing total computable function you can describe in a few lines?

Simply Beautiful ArtThe fast growing hierarchy (FGH) is a personal favorite of mine because I think it is not only simple compared to things involving trees or the BB function, while still being able to outgrow, say, the Ackermann function. First, a simple layman's explanation of what FAIL approximately does: Th...

@amWhy XD
I updated my answer to produce a much more natural/layman explanation on fast growing functions that I hope most people would understand
the layman explanation of FAIL
:| You know, I'm honestly wondering what my life is gonna be like
1. Will I accomplish something worthwhile in mathematics?
2. Will I be happy with my relationships?
2.1. Will I be happy with my girlfriend/wife?
3. Will there be a decent Earth?
4. Will there be enough sweets for me?
5. Will I raise a good family?
6. Will I be happy with my job?
7. Should I preserve myself as a robot?
Q: An approach to justifying the Inequality: $|\int_{t}^{t_0}\vec{f}(s,\vec{\phi}(s))ds| \leq Max|\vec{f}(t,\vec{y})|t-t_o|$

Zophikel$(P)$ $$\, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \frac{dy}{dt} = f(t,y), y(t_o)=c_o $$ Remark: Our IVP, defined in $(P)$ carries the following assumptions: values of $f(t,y)$ are within the set of real numbers, and are continuous. $$Lemma \, \, (0)$$ $\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,...

^ Finally got an answer to this :)
The initial technique seems to work for further proofs
@Zophikel Nice. And haven't seen you in a while
@Simply sorry been trying to avoid stackexchange to answer my questions :)
@Zophikel Hey, that answer is literally what I've told you before, right?
XD estimation lemma
@Simply oh dang I didn't realize
@Simply but this is similar lol
@Zophikel If you'd like to read up on some simply devised functions that produce crazy large numbers: A quick guide to FAILing

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