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Are you checking the implementaton of L now?
But I got (L (x L)) instead
  (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I) x)
= (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)) x)
= (B S (C (B B I) I) I x (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)))
= (S (C (B B I) I) (I x) (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)))
= (S (C (B B I) I) x (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)))
= (C (B B I) I (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)) (x (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I))))
= (B B I (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)) I (x (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I))))
= (B (I (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I))) I (x (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I))))
= (I (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)) (I (x (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)))))
I'm not sure if I borked something
  (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)) x)
= (B S (C (B B I) I) (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I))) I x)
Second and third rows
No wait
= (B S (C (B B I) I) (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)) I x)
There, had one closing paren too many.
You had (C (1) I (2) x), and did ((1) I x (2)), while the correct derivation is ((1) (2) I x)
@Qwerp-Derp BTW, how you could derive the implementation of L yourself is this. Take the property you want, say L x = L x x. Make a lambda term with an extra function argument that evaluates to the result: λf.λx.f x x. Apply fixpoint combinator: Y (λf.λx.f x x) is the function you're looking for (see why?). Then translate the lambda term to combinators using these rules.
So exactly what is combinatory logic? What are we logically combining?
Combinatory logic is a notation to eliminate the need for quantified variables in mathematical logic. It was introduced by Moses Schönfinkel and Haskell Curry, and has more recently been used in computer science as a theoretical model of computation and also as a basis for the design of functional programming languages. It is based on combinators. A combinator is a higher-order function that uses only function application and earlier defined combinators to define a result from its arguments. == Combinatory logic in mathematics == Combinatory logic was originally intended as a 'pre-logic' that would...
Ah thanks
You may want to pin that or put in the chat description
room topic changed to Combinatory logic: S K I and other stuff. See Wiki article. (no tags)
room topic changed to Combinatory logic: S K I and other stuff. (no tags)
@Zgarb Whoa it's that easy?
Well now i have to learn lambda calculus
The hard part is coming up with a fixed-point combinator, which fortunately has been done for us. ;)
Ooh what about a challenge where you have to determine if the statement evaluates to an endpoint?
That could be a nice challenge
OK yeah cool it all works out
  (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I) x)
= (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)) x)
= (B S (C (B B I) I) (I (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I))) x)
= (B S (C (B B I) I) (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)) x)
= (S (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I)) (C (B B I) I) x)
= (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I) x (C (B B I) I x))
= (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I) x (B B I (I x)))
= (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I) x (B x I))
= (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I) x (I x))
= (Y (C (B S (C (B B I) I)) I) x x)
Cheers @Zgarb!
@Qwerp-Derp That's unfortunately undecidable. :P
Oh yeah the N thing right?
But is completely impossible to determine if a statement is normal, even with normal programming languages and such?
Yes, because combinatory logic is Turing complete
Wouldn't it just boil down to if the statement was a subsection of a generated statement after going through the combinators and left-association?
You can have infinite derivations that never enter a loop.
@Zgarb ? Provide an example
(L x x) is generated from (L x), and you can check if L x is in L x x, which it is, and know that (L x) is not normal because it'll generate infinite copies of itself
The same goes for Y
Take a term T that satisfies T x = T (K x)
Then T x doesn't occur in the result
It's a simple example, but they can be arbitrarily complex.
2 hours later…
Ooh, what about a challenge where you have to generate a new combinator?
Like what we did with L?
Yeah, but it's a code-golf thing
Or maybe a code-challenge
If an optimal solution is hard to achieve
How hard is it to achieve an optimal solution?
Optimal in terms of length? Possibly undecidable.
Yeah... is it undecidable? But the lambda thing...
Or is that not optimal?
It's not necessarily optimal.
So given something like (L x) -> (L x x), generate the optimal statement for L, while only using S and K (as well as parens).
That would be the challenge, but I need test cases.
And that's hard.
I don't think you can require optimality.
It would be a metagolf
And the task would be to generate as short a solution as possible, regardless of optimality.
I really want to top my "There can be only 1" metagolf... this might be the chance
Would that be a good challenge? I need testcases, though, and that's hard
It may be a bit obscure.
How about a golf: "translate a lambda term to a combinatorial term using these rules"
Hmmm... it might end up a flop like my other metagolf challenges.
Metagolfs are hard.
That's true
Can you give some testcases?
For the metagolf?
I think there are arbitrarily many already, I can just do "scramblers"
S a b c = S b c a for example
S a b c d = S b c d a
And so on and so forth
Okay: L x -> S (K x), L x -> x x, L x -> x L
The scramblers are good!
That would be pretty complex to do
So the statement on the other side of the = must only have:
- the name of the combinator itself
- lowercase "stand-ins"
- brackets
- S and K
I think we should change it so that it can take arbitrary numbers as input
So something like S 1 2 3... n -> S n 1 2 3...
Where n is a number as a stand-in
Maybe. Also, I'm not sure whether you should allow self-reference. The challenge is pretty complex as it is.
Oh yeah
So just L 1 2 3 4 -> 4 (1 3 1) 1 or so.
But your examples have self-reference
Yeah, but that was before I realized it. :P
But basic stuff like S and K are allowed in the other side right? It shouldn't be too complex...
I'm torn on that. Maybe you should try to write a reference solution without them, and see how complex it becomes.
I think S and K should be all right, though - it shouldn't be too hard.
Probably not. But note that then you can construct a term with no normal form.
That's true.

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