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2:24 AM
My comment may deserve a downvote, but great question and asked in the right forum. Asking this question from 100 randomly picked Japanese people is probably as likely to produce the right answer as asking 100 randomly picked Americans why "he don't" is incorrect, but here someone may actually know. Just speculating, but maybe rivers where "discovered" and named later than lakes and mountains, since while one can see (the entire) mountain and lake, you can only see the very local part of a long winding river) unless you spend extra efforts. — Tuomo 11 hours ago
In most situations, it's wrong to say that he don't is "incorrect". Rather, it's non-standard. It's only incorrect if you're trying to speak Standard English, and you're failing to do so, and usually when people say he don't they're not trying to speak Standard English, they're speaking a different language variety.
I resisted the urge to post an off-topic response in the comment section and stuck it here instead, where most likely the commenter won't ever see it . . .
I do think the OP's question is interesting, though all the counterexamples make it a bit iffy.
I'll give it an upvote anyway.
6:21 PM
外国人のワーキングビザのスポンサーになれる日本企業 - Japanese companies who can sponsor (can be come sponsors for) foreigners working visas.
Is there a better way to express that? I'm not so sure about スポンサー

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