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@jkerian That's a good question
@AndrewGrimm Right? That's what I thought
Also, what's the point of upvoteing the individual "answers" on the resource page? When it got started I upvoted some so they would all be at 1...was that not what I was supposed to do, or is there no real format for that kind of thing?
I have no idea why some people vote on the resources list
When we first got it started, the ones that were empty we're down voted to put them at the bottom. But it hasn't made sense in months
1 hour later…
@AndrewGrimm In my experience for westerners it is always surname last - look at the business cards. (Likewise Japanese always put their surname last in Romaji and, while we are on the subject I have seen Chinese without Foreign names also reversing the order of their names over here a la Japonais) Actually I know one story of HR dept that refused to allow a Bangadeshi's name be put in its correct order on his job offer letter because "all foreign surnames must come last".
1 hour later…
What does that say?
@Tim I think it's hard to talk about this and use 'first name' 'last name'/'surname'...not that anyone would actually get confused by what people mean
for example we say "put your last name first" when the situation calls for it and no one is confused..."what you say!? but my FIRST name has to come first!!!"
I've tried to get in the habit of saying "given name" and "family name"
@silvermaple huh... that's a bit confusing
I would have expected the second half to be in a slightly different order
Yeah, I think I know what it's trying to say, but I can't for the life of me figure out how it's saying it
"When there's a word you don't know, it's best to look it up in the dictionary"?
なりーなり is usually something like an 'either-or' construction
Oh, that's a thought
it's dict form, so that means "as soon after"...that doesn't work...
I wonder if it's something like "look it up in a dictionary or something"
I'm going to find more example sentences...
I think that's it, thank you for being my sounding board
I'll report back if I end up finding things to the contrary of that
If you haven't figured out my pattern, I study some good old grammar before going to bed
heh... I try to study new material earlier in the day... and only do flashcards and other such "low thought requirement" work at night
If I can't recall a Japanese word at night when I'm sleepy... how the heck am I going to remember it after 3 beers? >_>
I've always been able to focus better latter in the day
I think it's a hold over from doing homework after dinner when I was a kid
On a day off I'll sit and try and try to focus during the day, and squeeze out 20 minutes here, 30 there...then later that evening I'm at my desk for an hour before I know it, and can just keep it going from there
1 hour later…
@silvermaple Actually I also find first name/last name confusing. I tend to use the expression people will understand, which most of the time in Japan is "family name" or ミュジ. (On this occasion Andre started with surname so replied with it.)
Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to correct anyone, just sort of rambling
We made fun of my (Peruvian) Spanish teacher for not being able to (roughly) tell someone's nationality by their last name (ie O'/Mc==> Irish)
Then I got to Japan and they can't tell "obvious" family names from given names
Of course, the same is true in reverse
Or female/male names either
Again, same true in reverse
@Tim ミュジって、「みょうじ」?
@silvermaple i lost my edit but actually i find given name confusing and these hesistate to say christian name for obvious reasons. Actually my Bangladeshi friend's name has a bin as in Osama bin ladin. In that company the terrorist would have become bin ladin sama san
@Chocolate yes 名字。i hit the send key bu mistake.
@Chocolate ありがとう
@Tim I'm not familiar with Bangladeshi name structure...how should it be in Japanese?
I feel like if I wrote my full name out last-name-first style, it would be LAST FIRST MIDDLE
I also feel like in Japan they loved using my middle name on things, school reports etc
Yeah, it's technically my name, but you don't have to use it on pretty much anything, and if you do, it's 9 times out of 10 just the initial
Not that I minded, it was just interesting to see
Eh, all the cool kids log on when I'm going to go to bed :(
Anyway, night all! :D
I guess except Tim and jkerian, they were here studying with me ^^
@silvermaple I should have explained: bin means "son of" like mac/o' etc. I think Osama bin Ladin = Ladin, son of Osama. (G'night)
@silvermaple おやすみなさい^^
10 hours later…
OMG! I just figured out a bit of rikaichan shorthand
Re: godan and ichidan verbs
mouse over 着る = v1
mouse over 守る = v5r
mouse over 笑う = v5u
etc etc
to put it into terms that I learned: ru-verb, u-verb [that ends in ru], u-verb[tgat ends in u]
(笑) そうだね
I almost answered a question with a link to another JLU qeustion...then I realized if it was answered in the question I was linking to, perhaps we should close as a duplicate @.@ I generally don't initiate votes to close, so I hope that was the right thing to do
@ento, why did you get rid of the parts of speech 'answer' on the new glossary?
@silvermaple ento hasn't been seen in months
That's me that's bumping that meta-question
Oh, I see
I have a deleted answer there that I work on occasionally
What are the rules for copy and pasting from other stack exchange sites? I want to take someone's answer...I want to credit them of course, but...I guess, how do I link to an answer, not a question
Share button :)
There's a share button for answers too
anyways, this is what I was working on: meta.japanese.stackexchange.com/a/355/29
you're kidding me? I don't know anything about anything
Yeah, I thought I was there...I thought that was a deleted question, hrm
Omg, that is SO HANDY
I actually want a table for the traditional classification scheme... with 活用語 on one axis and 自立語・付属語 on the other...
verbal nouns don't classify as 非活用語?
I'm not sure that category exists in the traditional categorization scheme
so where are the verbal nouns in Traditional Japanese Scholarship Categorization
The reason it was still deleted(hidden) was that there are some definete holes there
btw... I think the "all in one answer" thing is a TERRIBLE idea
should that glossary include phonetics and phonology terms too like rendaku, vowel devoicing, the special mora
break it out, more or less like the other FAQ articles do
grammatically correct
that ones a toughy
hello all
I have a question
Has anyone here taken the JLPT?
1 hour later…
the linguistic glossary should probably not use the word "correctness"
There may be some truthiness to that statement.
4 hours later…
@Tim I think Osama's relatives had "binladin" without the space) but not Osama in their names.
What honorific did bin Laden get?
A: When is a person referred to with 様 in the mass media and what does it signify?

DaveRegarding my original statement: actually, I was working entirely from memory (from quite a while back) in my comment... and might very possibly be misremembering. ;-) First off, upon further reflection, I don't think it was ever ビンラデン様, but rather: ビンラデン氏【ビンラデンし】, which is still surprising for ...

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