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6:26 AM
@Pandya are you getting my pings or no?
Asking because there are no responses.
A: Is Shanti Parva an interpolation in the Mahabharata?

sv.Ganguli was right. Irawati Karve in her book Yugānta also states that Śānti-parva is an interpolation and not part of Vyāsa's original Mahābhārata: Even at the end Bhishma's fate pursued him. He did not die by Arjuna's arrows. He only fell down wounded. Now he could have used his father...

Books written by some I.Karve valid sources on this site, Pandya? Used in the above answer.
From Wiki: Irawati Karve (15 December 1905[1] – 11 August 1970) was an anthropologist, sociologist, educationist and writer from Maharashtra, India.

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