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I have engaged in political discussion in /r/worldnews , this should be fun
@NevikRehnel I have some dumb programming questions to ask you again.... so uh... I hope you appear soon
@NevikRehnel HI - the top of this code I'm looking at has the following written in it:import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import matplotlib.animation as animation

I apparently don't have these "modules", how do you get them?
hm this tab was still active
dooooode answer meeeee
slow down
aflkjhahjaetrjkqat lktjh qat4j
you're on windows, right?
A: How do I install Python packages on Windows?

h--nThe selected answer is out dated. So first, pip is preferred over easy_install, (Why use pip over easy_install?). Then follow these steps to install pip on Windows, it's quite easy. Install distribute curl http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py | python Install pip curl https://r...

oh cool
so where might I find these particular packages? it's supposed to have a visual with it as well
@Astrum modules are part of packages. the canonical way to install package on windows is using PiP (or manual install)
@Astrum pip knows them
let me download it
basically, once you have pip, you just pip install scipy matplotlib and watch the magic happen
it's the file. you need to save it, then run it. like the howto says :P
> # Hi There!
# You may be wondering what this giant blob of binary data here is, you might
# even be worried that we're up to something nefarious (good for you for being
# paranoid!). This is a base4 encoding of a zip file, this zip file contains
# an entire copy of pip.
reading is believing
oh, I didn't know I was supposed to do that
I think it's done
but I'm not sure
so, that's all there is to it?
it ran inside eclipse, and says it's all done
but for some odd reason, the double pend. program still won't work
you still have to install the packages. you just installed the package manager
in your favorite terminal, run pip install scipy matplotlib
I'd hate to ask but... what do you mean "terminal"?
console, command line, whatchamacallit
where python is usually worked with
I can use python consule?
i dont know
or you mean the IDE?
you can try
well, the python "shell"
no i usually mean console, but youre a windows user, so meh
just try it all. whatever works
oh, I think I understand
it doesn't seem to like me
eclipse is so confusing
do you know what "Virtual Python Environment builder" is?
what is a virtual environment?
i dont know. probably specific to whatever uses it
I'm just gonna wing it, I'm super confused
I'm used to being confused, but when it comes to computer stuff...
so @Astrum
are you addicted to 2048 yet
what is this now?
the ultimate game
I'm playing it now
I can see how this could become addicting
what are the rules for creating the new 2 block?>
there are none. it creates one new block for every move you make
you get blocks with values of 2 or 4. i dont know what their distribution is though
2's seem slightly more common
oh i had misread your question. but i've kinda answered it anyway
'I imagine math post docs play games like this all day long
the game is open source, so you could just look at the code :P
you know a game is nerdy when there's an xkcd about it
that should be a joy, I could also try to read the Iliad and the Odyssey in the original greek.
you don't know what you've done....
var value = Math.random() < 0.9 ? 2 : 4;
@Astrum you get 2's 90% of the time
2048 is bad for your health because you can't resist to press on "try again" ;)
@Takkat truth
Guten Morgen :)
moin auch :D
the ; just is short ofr "remaining percentage"?
hey @Takkat
top score of 2512
I imagine the top score is a depressingly large, uncountable number
@Astrum the (.) ? . : . is the so-called ternary operator
its sematics are (condition) ? if-value : else-value
if-value is used when the condition is true, false-value otherwise
and the top score isnt that large because it's bounded by a) the size of the field and b) the goal of getting a 2048 tile
i was thinking about calculating a lower bound score that you need to be able to reach the 2048 tile...
@NevikRehnel you can continue after getting a 2048 tile!
@Takkat how do you know :p
what happens to it?
@Astrum what happens to what
@NevikRehnel I knwo people who have been there.
the 2048 tile
@Astrum nothing. getting it is the goal of the game
I need to exercise self-control... I have stuff to do now
i dont think you can get much beyond the 2048 tile though, due to the limited space
Bei mir ist das 512 Feld immer das höchste der Gefühle.
i wonder how the size of the field correlates to the maximum tile number
this thing is gonna make me get back into game theory, haha
rubics cube made me obsess over the mathematics of it for like... a week
I'm always depressed over how many interesting things there are to study, yet we have such a limited amount of time
plus, if you don't specialize into one field, you're ^#$@ed in the RL
that's exactly why i want to be an elf (biologically immortal) >.>
that would be fun for the first couple thousand years, but I'm not sure how I stand on eternal existence
you can always die in glorious battle
the concept of existing forever is... unsettling
@Astrum 850.000 hours if all goes well.
they just dont die of old age. they can still be killed
97 years @Takkat ?
that's true
some get older but they are cheating in putting all the fun out of their lifes.
I know I'm not doing my life-span any good by sitting on my ass all day
Imagine you were a smartphone... such a short life!
nobody would want me after a year =(
Noch gestern brandneu, schon heute Sondermüll.
Sondermüll = ?
Biomüll, Restmüll, Sperrmüll, Gelber Sack, Sondermüll ... etc.
@Astrum literally "special waste", in english usually "toxic waste"
alles muss hier fein säuberlich getrennt werden = Mülltrennung.
anything that's not part of the other categories, most of which Takkat just mentioned
Bie mir gibt es zwei Sorten Müll: Stinkemüll und Kein-Stinkemüll :)
since we're talking about German... is there an idiom for "beating the war drums"?
Gefechttrommeln... und nochwas
<-- pacifist
rühren evtl.
<-- zu faul um es nachzuschlagen
but those aren't idioms
dann eben nur "die Trommeln rühren"
but does that imply war?
oder "mit Trommeln inS Gefecht"
@Astrum ja, das impliziert Krieg...
ok, thanks, that should do
if Russia is kicked out of the G8, we'll have two G7s, lol
they will be kicked in again.
I'm not so sure
I think that the US is pretty sick of them. I know that big business really runs the country, but public opinion still has some worth to it, and I can tell you this is one of the few bits of international news people here have actually been paying attention to
@Astrum mein halbes Leben habe ich im "Kalten Krieg" verbracht... nichts, was mich noch schocken könnte. ;)
doesn't mean that it's good to go back to that political environment though....
well, time to read Im Westen nichts Neues
@Astrum natürlich nicht, aber man kann gewisse Entwicklungen besser verstehen.
so, what do you think is gonna happen?
wenn ich eine Kristallkugel hätte... keine Ahnung.
maybe when Putin dies, things will be better for Russia
you should take him out @Takkat
nun ja, in der Geschichte wurde es noch nie besser, wenn Leute sterben. Niemand ist unersetzlich.
Moin :)
Moin @OregonGhost :)
Zur Quantentheorie kontinuierlicher Spektren - why is it written this way? what does the "zu" here really mean
Im Titel kann man das so machen: "Zu ...(Thema)" --> "On ..."
it's short for: "Eine Untersuchung/Abhandlung/Arbeit zu..."
so why is it Vom Krieg and not Zum Krieg?
Na ja, eine Erzählung handelt von...
eine Beobachtung hieße vielleicht dann "Über den Krieg..."
^^note the subjunctive usage by me (this is really rare) ;)
I'm not sure I follow
nothing struck me as weird about your sentence
Subjunctive mood is not made for lazy people like me.
Äße ich mehr, sähe ich fülliger aus --> Würde ich mehr essen, wäre ich dicker.
---> Ich esse zu viel.
---> Boah, bin ich fett geworden!
Das mit dem "vom Krieg" ist uralt: "De bello gallico" :)
<-- had just had breakfast
<-- just coffee.
Hier liegen übrigens Ärsche mit Ohren rum.
Die kenn ich ja noch gar nicht!
Sind die wirklich "besonders lecker", oder schmecken die wie die Frösche, etc...?
Nachdem meine Tochter unbedingt Original "Jelly Belly" Jelly Beans haben wollte, stelle ich fest, das bei Haribo eindeutig an Aromastoffen gespart wird.
Der Arsch ist dicker, weicher Schaumzucker, die Ohren sind so ähnlich wie die Frösche.
Ja, Jelly Belly ist ja auch toll. Und arschteuer.
Im letzten Urlaub sind wir an der Fabrik vorbeigefahren, leider stand es 2:2 bei der Abstimmung, ob wir da einen Abstecher machen :(
Popoteuer sozusagen... und kaum zu bekommen. Und sie sollen Kinder "unruhig und unaufmerksam" machen...
50 verschiedene Sorten, nicht alle lecker.
Wobei es da ja nicht nur um lecker geht, sondern auch um den Spaß, herauszufinden, was genau man gerade hatte ;)
Halt wie Bertie Botts Bohnen jeder Geschmacksrichtung ^^
Ich hatte eine Honigmelone erwischt und hatte den Geschmack noch Stunden in der Nase.
Sei froh, dass es nicht Wasabi oder so war, was dir stundenlang in der Nase hing ;)
Ach so, was man übrigens auf dem Bild nicht sieht. Die Hinterteile sind auch ziemlich groß. Also größer als das meiste sonstige von Haribo ;)
Ein ganzer Mund voll HARIBO - so soll es sein!
can fließend also be used as an adverb? It's only listed as an adj on wiktionary
Da man auch fließend Deutsch sprechen kann, glaube ich das schon, ja...
@OregonGhost thanks
understanding non-natives speaking German is waaaaay harder than understanding natives
lol - das erinnert mich an einen englischsprachigen Kongress auf dem ein Japaner einen Vortrag hielt...
...erst gegen Ende des Vortrags war klar, dass er den Vortrag auf Englisch hielt: "Takku match four ettantian".
Thank you very much for your attention
oh, the Chinese accent is the best
"Herro, my name is Herman Ree, I'm serring pirrows"
l = r
Hinschen Fleisch!
Gaack Gaack?
Wau Wau!
tired, goin' to bed
see ya later @Takkat @OregonGhost
Gute Nacht @Astrum
8 hours later…
@Em1 !!! Na endlich bist du wieder da - WB :)
@Takkat das ging wohl in die Hose...
Ich will euch heiraten
aber wieso das denn nun wieder??
btw, nice profile pic...
Lol danke
wir beide haben schwarze Labradore auf dem Profilbild ;)
when you say "im großen und ganzen" should it be "großen" or "Großen"?
@Alizter it is im Großen und Ganzen
@Vogel612 haha just nnoticed you do too that's cool

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