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@Pureferret It's generally pretty quiet in here on the weekends.
@Rainbolt because everyone's it playing wild boardgames?
@Pureferret I can't speak for everyone, but I'm usually playing Magic: the Gathering or video games.
Lately it's been Cities: Skylines
@Rainbolt I hear that's a good game
@Pureferret I'm enjoying it. But I also enjoyed SimCity2013, despite the many complaints it had. Here's a comparison of the two: imgur.com/2LxwXm7
1 hour later…
I'm here, now
Expanding on what Rainbolt said, this room is quiet almost all the time, with bursts of activity here and there
2 hours later…
I was going someone could have answered my question by now
@Pureferret Unfortunately, questions about less-popular games take longer to get answered
I personally don't really know anything about Warhammer Fantasy, but I suspect that if you get a rule book, the answer is either "The rule say yes (or no)" or "It's your house, you can do whatever you want"
Or, possibly, both
2 hours later…
@murgatroid99 Whoah I have to ask you about the comp rule link changes you are making
When I link to comp rules, I link to the version as written at the time of posting
@Rainbolt I thought it was better to link to the correct version
That would allow the link to remain up to date but the content of the post to grow old
@Rainbolt And that's worse than having both the content and the link be out of date?
Depends on who you ask. One way is more consistent, and the other way is at least up to date if you click on the link and find the rule
I'd prefer them to either both be broken or both be right
But I have another idea that would allow you to make your change without affecting the consistency
Alter the wording so that it doesn't imply that this quote came from that link
Can you give one example where I changed the link, but the rule is out of date or incorrect?
So, now we have correct rule quotes and correct rule links, instead of correct quotes and incorrect links
Sounds good to me
Except that the wording implies that the quote came from that link
And that may not always be the case
The moment the rule changes, the link now points to something totally different
@Rainbolt If you go to the link, and the text is there, what's wrong with that?
@Rainbolt The rulebook that people were linking to was also getting updated continuously, until the middle of last year
It's not like people were linking to a specific dated archive. They were linking to archive.wizards.com/Magic/tcg/article.aspx?x=magic/rules
The rulebook I link to has the date in the URL
And it changes every few months to a new url
OK, I honestly don't see why it's better to have a reference be old and potentially incorrect than recent and correct, but I won't change any more specifically dated links in your posts
Well, then you haven't been paying attention to what I said, and you can continue changing all of the posts except for mine.
I did specifically point out the benefit of consistency (both wrong or both right). I don't suppose that counts in your book.
OK, I'll be more specific. I understand why you think consistency is valuable. I don't understand why you think it's more valuable than correctness.
Like I said: it's a trade off
I said I'd stop changing your versioned links. But in general, it's hard to tell whether someone linked to a specific version because they wanted that specific version, or because those are the only links available (for the PDF, for example)
However, after this conversation, I'll err on the side of intent, and not change those links
I was about to suggest a third version before you ask me to provide proof by example
@Rainbolt "asking for proof by example" is a mischaracterization. I wanted to know if any of my edits had actually created inconsistencies, instead of just hypothetically doing so
It seems to me that the point of the quote is to avoid the need to open the CR at all. If the link is unnecessary, just remove it. If the link is necessary, then it must serve a purpose. Separate that purpose from the actual quote, and determine whether a new link or an old link is intended.
That's nice in theory, but I'm not sure how I would actually characterize the "purpose" of the link in any of the posts I edited
[link] - Rule that came from a totally different link is just about the only way I wouldn't want to do it
If the rule hasn't changed since the answer was posted, then the quotation does come from that link.
That's why I protect my answers with links to specific versions. Because of that big "If the rule hasn't changed"
I already said that I would stop editing versioned links. What else do you want me to say?
@murgatroid99 I don't understand where the attitude came from. I don't want anything from you. I'm simply discussing the best way to handle links to the comp rules because I'm not satisfied that we've entertained all of the possibilities. If you want to stop speaking, please do.
OK, sorry. This conversation started with you criticizing my edits. I didn't realize we'd shifted away from that

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